Britbongs vs Mongols - Let's solve this once and for all

Who had the greatest empire and why?

Apples and oranges.

Why? They are pretty much the contenders for the title of the greatest empire in history.

Different eviorments, different economies, different everything. mongols hardly an empire imo nothing like Rome or Britain

Tartarians. (aka Mongol/MoGul/Russ/Aryans/Scythian)

Empire so vast and great they had to wipe any notable trace of it from academia. Borders stretched from NAfrica to SAmerica.

>Different eviorments, different economies, different everything
That applies to almost every empire. You can still compare them if you explain what your criteria are.
>mongols hardly an empire imo nothing like Rome or Britain
How were they hardly an empire? What did they lack?


>Borders stretched from NAfrica to SAmerica

>irrelevant dessert and steppe
>The most resource rich areas of the worlds

Yeah, but half of it is niggerland. Does that even count?

Meme britshit empire

>being this jealous

>not killing whites is a bad thing

You mean the sauce?

>leaving out how the bottom empire dismantled the previous four

>Roman empire overrun by Germanic migrants (Anglo-Saxons)
>Spanish Armada humiliated by Anglos, sending them into irrecoverable decline, cucked to this day at Gibraltar
>Napoleon driven insane by England being the only nation he couldn’t subdue/ally, leading him to backstab his ally Russia to bring the Anglo to heel
>Hitler driven insane by England being the only nation he couldn’t subdue/ally, leading him to backstab his ally Stalin to bring the Anglo to heel


at least niggerland has diamonds ,bannas and near free labour, what do you get from empty grass?

France wins. Anyone can colonise empty lands or beat the shit out of nignogs and darkies. Controlling Europe during the age of nation states is the greatest achievement there is. Europe is full of vicious fucks that have perfected the art of war after hundreds of thousands of years of murdering each other.

Militarily mongols were far more impressive. They conquered far more advanced and populated ares themselves. Brits conquered empty space and got people to fight eachother so they could profit.
(British military prowess is actually a joke if you look at its history)

Other than that though the British have the mongols beat in terms of success

>Not killing whites
>Just selling whites out to liberal capitalism and communism and rotting their souls

>overrun by Germanic migrants (Anglo-Saxons)
lol no

So the amount of valuable resources is the most important criterion for you? Just asking. It's a legitimate opinion.

What is the other purpose of expansion?

Ity was not the best, but I truly respect the Spanish explorers and Conquistadores that ventured to the unknown and won.

t. London negroid

>its better to steal developed land from others rather than developing your own lands.
Whites r literally the niggers of the human race.

Simply dominating other people. In that regard one could argue that the Mongols defeated and conquered much more advanced civilizations.

Of course British Empire was the greatest one
British left the old world civilization.

picture related
Shanghai (former British concession)

Show me one civilization that did not conquer others despite having the ability to do so.

Everyone did conquer but the whites went crazy. Its like they had this bloodlust of animals.

That's a fair point, but in that regard i'd have to give it to the French.

Indians pretty much stayed in their subcontinent.

Taking over vast amounts of land doesn't matter as much as influence and culture you leave behind.

Mongols might've taken all that land but much of it was empty steppes and they didn't leave any cultural impact on the peoples they took over.

They actually integrated into the peoples they conquered much like the vikings.

The Romans have left a significant imprint on the world. The West is what it is because of the Romans.


The religion spread sure, but they didn't conquer anything outside. I mean Buddhism also spread from India, does that mean Tibet and China were conquered?

>Brits conquered empty space

The Indians weren't exactly "backwards savages" either. Well, savages yes, but they weren't backwards.

Sup Forums is too retarded for that they think everyone there probably sat and shat on the streets.

India has many valuable resources whether people like them or not.

They shit in the streets. Thats the definition of backwards


also this

Other than towers of skulls, and slanty eyed Finnish Russians, I don't know what trace the Mongols left.

Eternally butthurt Iranians and Chinese

>what is history
i dont even know where to begin to correct this idiocy
so i wont

what is the only race tht has controlled literally the whole globe?

>the jew
oh, so control is bloodlust
thats why whites are 8% of global pop bc they killed all the other races when they were in control

>Just look at today's world
Owning wastelands for "King and Country" barely counts as "Empire".

perhaps i shouldnt have used the word bloodlust, but they have this propensity for conquering others. why would u kill others when u can enslave them.
lmao okay i thought were having a serious conversation for a second, excuse me.

>Mongols: Did nothing but massacring and raping entire populations and looting and destroying the cities they conquered.

>British: Brought civilization, built infrastructure, schools, hospitals and created trading routes

I agree with you for the most part and agree that the British had a greater impact on the societies they conquered, but the Mongols certainly did have an important impact on the world as well. They unified China and Russia, as well as facilitating contact between Europe and Asia via the stabilization of the Silk Road. Also gunpowder and the Black Plague shaped Europe into a more modernized way of life.

>unified china
>what is every dynasty before the yuan dynsaty

all races conquered and enslaved to the extend they could
the ones that couldnt manage went on pillaging and raping

>>leaving out how the bottom empire dismantled the previous four
...ahh, user...

>literally none besides the Yuan, Ming, or Qing controlled the whole of modern China

>modern chinese borders is chinese nation
>doesnt know about han, tang, song, ming, jin dynasties.

>Arab Caliphate
>Eastern Europe

So mad. So sad.