
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

>It's the most wonderful time in 8 years
>Joe is Joe Christmas Songs pastebin.com/0znNg4MM

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump arrives @WH &makes comments 12/17/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #43 12/16/17
>Pres Trump departs WH for Camp David 12/16/17
>Pres Trump returns to WH w/new hat 12/15/17
>Pres Trump visiting Marine Heli Squad One 12/15/17
>Pres Trump/Chief Kelly/AG Sessions/FBI Wray @FBI Natl Grad Ceremony 12/15/17
>Pres Trump departs WH on MarineOne 12/15/17
>Pres Trump statement before leaving WH 12/15/17
>AG Sessions Press Conf on Crime & shillary 12/15/17
>SoS T-Rex presser @UNSC 12/15/17
>SoS T-Rex tells NoKo Rep to go fuck himself 12/15/17
>SoS T-Rex @UNSC on NoKo 12/15/17
>SoS T-Rex meeting russian counterpart @UN 12/15/17
>This Week @State 12/15/17
>Pres Trump talks about deregulation 12/14/17
>US/MEX Strat Diag on Transnational Crime (AG Sessions/DHS Sec Nielsen) 12/14/17
>SoS T-Rex hosts US/MEX Strategic Dialogue 12/14/17

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:



See you space cowboy

I need it.



No, you don’t need it.

i think ill take my bike today... looks like everyone is taking their bikes today!

canned bread! they actually have it.

you wouldnt think they'd hav- AN INTERPRETIVE DANCE ACADEMY?????

Aussie baker, you're up next for baking. I need to hit the hay.

>Arizona is gonna replace their Senators with Women
i don't know how i should feel about this

>this shows up in front of your house
What you gonna do?
Also, MAGA.

You people understand that if Ds retake power it is game over for the US...? And they are currently looking to do so..

Why are you not terrified?

>mfw Ajti Pai had bots pretend to comment as Obama against NN

Is he /our poo/?


*keeps living*

This looks incredibly appropriate and I can't place my finger on why. It just looks so right.

I got it.

Seeyaround, nn

daily reminder that America is 50% white and falling, and that white people will never have power in America ever again. America is the home of gay marriage, hip hop, LGBT "rights", and consumer culture. There's no reason to feel pride in this absolute landfill of a country.

Pence is the greatest decision Trump has made yet far

Yes you do.

There's a tranny in the US that is spreading lies about me, claimed I was a serial rapist and has effectively ruined my career. And people side with her because she's a tranny and has a new illness every other day.
What can I do?

Does it have a Y chromosome? This is an important factor.

fuck off, anime losers.

You're the best, thank you.

>in Japanese order his name is pajeet
This simulation tho

There’s only one thing you can do.
See: pic

Grab a lawyer and get ready to rumble.

seriously, just wtf did he mean by this?


>He does tons of productive stuff like the largest healthcare fraud busts in history and how hard he is tackling the opium crisis. He's done a great job there.

Sessions only does strategically irrelevant makework shit that doesn't do anything to advance our interests; he busts potheads too do you consider that vital to the success of our attempt at regime change? Do you? Does taking out the only non-Jew in the opium biz to get easily satisfied morons you to say something about it really count as action? What about the rest of them, motherfucker? They've committed GENOCIDE according to objective study of the phenomenon. Why not fucking charge them with it? He has never done "a great job". He does a superficial job. It's why Rosenstein is a freewheeling kike letting Mueller do whatever the fuck he wants. It's why nothing is being done about the endless fucking leaks from his investigation; it's why nothing is being done to stop corruption in the FBI, CIA, and every other intel/law enforcement agency. Fucking Christ are you people disgusting apologists.

I spy a blackpilling faggot. You know you could always kill yourself?

gn korbo

send it to Roy Moore as a Christmas present

“Whites constitute the majority of the U.S. population, with a total of about 245,532,000 or 77.7% of the population as of 2013. Non-Hispanic whites make up 62.6% of the country's population. Despite major changes due to immigration since the 1960s, and the higher birth-rates of nonwhites, the overall current majority of American citizens are still white, and English-speaking, though regional differences exist.”


Trump is a jew


Idiots and shills. Everyone with a brain knows America is doomed, and that the MAGA movement has failed drastically, to no fault of Trump's. Sadly, he was too good for all of us. We were simply too stupid, ignorant, lazy, and cowardly to accomplish anything. He'll do his best, and then lose in 2020, and then America will continue the steady decline to Brazildom. I don't know how I can bear to see it happen, but there's nothing I can do to change the course of history.

You guys watch My Classic Car? It's like mainlining Americana.


yes, he was here in the last thread


When it finally dawns on you what they've been putting together your mind is going to explode

Glompf is the ZOGiest President in American and world history.

A-user, I...

Go fuck yourself drongo.

Most of those white are baby boomers, who basically don't count as white. They'll continue voting to destroy this home from the safety of their social-security-homes while the rest of us bleed.

The only hope we have is if Trump somehow managed to repeal birthright citizenship, and then deport all the people who gained citizenship that way, and their ancestors. This is obviously never going to happen, so we're doomed. This is not our country anymore.

What’s new that was added to the tax bill?

go fuck yourself in the boypussy you stupid boypussy

Why are you so glum all the time Finland? It can't be all politically related

The hot heads at langley are invincible.
Their power goes unchecked, their weapons exceed our own, and their appetite for power knows only the bounds of its own anonymity.
They’re a beast we can only hope Trump addresses.

