Meanwhile on bizarro-Sup Forums

Meanwhile on bizarro-Sup Forums


Just lost my virginity

Feels good after 40 years yeah?

Fake news!
The earth is a square!

the racists at my school just tore down another couple of "it's okay to be black" posters.

Black girls are cute

Bulgaria is Macedonia.

>meanwhile on bizarro pol
Check out this based African American showing his black child how great it is to donate to your favorite Hebrew charity!

There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish

Its so great that the Jews are giving out Christmas gifts again this year! :3

The Trump administration has presented its concerns about the Mueller investigation to a federal court.
Declines Fox News requests to comment on the legal proceedings.

Hitler did everything wrong

Look at these losers getting digits

Why has there been such an influx of refugees to Africa from Europe?

Serbs are white and defendors of the white race and christianity, the whitest most european thing in Europe.

You mean rapefugees amirite? European scum can't help themselves but rape black queens and commit crimes in Africa. Such ungrateful """people""".

I miss Moot


Clinton is a bitch and I bet if Trump got elected we'd be gassing jews and spics right now

I guess the blacks just build more advanced civilizations and the whites just want to go for the perks.

Americans are the most pure white race in the world

The thread said bizzaro world not the real one.
Dumb Albo Nigger

FDR did nothing wrong!

Doesn't count if you have to rinse out your mouth or wipe your ass after.

I'm so tired of White people taking advantage of Jewish naivete.

im fucking white

Post "le 100% face" to back that up you breeder.

Just satisfied my wife with my BWC

> muslims are based and we love them because they hate the jews, and we get all of our opinions of jews from arab barbarians--

oh wait, you said bizarro

I just got another melanoma, I wish I wasn't so white.

I'm telling you ther's proof the Pharaos were whites.

>We were indeed sovereigns.

I just said that. We all love you people, you're all so mature

browner than you Pablo

After experiencing Obama for 8 years, I can't wait for the next black President! Or maybe even a woman one haha!

I'm sorry about my black privilege, y'all.

It has come to my attention you are a femanon. Please go on. You have my undivided attention.

Aren't you tired of winning Pierre? We just win war after war way too easily, it's all so tiresome. I hope Catalonia joins us by next January btw, they're really nice people and so white I can't wait.

I wish there was more diversity. I was noticing how my family hasnt been blown up by a lavender scented pipe bomb of peace yet. Oh well, there's always tomorrow. Im going to go and donate to Media Matters now. Those Shareblue chaps have really made my time on POL my politically correct image board, very enjoyable.

Black + woman = #bestcombo brother. Maybe even queer but let's not get too hungry haha

Go for a black woman just so that we can feel extra righteous

*smells farts*

He wasn't a homosexual

(Christ you fucking scared me, I'm actually named Pierre, basic Frenchfag here)

Hello Shareblue. I see you're doing a good job supporting Donald Trump. Thank you for depositing 2 cents into my account!

Oh me too lol. Mutts had it right about calling us that I guess.

So glad I got singles. I wonder who this unfortunate sap is


Real and straight

>two frogs in thread
>both named Pierre

Stay mad proud descendant of Alexanrvos the Greatevski.

I love all the communist postersy here ,they always bring new talking points and never repeat themselves over and over

Gypsies are the most trustworthy and honorable people that I know.
I'm so glad that Hitler protected them.


Yes yes muh baguette indeed

So what's up with the Swiss terrorism btw ? Any sane person would not follow Buddhism its books are full of hatred and calls to violence. Wish they'd stop their attacks on Syrian citizens.

My country would gladly accept any LGBTQ+ people. Welcome to Chechnya - the world's most tolerant place.

Hillary Clinton was a fantastic choice. She's a strong, amazing, independent woman who would've saved America.

stop with the dairy jew. only drink pure soy


It's not sad this is gonna be bizzaro soon

Hey, I know that guy!

Why cant you damn westerners get along like us Slavs?

Just as good. The mods are clearly good mannered, good moraled Christians who have no ulterior motives behind this whatsoever.

Yes! And Moot was such a great, heterosexual person. I guess he was a bit too old when he created Sup Forums for managing such a website, but oh well. I also support his choice of buying us back from the fascists, he's even more socially conservative than them.

HA! Found the goy

I lovey ou Serbia

Black women are the hottest women in the world and all the sub human white guys want them are always chimping out

The Soros Guy is a true philanthropist

balls aren't touching, newfag

Thats 8/pol/ though

Guys, I just finished my tofu and soybean lunch, and I am feeling PUMPED. My squat is at 90 pounds. Get on my level.

>Unironically calling degenerate race of goatfuckers and child molesters who worship a fatalistic anti-intellectual death god “based”

Oh dear the rabbi know, turn it up

How's life in the white ethnostate, lads? Post your 100% face memes

>le 96%

When will those fucking drunk Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians stop coming to our country for the cheap booze?

The Last Jedi is amazing!
Is Disney /ourcompany/?

Well, after all, the labor theory of value has been proven to be viable for over 100 years.


I sure am looking forward to an Australian getting in here and sharing his valuable viewpoint.

>tfw no gf

It's time we smashed the patriarchy for good, Sup Forumsinas. The men can't be let to run amok and rape our own kind, both literally, and figuratively. We need a communist matriarchy, where we, proud women would rely upon the labour of men and distribute the results equally among us.

jews really are our best allies

>not using a political flag
Nation flag fags really killed this board. They should've never allowed people to use their country's flag.

>Nation flag fags really killed this board. They should've never allowed people to use their country's flag.
Erm, the OP said bizarro

My wife's daughter is approved for HRT!!! She is such a beautiful child who deserves to be who she is!!!

This. Put all men in cages.
They're the niggers of the genders.

>jews really are our best allies
>implying you're not a jew
End your shilling now shabbo, all goyim have to be killed because of their corrupt genes and Germany needs to be freed from the oppression of )))European National Socialist Alliance(((, so we can found Greater Israel in its place.

shalom brother!