Redpill me on how racists US was, i have next calss on Rosa parks and other nig nogs on uni

Redpill me on how racists US was, i have next calss on Rosa parks and other nig nogs on uni.

Drop me some good arguments to redpill my calss

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History grad reporting in, I'll help if the thread's still up when I get home

Nice, hope it's still gona be up

The US is still racist and that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's basically tribalism. Take care of your own, like it were your extended family (which it quite literally is). You'd take care of you family before others right?

Rosa Parks wasn't the first to do this.
There was black woman who refused before, but as she was a single mother (teenage pregnancy out of wedlock) the NAACP decided that she wasn't a good poster girl

does not feel that way with affirmative action ...

I heard that Rosa Parks was a communist or something.
Pretty much any black involved in civil rights protests were as garbage as the SJWs of today being involved in shady activities.
Blacks are very similar to their masters - The Jews.

The fuck is a calss

At the college level, there’s a huge growth of these private colleges, most of which are total scams. They’re not private, they get maybe 80–90 percent of their funding from the federal government through Pell Grants and other things. And they’re very profitable. So during the recession, they stayed extremely profitable. All the corporate profits went down, but their stock stayed high.

They have a huge drop-out rate, enormous. Corinthian Colleges, one of the biggest for-profits, just had a big scandal. They made promises that they’d recruit deprived populations. So they’ll heavily recruit in, say, black areas, with all kind of inducements to what you can become if you take on a huge debt and go here. Kids end up with an enormous debt and very few of them even graduate. It’s just a major scam. And meanwhile, the community colleges, which can serve these communities, they’re being cut back.

Also: darker skin, nappy hair

Rosa Parks was a trained communist agitator, and so was MLK

Rosa Parks was the first false flag into making civil rights an issue

History of american culture.

Sucking indians duck and what not, I reee in every class

Rosa Parks was actually a massive lying bitch who stole the idea for her "protest".

A young 14 year old black girl named Claudette Colvin was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a Montgomery bus nine months prior to Rosa Parks being arrested.

Rosa Parks took all the credit, but her protest was actually staged.

Should have been shot and executed in public for refusing to ride in the back of the bus.

the back of the bus is comfier anyway. i don't know why anyone would want to sit up front in the first place.

we basically had Nuremberg laws until the 60s

Rosa parks was an anti American dissident who was socially disruptive because she hated the country and wanted to destroy it. She was a communist who should have been shot.

is this relevant?

So it wasn't the people being racist but the laws of the government. The same government that keeps blacks in single mom households that will produce more fatherless thugs.
Thanks democrats! You really care about black people!

pretty sure planed parenthood is meschine designed to genocide nig nogs, they have more abortion than biths right?

Wasn't the founder kike lady Turbo racist?

It was pretty racist, but remember that Jim Crow laws were forced onto businesses by the govt. Many busunesses did not want to segregate or discriminate.

lol, i just looked up Planned Parenthood's wiki history.
The founder was Margaret Sanger, a socialist radical.

>"Sanger worked with African American leaders and professionals who saw a need for birth control in their communities. In 1929, James H. Hubert, a black social worker and the leader of New York's Urban League, asked Sanger to open a clinic in Harlem."
If this is true, than several Blacks admitted they needed to cull their kind.

bump while I answer

>on how racists
Blacks were 2nd class citizens but "how racist?" How do quantify feelings about other races?
The whites then were racists race realists.
Statistically speaking (and ignoring high payed black entertainment jobs), Blacks are still 2nd class citizens because left to their own devices, they keep themselves as 2nd class citizens. Blacks have been given more freedom than any other time in American history, and yet their communities are far worse than they've ever been.

Jews, esp. german and polish jews, that came here b/c of WWII did not like the White christian power structure here. Thy invaded the US's educational system and used blacks (and other fringe elements) as agitators as the new useful idiots for their communist movements. The jews were also outcasts and didn't fit in. The jewish intellectuals thought they could control the blacks but that didn't work out so well for them. This is really no secret and has been written about by the jewish intellectuals themselves. This basically was when Critical Theory/ Cultural Marxism was born. They saw the failures of the Bolshevik revolution and the german reaction to Marxism that resulted in Nazi germany and so this was their new approach: to attack traditional white culture and white political power. Once you had jews in power, you had a split: lefty jews and conservative jews: the neocon movement in the 60s was recruitment of jews over to the white conservative side by giving them more access to what was traditionally white christian political power.

Don't know how you are going to really tell this in your class lesson that is designed to specifically a talk about blacks held in racist views tho.