Lawyers are expensive though. I called the cops on her but they just said that they can't do shit since it's two different jurisdictions and my country doesn't have an extradition treaty with the US so I can't bring him here.

Trump is a sheep leading an army of lions and nothing will ever come of his Jew-loving soft-handed faggotry by intent and design.

Why do they continue to hate him.
By all accounts things are improving. Some area's stronger than ever even.
Legislation continues to be made and pass.
Peoples taxes are going to go down.

Is it even possible to bring irrational leftists away from hatred and come to logic and reason?

The media does nothing but attack attack attack, it's demoralizing the country, borderline treasonous in some regards.
The vast majority of people are easily brainwashed and wear thin after time.

All it took was a few gays on youtube telling everyone to be angry so they just followed in line like sheep.
I don't see how anyone could call into question Trumps sincerity when it comes to bettering the country.

At this point, people only vote out of revenge and spite. We'll all be left in ruins cause of it eventually.

Because its a place filled with major losers and retards, there is a reason they're 10 feet away from each other in lines.


And thanks to our amazing Constitution and Bill of Rights, he can go buy a gun in like 10 minutes and just blow his brains out. If he lived anywhere else like Canada or the UK he'd have dunk his head in acid or jump off a building or eat a whole bottle of pills. Or however those unfree countries committ suicide. Hell they could probably just go outside and yell "MOHAMMED WAS A FAGGOT" and just get suicide bombed.

He’s Finnish, it’s part of their very essence.

Why shouldn't I be blackpilled when so-called "Trump supporters" are posting anime memes on an Albanian Arthouse forum?

khazar milkers

A third of the country have been driven to insanity by the media and clintons.

Their day of reckoning is coming

>blue NASA jumpsuits
>ayys psyop/leak/reveal

You can't even refute his argument. Blackpillers are the only sane people left. America is doomed to a Marxist future and there's nothing we can do to stop it.

Mercury poisioning

What if I told you
There was a pill even blacker than the blackpill.
What if I told you
There existed a...


>Tired and sleepy
>Will go to vacation for the entire week
Tfw no Joe for me until Friday
Good night.

>Blackpillfags are most likely a seething kikebertfag

Can't I just fly over there and make the cops shut her up?

Can't tell if blackpiller or retard



Then why are you here?

aliens = fallen angels

no such thing as an alien

earth is flat with a physical glass barrier dome over us space does not exist stars if you zoom in on them with a camera are all different they look like disco lights cant really explain it some of them look like triangles some of them have perfect holes in them like cheerios

What's the difference?

No. Trump is president now. The opinions of bitching foreigners no longer has any weight.

wrong, Roy Moore was a faggot. Bannon probably is one too but there's still a non-zero chance he's playing coy.

I just recognize that Trump can't take on the world on his own, and the vast majority of the "alt-right" (who Trump probably dislikes and completely disavows) are worthless morons who will never accomplish anything.

Anyone who's not blackpilled at this point is an idiot or delusional.

Why is this thread here

Did you get lost from r/TD?

nothing to be happy about

>This guy that worked for the deep state for years is secretly a hidden plant by Trump and their teaming up and their totally gonna take out all the bad guys that I don't like

is this seriously what you're claiming? With Zero evidence?


>zoom in on them with a camera

Just filter them. Theyre pissing in an ocean of piss thinking itll make a difference at 5am.



* 11:30AM THE PRESIDENT receives his daily intelligence briefing*

*1:50PM THE PRESIDENT departs the White House en route to the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center*

*2:00PM THE PRESIDENT delivers remarks regarding the Administrations National Security Strategy*

* *"Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center"

*2:30PM THE PRESIDENT departs the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center*

* *"Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center"

" "*3:15PM THE PRESIDENT meets with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson*

He's a secret shitposting cyborg. AJIT PAI is an anagram for PAJIT AI.

What's there to refute? If everything is really that hopeless and you really hate it so bad then you should kill yourselves. The two of you could even touch dicks while you snuff it.
Sane people with functioning brains on the other hand will keep up the good fight and raise children on something other than a diet of soy.




I litterally shot myself in the head. AMA

Just to suffer. Every day I can feel the leg I've lost, the arm I've lost, the comrades I've lost. They're all still hurting. You feel it too, don't you?

*I'M NUCLEEEAAAARRR starts playing in the background*

mommy milkies


He likes Croatians though

guys give up. The Jews won. White people are too stupid. Just drink your tap water watch your netflix and slowly dissolve. The government will take care of you. It's better that way.

its the only way to see them the telescopes are all manipulated with fake pictures in them

Bet you're glad it was only a 9mm now.


>The two of you could even touch dicks while you snuff it.

Maybe if they found love in eachother they wouldn't be so morose

Why did you miss your vitals?

They want all of the power in the world
And will stop at nothing to achieve it

>Sane people with functioning brains on the other hand will keep up the good fight and raise children on something other than a diet of soy.
Says the soy faggot posting anime reaction images with every post while on Sup Forums at 5am doing nothing with his life. You losers aren't fighting the good fight, you're just sitting back and taking the assraping genocide against you with no resistance because all you really care about is shitty memes.

lets go benny



>why are we still here?

You know you can buy some pretty damn powerful telescopes for your own backyard right