Boomer Hate Thread

Post your best and angriest about the biggest pricks to have ever existed upon this planet.

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Which boomers are worse, the ones who fucked us our demographics or the ones who didn't do anything about the boomers who were fucking up demographics




>literally every god damn mouth-breathing boomer ever
honest question: were boomers poisoned to be so retarded?


I want social security to be around because my parents were actually good and I don't want to pay for their retirement. They spent lots of money on me over the years and shielded me from almost every modern problem.


>God's chosen people
>Does not read the Bible to know it warns against Ursury which were ironically Jews that tried to give you items and make you pay on interest.

These Boomers lived their whole lives not having to think anything through.

checked and these fucking posts just remind me of why i permaquit social media
only literal-retards post on social media... it just fucking baffles/triggers me so fucking hard that people (A D U L T S) are so stupid they can't even form a coherent sentence.

is anyone else just waiting until they're 60 and most of these retarded boomers are dead, before you start enjoying life?

Holy fug, lost. Why do you do this to me, Sup Forums? I used to be so carefree.

>communist fascist nazi
Why are boomers so goddamn dumb? Why do they just throw these terms around? Do they not read philosophy or do they just listen to fox, cnn and msnbc all day?

boomer in chief

>permaquit social media
You're missing out on the entertainment



They'll outlive us.


>they just listen to fox, cnn and msnbc all day
Every god damn time I talk to one of my parents they drop the latest MSM talking points on me. EVERY FUCKING TIME I GO UPSTAIRS REEEEE


No I agree. Boomers are really not that bright overall. They pretty much are the definition of the fat American meme that knows nothing of which they speak. They will support literally anything a president does as long as their side wins. Without understanding the problem with the Jews running the show.

I can not wait for Boomers to go in 15 years. So we can finally change the landscape for the better.




I will have to wait until Gen Z takes things over. Millennials are collectivist and want to force me to live for society and Boomers are draconian and want to pass laws and rules that fuck people over just because of a moral panic. I'm a Millennial individualist. I see the problems my generation does but their solutions suck so I have no choice but to only be for myself.

>so i'm getting a chunk of cash back in a bullshit lawsuit
>i need to make money *snorts up a bunch of pills* so i don't have to work *snorrrrttt*
>how can i make a bunch of money without having to work?
>fox news told me that was dumb. should i do it?
>"do your own research. i don't know shit about it de su"
>okay i will (he won't)
>have you heard about this net neurality?
>"net neutrality? yea"
>fox news told me it will help stop terrorists from having a place to meet! IT'S COMPLETELEY UNREGULATED!!!! WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THAT?
i wish i were joking.
if i disagree with him, he absolutely melts down like a toddler until i agree with him.

now i know what all the women in my past must have felt like.

The best part is they're going to bankrupt us with their social security and end of life care. Did anyone else here used to browse through boomer pages on Facebook? Just to see them in their natural habitat.


All these so called Christians obsessed with isreal read the Scofield Bible.

Millennials will wake up the hard way. Boomers never will and do not have any thinking or critical thinking skills. I am also one and I can see things changing. Millennials will probably want to do what is popular and will actually be able to think rather than be uneducated and prideful like these Boomers are.

>old people facebook
get this shit away from me i'm going to fucking vomit

But when they are "educated" they want to ban things for people's own good. They think everyone is ignorant and want things to be regulated too much.

>I'm different from all those other girls hehe

>Did anyone else here used to browse through boomer pages on Facebook? Just to see them in their natural habitat.
tripdub speaks literal-truth
any time i tried to watch them in their habitat i would actually get physically nauseous

Sure they are a bit but the problem is no one has explained to them why this is a bad thing. If they watch videos or explanations it will shift the demographics. It's not that they are inherently dumb it's that they have been given one sided info on things.

Whatever. Yeah I must forced to be conform in beliefs just because of a stupid meme.

I support gassing the boomers along with the Jews when the time comes. They literally let the kikes take over every industry and fuck everything up. I hope you guys don't like your parents too much. They need pay the price

oye, mano, dame SALSA!!!

I think there is hope for some but not most. I think most people are inherently dumb to be fair. It's why I hate the concept of pure Democracy. It's what got Hitler elected.