Planned Parenthood was pre-WWII and was supported by progessives who would probably be considered sympathetic to Nazi eugenics... or rather, the same (at the time) progressive ideas that influenced the philosophers in Germany who then influenced the Nazis was the same progressive thinking that resulted in Planned Parenthood being established. IIRC, Planned Parenthood was original about sterilization of those who were considered to have undesirable genetics and less about providing abortions. The abortion thing came after bad press about sterilization.

For Rosa Parks, there's a common perception that she was just an ordinary passenger who spontaneously refused to move seats, playing a major role in kickstarting the modern civil rights movement. The reality was that Rosa had been an NAACP member long before the incident, and had actively taught classes on self-defence and protesting methods to other members in the Montgomery chapter. She also wasn't the first protester in the area, another activist (Claudette Colvin) had held a similar protest by refusing to move seats, but she was dropped by the NAACP as a suitable figurehead after scrutiny - being an unmarried pregnant 16 year old - Parks was more of a cosmetic "role model" rather than a serious player in the rights movement. Additionally, I would also argue that legal action - notably under the NACCP's LDF did far more to secure a foothold and to advance the rights movement than any amount of public activism - de jure southern segregation (Voting restrictions/Black Codes/Jim Crow etc.) were only attacked effectively once a legal foundation for black rights had been established (i.e.: Brown v. Board overturning Plessy v. Ferguson's 60 year allowance of legal "separate but equal) segregation) - a key factor contributing to the ineffectiveness of earlier 20th century activism (Washington/DuBois etc.) - done without those precedents

Sorry if this comes across as a ramble, I've had little sleep recently

>notably under the NACCP's LDF did far more to secure a foothold and to advance the rights movement than any amount of public activism - de jure southern segregation

can you expand on this please?

Not very racist. Most of the US was not segregated, only in cities because of a number of riots that took place after (((capitalists))) invited in niggers to undercut white workers.

If the media lies about oppression now ( travon, mike brown), ask yourself how much they did it back then.
for all we know rosa was kicked off for acting like a dumb bitch
We didnt have phones and social media to expose this hit 60 years ago.

Millennial Matt coming in with the real red pills here. True, we can’t actually know what it was really like.

Every single society was racist and evil compared to late 20th century Western society. That the US was racist is a trivial fact that applies to virtually every society at the time, with the only exceptions rare years in Western Europe.

So, yes America was racist -- but compared to other places around the world they were a lot less racist. Africa was still practicing slavery on an inter-tribal slavery when we abolished slavery, and it continued until White people told them to stop. I mean, this is literally true. And their slavery lasted much longer than the trans-atlantic slave trade. For instance, Ethiopia only abolished slavery in 1935 when Mussolini invaded.

Now, the case of African Americans is more interesting. Every African American is a descendant of tribes that practiced slavery longer than White people had. What this means is that African Americans aren't a definitive "victim" of slavery -- they just happened to be on the wrong end of the stick when White people came to Africa. But White people allowed their slaves rights that were taken from African slaves in Africa: namely, African Americans could reproduce whereas the African and White slaves that Africans kept were castrated.

In fact, when slavery ended many African Americans (15,000 in total) went to Liberia to colonize it. And one of the first things they did was re-institute slavery.

Another thing is, regarding segregation, Black people didn't have anything "taken" from them. They were merely disallowed from using White property (which was paid for using White taxes), whereas their own property was half-ways paid for by Whites. So even during segregation, Black people had gib-me-dats.

not sure if I can use this in clss, sad.

Don't know what happened to Sup Forums, but this looks like the most interdastig thread in the catalog.

Here's a quick rundown.

Alabama fag here. Rosa Parks was a paid, professional agitator and did this often. The end. Nigs gonna nig

So what was the point of this staged shit?

(((They))) were trying to push communism hard in black communities back then, still are, here in Alabama. Visiting the Rosa Parks Civil Rights Museum will open your eyes up. A LOT of Jewish references in the museum

So they just did try to create another Golem but fucked up coz nig nogs are tooooo retarded?

you know that slavery still exists in non western countries, right?

Southern nigs are exceptionally retarded. The sub 85IQ isn't a meme

no shit ...

There were, and still are to my knowledge NK work camps in poland in other western countries coz that how they obtein foregin currency

>be me
>first day at liberal southern college
>two nigs in class
>first test three weeks later
>both niggers caught cheating on phones within five minutes of each other
>no niggers in class for the next three months

Probably redpilled more than one person that day

United States being racist is a meme started and promoted by the soviets.