This is now a jew redpill thread

This is now a jew redpill thread.
post the redpills, boys!

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oy vey

>It's okay to be Jewish.... an oven.


Nice chart. Now provide some source links at the bottom and we will be good to go.


feed me your foreskin goym

Fixed it for you OP

It's not

Good thread

I can make charts on MS Office too


>I can make charts on MS Office too
But can you bring ashes back to life? No... good.

True, but what he posted is fact.
Anything you would post would be ideologically motivated lies.




Can we get some krauts and swedes translating these to arab, and posting them around refugee centres and mosques?

It'll be fun watching euro bureaucrats trying to work out if this is racist or not...

you can be white and jewish at the same time
same as how you can be black and christian
one is a race, the other is a religion

is it really that hard to understand?



>Its ok to be kike



Jew is an ethnicity, you fucking twat.
So many bolsheviks were atheist jews


>Jew is an ethnicity
and a religion

Unless you think you can convert into an ethnicity





can you read?

Look at all those triggered Stormfags.

t. dirty kike

That is a given, but is not what ((they)) are talking about

Are you that slow? Or just looking to make retarded points

As long as you stay in Israel we will be good.

Like fish in a barrel.

>mad enough to click every post number




Smelly stinky russian. Back to your vodka. Syka mama blat.

t. dirty kike


At least they live up to the stereotypes. They prove us correct.

Nothing more pathetic than a dumb sub human want to be aryan. lol,KEK.

> Ashkenazi
>still pretending to be WASPs

learn 2 reading comprehension

They sure do

Taylor swift too probably got her little taste from weinstein's kosher dicks prodactions. lol,KEK.

What a life we lead.

Just watch the video faggots. If it's not funny let me know I will work harder
#notallnazis All I need is one of you for 10 minutes to watch my Oc about Jews, and you don't give a white man a chance

get in here anons:

>laughing at them
>must destroy sentiment

one of these isn't triggered. Sup Forums doesn't care if you say something because none of us are inherently credible here.

Into the oven

The problem you are going to run into is its not to hate people who are not Jewish just because of that fact. You dont get to cry out as you strike others.

Jewish gf distribution facilities when?

No? Wtf

and these girls are jewish?

A white aryan chad messiah visits pol. And no one watches his Oc that took 20 years to uncover. But you are too busy to help a white man faggots!

It is not okay to be Jewish in White country.

Jews are a non-White race.

Non-Whites don't belong in White countries.

Is it really that hard to understand?






reminder that jews only have a right to exist as ash.


Well, at least they finally admitted WHO doesn't like those "It's okay to be white" posters, huh?


they had God's favor at that time



(((oi vey!)))

Whites can't spell.

B..Bu...But you're just cherry picking.

reminder that worshiping a god who demands foreskins makes one no better than a kike. Kill yourself.

>It's OK to be Jewish

As long as you're a Zionist too.

memes are not something you just create. there needs to be something that strikes a cord with the average joe. "its ok to be jewish" is a shit sandwich slathered in cum


neck yourself, yid.



That's racialist

The master race

gas yourself too.

Its perfectly fine to be Jewish if you live in Israel but Jews should stay the fuck out of the affairs of other nations and stop trying to subvert and degrade the west. Jews do not belong in the West or really anywhere outside the middle east.



I'm joking. I try to red pill family members about Jews too and they reject facts and say I'm antisemitic. It pisses me off so much.




Are you aware that Russia, Hezbollah and Iran will soon attack your country?

Who are they?

I hope so. Will they activate the Samson option though?

The chick on the left is mattress girl- Emma Sulcowickz She claimed rape on some dude, then found another dude to fuck her in the ass on tape and filmed it for an art project or some shit. She is half Jewish.

The one on the right is a semitic seer of sorts, marina abramovic. Has done public 'art projects' involving eating people, also involved with podestas and blood sacrifice/ritual. Almost certainly involved in pizzagate stuff.

I thought it was Abramovic alright. She's one disgusting sick fuck.

Israel has the best shit posters
pic related

Oh I left out the fact the porn was supposed to be a re-enactment of the supposed rape that she went through. Pretty

She also carried the mattress with her to class for nearly and year and demanded to graduate with it as well.
