How are you holding up, fellow cali /k/ucks? What are your 2018 plans?

How are you holding up, fellow cali /k/ucks? What are your 2018 plans?

I just got the last shipment of ammo I’ll ever buy online. That is, until I move to America (hoping to find a job is Arizona or Texas).

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't bring the voting habits that made California shitty with you.

1) There doesn't need to be 2 of these threads. There needs to be zero.

2) You can still buy ammo online, but it has to be shipped to an FFL.

I swear every californian on here thinks they're going to move to AZ.
I mean, there's a whole load of good places to live in this country.

Arizona is getting bluer by the day and people don't even realize.

Texas will be irreversibly blue soon, AZ will follow. You can run, but you can't run far enough. I just wish they'd get these Cali level laws passed everywhere sooner rather than later, so maybe you faggots would wake up.

Nevada is already 90% of the way there, AZ will be next. Texas is a little ways off, but is clearly moving that direction.

It’s anchor babies who’ve always been there hitting voting age. It doesn’t have to do with Californians moving in.

>It doesn’t have to do with Californians moving in.
Yes it does. That's exactly what's happened in Nevada and Colorado.

>previously legal things are now illegal to own
Ex post facto

So being outnumbered by those living in the cities?
Yeah I sure gotta break that habit.

>No, please don't move here pro-2A Californians that hate the gun control you've been living under.
>You're the real problem, not the hipster entrepreneurs that are invading cities in our states.
Do you people realize how dumb hating californians that are on your side is?

I'm aware. Increase in Hispanics means a decrease in gun rights. Pretty fucking simple math, but /k/ will deny it until we're all stuck with muzzle loaders.

>Yeah but like, they live in the geographic area of California, which means they are automatically libsbits, duh
>If they weren't libshits those laws never would have passed!

The correlation of those two factors is statistically insignificant.

>"don't worry guys once we show them that the democrats are the real racists they'll side with us"
uttered by the boomer that has pandered to minorites for decades as he watched 90% land turn to

Your image is correct. Fuck off back to Sup Forums

I don't think that's ex post facto. I'm pretty sure ex post facto is when you use a law to punish people retroactively. If they're not throwing people in jail for ever having the banned stuff before the law's enactment, then I don't think that qualifies. Still gay as hell though

What do you intend to do about it?

>muh wall

That's great, but 75% of the Hispanic population in the US are citizens, and that group of people is younger and has more children per capita than any other group in the US.

What, realistically, do you intend to do about this problem?

No meme answers.

>Hispanics vote overwhelmingly blue
>blues vote overwhelmingly to kill gun rights
>Hispanics are becoming a majority
Retards like you think the correlation isn't significant. When our gun rights are utter shit, it is partially on people as absolutely brain dead as yourself.

Watch the country die and laugh at the retards that said don't worry about it. We're past the point of solving this politically or peacefully.

Stop sending those imptrash threads here.

Sup Forums is the trash. Fuck off, tell the mods to stop putting perfectly good threads on your shitstain board.

Wait a second, guns? On my Sup Forums?

W-why would you own a gun? Uhh?

That seems less effective than trying to turn Hispanics into Christian conservatives.

Any chance beats no chance.

Neither of those states want you. Stay in your containment zone, you subhuman
>perfectly good threads
kys newnigger

You could just bleach them

Repeal jus soli citizenship and retroactively remove it from people who obtained citizenship from an illegal.

Fuck Biafra but I still love California Uber Alles. This place is a mess. At least when I die, I'll be comforted to know that all these assholes that thought freedom was a bad thing are going to die too. Fuck Jerry Brown, Fuck Pelosi, Fuck Boxer, and fuck Feinstien. I would unironically prefer even the worst case incarnation of Hitler than the assholes the city sheep elect.

>every bleach session makes them more conservative

> until I move to America

kek, good meme

Sup Forums should at the very least reply

are these laws going to be enforced as equally on the criminal demographic as they will be on the licensed gun owner

>ammunition license
i'm not a constitutional lawyer, but doesn't that violate your right to bear arms the same way a voter ID violates your right to vote in the elections?

No worries at all!

All the people that use guns for crime will still be able to get any gun they want and all the ammo they want. The new laws will have no effect on them at all!

So simply become a criminal and you will never have to give a shit about any gun law ever again...

Will these new laws affect California tank owners or former governors?



Bastards don't know about mah clips!!!