My dad would be considered a boomer but he really did work hard for his $56/h job. He was in the Navy and became a Homer Simpson essentially, except with actual intelligence. He sleeps, watches TV etc while only doing 20 minutes of actual work as a boiler/chiller plant operating engineer for the local college. Works by himself. I was disqualified from the military, though. Rotated sacrum. Feels bad, man.

where TF is this? Some part of LA?

I like my parents and will defend them over some idiot stranger. They did more for me than my peers. Why should I side with my peers over my parents? No I'm not siding with my parents peers either because they did nothing for me. I only side with people who have something to offer me.

>It's what got Hitler elected
Seems you're "inherently dumb" too. Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor by the president. Not elected.

I fucking love Boatsinker.

yea it is LA

The Nazi party was elected. The point still stands.

Good job carrying on the boomer mentality, one more generation!

Remember lads, at the very root the boomer mentality is atomized individualism, that is, not caring about anything but your own comfort or thinking beyond your own lifespan.

I don't have to think a certain way just because I was forced to be born in this time. Really? What have my peers done for me that was more than my parents? My parents protected me from almost every modern problem and this is why I love them so much. They protected me from this so much I can't even relate to much of the modern struggles today and I thank them for this. I see my peers and their parents as scum on the other hand. It's not atomized individualism if you care about those who are good for you.


These are the same people who blindly supported the Iraq War based on dusty ass aluminum tubes, and believe that Israelis are God chosen people because the bible tells them so.

because the Germans understood that democracy was the foolish idea which had let in the jewish communists that were subverting Germany.

It absolutely is. It's funny that you rand types call any form of collectivism parasitism but your approach to human interaction is literally just that.

I don't like society so I don't care about that. Why should I side with my peers who rejected me over my parents who protected me from almost every modern problem? Is there any logical reason? I don't think so. It's called logic. I don't side with my peers parents either because they were the ones creating the school policies.

At least acknowledge that your boomer parents were part of the worst generation in human history. You can still love them and recognize that at the same time. The boomers let the demonic kikes run wild and destroy everything that made this country great.

Does anyone else notice that boomers lose all control when they don't get to listen to the news?
>mother comes over to my house
>she tells me to turn on the news
>tell her I hate listening to it and I don't want it on
>she starts having a panic attack and starts saying "i need to know what is going on the world"
>tell her nothing is happening and to shut up
>for the next hour she kept asking to turn it on
>eventually she started begging me to turn it on for just 10 minutes because "i really need to see hannity"
is this normal behavior for boomers?

>the nazi party getting elected was a bad thing
And here I thought the reddit invasion was just a meme

Boomers allowed Jewish feminism to take over the country

"You must live within your means; you make more than four times as much an hour as I did when i was a teenager!"
-when i asked my Boss (a joomer) for a cash advance
Inflation is so fucking outrageous that I actually make less per hour than this guy did in the 70's.
I know so many other people are feeling this frustration. Something has got to give.
What the

it doesnt get much worse

Ugh, I hate talking politics with my mom for this reason. She basically just repeats whatever stupid narrative is currently going through the various political groups on Facebook she keeps up with. And I already know all about it because this place is so much better for keeping up with developments. I've learned to just shut up, nod my head, and say "yes." I don't think she really wants to know what the hell she's talking about anyway.

This whole thread is just zionist class warfare meming

7. In our day the power which has replaced that of the rulers who were liberal is the
power of Gold. Time was when Faith ruled. The idea of freedom is impossible of
realization because no one knows how to use it with moderation. It is enough to hand
over a people to self
government for a certain length of time for that people to be
turned into a disorganized mob. From that moment on we get internecine strife which
soon develops into battles between classes, in the midst of which States burn down
and their importance is reduced to that of a heap of ashes.

My parents protected me from most of the problems other Boomers caused though.

boomer spotted

go back to /ptg/ or something

Kike spotted

I have a decent boomer story.

My father grew up poor and remained that way until the last year or so (mid 50s, so late-boomer). He missed the real estate boom, never bought property, never held a job for more than a year, spent all his spare money on beer. Now he finally has an okay job doing basic IT work for a government agency.

For the last 3 years, my girlfriend and I have been working very hard to free ourselves from wage slavery. She worked a 9-5 while I worked on projects that would net us a big payday. It worked well, and after a few decent payoffs, I landed the big one that would give us financial security for the next 2-3 years while I continue to build up my project and bring in more money.

