Europe immigration
"Europe too white'
Yeah fuck this shit. I don't what Europe to become a third world hell hole

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yet you fly that commie flag

Let Europe burn, they betrayed the white man.

87% vs 56%

And who is the traitor?

All that I kno is that Europe is beyond help. Y'all let ya rag refugees in and now Sweden has a rape crisis.


Daily reminder that if we give in now, we can never undo the damage
And they know that


Reading the comments on that article...are Boomers waking up to White Genocide and International Jewry??

>September 2016

Obama loved this sort of disgusting garbage.
Look what he and his friends did with the USA refugee program.

Dammit, my family has fought for the USA government for ever war, and now they're forcing this on Europe??


How come borders don't matter when immigrants come in, but all of a sudden borders are so fucking important if I send my taxes to the Seychelles?

I don't think your countrymen quite understand how effective a single, literal match can be when your streets are overpopulated with foreign sponges stuffed into ghettos.

Give it a few years down the line. Your cities are gonna burn one too sunny day. Will rioting and looting be the new norm then? Or just living like roaches who pay rent to some other foreign owner?

makes you think

2011 census. Will still be 85+

>you can't reverse it!! :D

Population displacements have been happening since records were kept.
The soviets and mongols deported millions with nothing but elbow grease and a "can do" attitude.

The Commission? Doesn't Kikebart mean the Council Of Europe? For fucks sake, you dumb cunts don't even realize you're being played.

Just look where Barry was born and you can understand why he hates our peoples.

So will there be a place for a 56% like me?

Tips cap and saunter to door, whistling thoughtfully.

Not talking about displacement, but replacement
With race mixing, we will disapear

The civilizations and the achievements of the white man will always be remembered. We may go down but niggers and sandniggers will cause their societies to collapse and become barbaric and dysfunctional and humanity as we know it will end. With this, a new species will arise who are stronger and more advanced, they will look at the history of man and be fascinated by the white man's western civilization and see how advanced we were, and with this, they will see that the jews and niggers were nothing but chimps. With this in mind, this new species will learn from our mistakes and make sure to never allow this to happen again. THE END.

No, just that the page is "far-right".

I just don't get why people aren't burning their houses and families alive. Being so openly jewish should be punished with death penalty.