Dragon Ball Super

Place your bets, will beerus punish Goku after this is all over?

Maybe a mind wipe and remove god ki?

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Why did the last topic get deleted?

No clue, I didn't do it.

Nah, EoZ is just non canon

This guy was first

That thread is shit, Dragon ball is not mentioned once.

That's a shitty OP

>will beerus punish Goku after this is all over?
Nah, just more of the same shit. "Thats My Goku!"

Because you fags keep making essentially general threads.

Because of the picture you used the OP. And because DB threads in general are cancer.

Squeal like a pig, boi.

>Gohan wins
>2:0 so Gokus match cancelled
>Goko complains to Zeno and gets erased on the spot

>They actually give him country bumpkin voice in the dub

>Universe's 10 angel has the haircut of death.

Well, at least now I know one with the universes that will be erased

>it's a Gohan gets raped by hillbilly wolves episode

>Goku complains
>Zeno agrees to make the last match ALL-OR-NOTHING
>Everyone is super pissed at Goku
>"lol haha now I get to fight too! yosh!"

Bardock wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed in the OVA either.

>Couldn't remember his son was born yesterday

He was having visions from the future he didn't know what was yesterday, today or tomorrow at that point.

That was before he got psychic powers. Toma asked him when his son was born to demonstrate what a meathead he was

super is a disgrace

someone put this franchise out of its misery already

even dbm is better

Are people really this big into being animation snobs super is fucking better than z at this point and thank God we don't have to sit through 30 min of the same punch kick combo loop followed by another 30 min of powering up

>toei fags will defend God Goku having scratches from a bullet where Kid Goku didn't have a single scratch from 100+ bullets from a fully automatic and high power rifle

Hi Salagir

Forgot image

Remember the time when Goku and Frieza were buddies together?

You know, for as awesome as the fights should be in Dragon Ball with 400lbs of muscle flying thru the air beating the shit out of each other and flying into mountains at light speed, you'd think the animation would be stellar. But it's mediocre trash. So is most of Z.

Yet something like One Punch Man has amazing animation. Why is that? Could Toei seriously not afford to hire good artists?

I'm pretty sure that was to indicate that he didn't care, not that he wasn't smart. Remember, he WAS a scientist after all.

>Yet something like One Punch Man has amazing animation
But it's mediocre trash

Beerus will be dead when this is all over.

Here's your (You)

I expected this and I was not disappointed. Gud episode.

nah, goku will win everything and wish for all the other universes back.

It's because OPM is only 12 episodes so more money and time for each individual episode.
Time was the biggest issue for DBS animation problems.


Resurrection of Vegeta when?

It's been 30 years or more since the Saiyans were wiped out. I wonder if they even could be wished back? They might have been reborn by now.

that is shit, i wonder how many people got motion sickness watching this gyroscoped garbage.

Goku is balls deep in Zeno. Beerus isn't touching him at all.

Why do retards think this or want this to happen?
100+episodes of more dragon ball just to hit the reset button and make an episode of dbz canon

Nah, nobody's defending that shit

No Beerus will go back to sleep. Goku will be tasked to find another God of Destruction to carry out Beerus's duty since Goku caused him to sleep early.

That's when Goku picks up Uub and takes him for training

>One punch man
12 episode first season
Infinite time to work on season 2
Pushing it weekly and having to make filler episodes because of how far ahead of the manga they are

Gohan will be the strongest DBS fighter in the end, just like DBZ.

Yes that was stupid

>this is allowed

Im gonna be a powerlevel fag but why do people say ssj2 vegeta is stronger than ssj3 goku?
This would require vegeta to be atleast 4x stronger than goku and I really don't think goku would allow that to happen
are you basing it off that stupid rage boost he had vs beerus? because he'd never be able to sustain that kind of strength in combat

i wanna see this bad boy again


toei hates Gohan with a passion, making him shorter and cutting off the hair strand that makes him look cooler

So all the other universes besides 11 and 7 are just there to job, right?

gohan's match will end in a draw.

perfectly appeasing gohanfags, making him get more serious about training, and leaving drama and suspense for goku's fight.

These are your angels tonight.

(Dotted line)

WHOA !!!


Naah. Goku in SSJ3 is way stronger, STILL... Vegeta occasionally showed some notable and temporary power up, but never kept. Even against BU he had a good fight, everything considered. But SSJ3 remains an awkward transformation for its energy consumption

Apparently OPM hired a lot of artist who excel in sakuga off of the internet and just gave them free reign to go as crazy as they want with the animation. Compared to something animated by toei which 80% of the time is made to be cost effective and be popped out regularly.

>Leave Mario to me!

Man, I love this little shit.


These generals are a big source of happiness for me. Thank you anons

no problem user

>will beerus punish one of the very few people Zen-chan likes after this is all over?
I think it is fair to say Goku is second to the grand priest on Zeno's favorite list and hell he might be first since we see the high priest and zen chan interact very little.

Guys I have to say, this episode was quite pleasing to watch.
The choreography wasn't really there, but it was a half-fluff Buu fight designed to make Buu look like a beast. The actual quality was great and the new style is more cartoony with thicker lines and more vibrant colours making for some great shots.
There was one shot in particular of Sidra that I actually paused on for being so great.
I'm prepared to disregard the abortion it has been thus far and start anew at the US Arc if this keeps up.

I wish Shin would hug me

Yiff in hell

You're a lewd dude

What a strange bird!

Super should use Tiencha.

Nah. If Tenshinhan is going to fuse with a weakling, Chiaohan is much cooler.

Kind of fits since both of them can only beam spam or focus on beams


Buu is a beast though.

Kid Buu is in of the most dangerous enemies shown so far and you need to be at that level to even put Buu down.

Also how strong is the Supreme Kai?

Stronger than base frieza but weaker than perfect cell?

Perfect cell was basically Ssj2 level and during buu saga Vegeta and Goku finally caught up to Gohans old power but Supreme Kai seems weaker than the saiyans during buu

So if Lorax is stronger than Ayy Lmao, and Goku's big fight is gonna be against Ayy, then who's gonna fight Lorax?

I've got a dragonball itch and haven't played either of the Xenoverse games. Should I get Xenoverse 1 because it's cheaper or is 2 better enough to get it over 1?

i remember

He's gonna fuck them all.

Opinions on Kanzenshuu?



Just like Sup Forums threads but with mods.

Who are these new animators in super and why does everything look so cheap and ass? They kept replaying this cringy ass animation over and over again not to mention they straight up copied some of buu vs shin stuff and managed to redraw it worse. These filipino animators are really pissing me the fuck off




Blame japan for giving filipinos such a shitty pay

I got the feeling that the Grand Priest is plotting something. For now he's directing everyone's attention at Goku and the tournament.

He will show them how to fuck Lorax's mom.

>no fusions allowed

Would b cool though

>Expecting quality from labour work
Fucking liberals think every country is filthy rich

>that braid hanging down over her shoulder


are u sure they arent allowed? i think zeno dont give a fuck about rules

They are the spics of asia what did you expect ?

Top fucking KEK

They're essentially sweatshop workers, of course it will look like ass.



What is this face trying to convey?

Goku fucking that Angel when?

>that fucked up perspective

Just because Lorax is the leader and chosen by the GoD doesn't mean he's the strongest one. Maybe the alien will gain some power up for some reason or has been hiding his true power. world of cardboard and such.

Gohan should go back to his blue gi