This is what americans officially air on "The Learning Channel"

This is what americans officially air on "The Learning Channel"

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What's wrong with having some fun while you learn Hans?

Do you think your brother watches this as well germanfag?

I think it's important to learn how stupid people can be and how there's no limits to it. So you need to be careful, learn from your mistakes, and don't give people the freedom to reach def con 2 levels of stupidity.

Lots of jews in that commercial. Therapist was my favorite. Jazz is fat.

>after fucking up his brain and ruining his body with hormones they try to see if they can make him fuck a girl
That fat potato is an experiment to them

never knew what TLC meant
thanks german guy

>whitest possible black girl is the face of some TLC show
>literally white genocide

Jazz is starting to look like a jacked up Wanda Sykes

Isn't that the boy who was put on hormone blockers from childhood and as a result has a penis that's so tiny, surgeons don't even want to turn it inside out because they fear all the complications that could happen?

It's now( tender loving caring ) you bigot

One of my favorite images of the last year.


I feel bad for Jazz, he was brainwashed from a young age and has been surrounded his whole life by people who encourage this degeneracy. When i look at people like Jazz I see a victim of bad parenting and a victim of social decay. His mother and everyone encouraging this should be shot



O just hope the show is still on for when the creature suicides

'she' will have killed 'herself' by age 21
and the faggotniggers will blame that damned patriaaaarcheee

considering he has a show and everyone in his life is a deluding enabler it may take a while for him to kill himself

I dont watch TV desu.

That kid was brainwashed to mutilate themselves by the age of 5. Disgusting

>that jawline
Shame injecting yourself with a cocktail of hormones can't fix that, ever.

>“Jennings is our pseudonym, to sort of make life easier. We try to hide our real last name as much as possible,” Jeanette says. “Our last name is a very Jewish, long last name."
>"Our last name is a very Jewish, long last name."


When has TLC ever been about learning? For as long as I can remember it's had mostly home improvement reality shows

Thanks to studying at Sup Forums University, I have learnt skills that will help me make it in the real world. For example, I am extremely good at spotting and identifying Jews just by looking at their faces.


>Season 4 preview
how can there actually be four seasons of this
how can there be anything remotely interesting left to see

>(((Jazz Jennings)))
Of course. Remember: always do the opposite of what Jews say.

>tfw this is also me

Glad to see Sup Forums get some screen time.

If I recall correctly, jaw shape is determined by hormones, so he will probably get a more feminine jaw as he continues hormone therapy. Btw the jaw is actually a lot more environmental than you'd think - mouth breathers tend to have longer, narrower jaws.

>how can there be anything remotely interesting left to see
Doctor tells Jazz he has a small benis

>jaw shape is determined by hormones
Interesting, I assume it depends on when the hormone treatment is started? If you see an adult mtf tranny they always have a masculine jawline. It's how you can tell at a glance what you're looking at.

American T.V. is gross. I haven't had cable for a little over 10 years. Is it really that much better in Europe?

I don't get it.


Likes a girl, is she straight now?

Nope. Not at all. Still as much (((approved))) content as in the US.

In the end, her entire family gets punished with a hurricane for supporting her lesbian lifestyle. I don't see the problem.

TLC hasn't been The Learning Channel for nearly 20 years. That's why they officially changed the name to just TLC and started focusing on shit women will watch mindlessly.

Damn shame. I grew up watching the space programs and stuff on The Learning Channel and Discovery.

It's astonishing how this manages to get more and more degenerate with each season.
It started with trannies for god's sake, and then it just got worse.

Nobody expects to learn anything on the learning channel

Yeah, look at jaws on young boys, quite round, similar to a woman's. And yes it's very easy to see that someone's really a man by their jaw, it's one of the most masculine parts of the body, up there with shoulder width and waist size.

>Jennings was born in South Florida to parents Greg and Jeanette ("Jennings" is a pseudonym).[7][8] The family is Jewish

Well shit, Sup Forums was right again.

>Jazz’s memoir doesn’t speak much of her Jewish faith or background, aside from a few mentions of day school and holiday celebrations. In interviews, her mother has said that the family adopted a pseudonymous surname because it was easier – and safer – than using their “very Jewish, long last name.” And yet, in reading Jazz’s book, it seems clear that Jewish values played an important role in the acceptance and warm welcome Jazz has received from her local community. Her friends’ parents, mostly Jewish, are progressive and LGBTQ-friendly, teaching their children to be accepting of differences in others.