I had a phone call with my father the other day. The day before, I had done some calculations and figured out we have about 2.5 years of freedom (assuming we don't make another dime independently) until we have to go back to wage slavery. On the call, I made the mistake of telling my father that. I didn't mention how much we had, just that our startup had a good amount of self-funded runway and we should be able to last 2 or so years.

2 days later, I get an email. He has found some land in his state that he wants to buy worth $50k (literally in the middle of nowhere), on which he wants to build a hut. He asks me for the deposit ($10k) so he can use his "spare money" to build his house. I am fucking LIVID over this. He has no legacy WHATSOEVER to pass on to me or his grandchildren, we were on benefits my entire childhood and now he's asking me for TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS of my startup money so he can live some retarded dream off in the middle of nowhere.

It would be utterly stupid of me to help him, because if he suddenly can't pay the mortgage, I wonder who he will ask for more money. The eternal boomer, taking from the next generation so they can live out stupid fantasies.

Fuck Boomers.

my folks are just the same. While my Dad is very right wing, he still subscribes to the lets-fellate-israel meme typical of neo-cons.
The mom was actually a Hilldog supporter *shudder*
No matter what facts I present, i get the same talking points that fucking rush limbaugh or don lemon hypnotize their audiences with.
glad they are divorced, but i believe many booms are just like them: they can't and do not want to face the truth.
The bullshit news they hear keeps them well within their comfort zones, just as intended.

My parents went out of the way to give me everything. I was taken everywhere and protected from almost all the problems other Boomers caused. Now my generation wants to force me to live for "society" to fix the problems their parents created. Nope. Not doing that. Fuck my peers and fuck their parents.

Self interest


You are letting greed and kikery influence your relationship with your father. Your inheritance is your goddamn chance at life and you should have more respect for your father. You sound like an ungrateful shit.

Nobody cares, stop responding to random people. I feel like you're just making shit up at this point.

Boomers are retarded.

But I don't like society therefore don't care about it.

YES! Good Goy!

I'm not. My peers are conformist assholes and their parents are oblivious idiots. I'm absolutely correct.

>Hey son thanks for the loan but I can't afford to pay off the rest of my mortgage guess you'll just have to pay it off :p

this girl is really cute desu

I didn't create the economic collapse. I didn't start the war in Iraq. I didn't create the divorce rates. I don't have any responsibility to pay for it because I didn't personally do it. I didn't do it, I'm not to blame, not my responsibility.

You're absolutely autistic

"Then will the hour strike when not for the sake of attaining the good, not even to win wealth, but solely out of hatred toward the privileged, the lower classes of the goyim will follow our lead against our rivals for power, the intellectuals of the goyim"

Protocols of Zion newfags

she is a fucking dirty shitskin you mean

Then will the hour strike when not for the sake of attaining the good, not even to win wealth, but solely out of hatred toward the privileged, the lower classes of the goyim will follow our lead against our rivals for power, the intellectuals of the goyim

How am I wrong? Wait. I have to magically side with my peers just because my parents decided to have unprotected sex a certain year. In no way can I criticize GASP both.

Did she have a stroke while writing this? What the fuck is she even going on about?

Then, not for the sake of good, not even for the sake of riches, but only owing to the privileged class hatred towards the lower classes of the GOYS will follow us against the intellectual Goys, our competitors to power

How much should I give him so he can live out his fantasy? $10k? The whole $50k? At one point do I stop thinking about the past and start thinking about the future?

I have no intention to let my father grow old and rot, but neither do I have any intention of financing his stupid dreams. If I was a millionaire, different story, but that is far from reality.

I only dislike it 'cause of the boomers and niggers. Most boomers will die when pensions are taken away and we'll vote to lynch all niggers after that. The only reason the republicans are cucked is the pandering to these egaliterian boomers who LUB JEBUS


Did you not read the post? His loser father didn't leave him any inheritance. kys

Hey pol honeys, woman here (i know, I know). How does pol feel about the rape of women/girls? Also post tor handbooks k tx

how new are you faggot?

What do your parents say about racial issues?

He's right though. His campaign was full of new ideas. His presidency has been boomer pandering and boomer policies.

Boomers only understand mass media. They grew up with 3 tv stations and a couple of newspapers as their entire media diet.

I don't blame boomers. they grew up when lead was still in gasoline--which has a proven effect on IQ scores in developing children. that's why they're slow-minded and prone to getting frustrated and angry more easily than younger generations.