TLC stopped being about “Learning” long ago. The followed the MTV model.

jazz is pretty cute

jazz's voice is like nails on a blackboard


pro-tip: TLC actually stands for Tender Loving Care, its a women's channel.

>using a plural pronoun to refer to an individual


fuck him right in the pussy
would you?

>This is what americans officially air on "The Learning Channel"

I don't think this is for adults, Hans. Try again.

Yeh at least it's one of the tribe that is fucked and not a goyim. Let they taste their own medicine

Doctor told him since his benis is 1/2 an inch in circumference and 1 inch long there is not enough material to turn into a frankenpussy. So the best option is to cut out part of the colon and make an assvagina. Jazz goes on to ask how it would smell, the doctor said just like you would think. Like an ass. Also, where it must stay connected to the poopshoot, there will permanently be fecal discharge, but the doctor said that can be a benefit, because unlike real fake vaginas that need over the counter lube for sexual intercourse with comfort (because they cant get wet) the assvagina will use the poop slime as a self lubricant. Suicide when?

Excuse me for a second

No amount of hormones will fix that linebacker body.
>that jawline

>cut out part of the colon and make an assvagina.

How can anyone think this is a good idea.

so this nigger is a tranny but now wants to fuck females and cannot control its eating while attempting to discover a way to turn a hormone deprived micro-penis into a cunt?........ And this is all so brave and admirable. A perfect example for our children to the point it is used to teach them in government tax funded schools........... Get the nukes ready. We need to wipe the slate clean an start over.


my God, is this real?

>the assvagina will use the poop slime as a self lubricant.

Why user, why did you have to tell us that. What is wrong with you.

>Watched 12 seconds
>Lost will to live

Who got further than me?

Jesus fucking Christ.

4 seasons?

who the fuck watches cable TV in the US anymore?

I wonder (((how))) indeed.

fucking hell m8


>Perhaps due to poor ratings from a narrow target audience, TLC began to explore new avenues starting in the late 1990s, deemphasizing educational material in favor of entertainment
>In 1998, the channel began to distance itself from its original name "The Learning Channel", and instead began to advertise itself only as "TLC".
Learning's for fags.

When you're mentally-ill, stupid ideas make sense.

why are they all so fucking ugly

Because they are abominations.

Hans knows whats up. It used to be The Learning Channel, but it hasn't been for at least 15 years. Just like TruTV used to be CourtTV if I remember correctly.

Why not just cut out the middle man, and keep the cute feminine benis, and just take in the ass like a normal tranny? Like, why have an operation to take in the ass when you can just, ya know, take it in the ass?

On an unrelated note, he's pretty cute desu. Would smash.

That story gave me a stiffy

Modern medicine, ladies and gentlemen.

I'd fuck his tight little arsehole so fucking hard his insides will burst from my fat dick rupturing everything and my massive load of spunk fucking up his body fluids.


same. I asked this girl was work where she was from...said a catholic from spain...3 weeks later she said I have a little jewish in me...can't deny the call to the holy land.

Sup Forums is always right.

TLC has been dead for about 20 years now. It was good back in the 90s then it became the freak show channel.

why can't the skin be stretched out like an ear gauge or a lip platter?

Probably something like Rosenburg or some shit.


In the UK taxes go towards this shit. In mainland Europe its the norm.

This. Connections was boss.

he's getting closer to 18, meaning it's only a matter of time before he starts camwhoring and giving up his boipussy

>fridgemode tranny
Absolutely disgusting

Ayo hol up...

hahaha as if "Americans" at large have any say in what the media decide to broadcast.

>if no one watches shows get cancelled

Implying they show stuff with zero audience, if that was the case we'd be on our 3rd Leslie Jones Ghostbusters movie right now.


>these are mentally stable people I keep being told

America is the most sick and degenerate society in world history.

your friendly neighborhood Sup Forumstard doing God's work

I can't wait to watch that boipucci getting slammed once xhe is no longer relevant and starts doing porn

>Implying there won't be a successful suicide attempt made before then

>mentally ill
>fat ass
>micro penis
>or not

What a train wreck this fucking guy is.

Learning Channel

thats what you get when you fight god given nature
nice jews, hope this catch trend with them.

I still don't know what a neovagina is supposed to be.


Trans Loving Channel
thats the correct one

I think it's a dick that's been cut in half, turned inside out, and shoved up inside your pelvis.