I hate racists

I hate racists.

And we hate you.

When can we expect the reckonink?


That statement presupposes the existence of race. Are you saying we whites are different races from shitskins? How progressive of you!

I hate humans.

Racists like the people who think whites getting minority status in the countries they created is a good thing? same

beep beep lettuce

Ironically I do to, worst people to be around. Usually asexual crooked back and lonely, pimple faced with Nazi memorabilia and BB guns with distain for reality. Truly gas member worthy individuals.

But the Americans, just have to die.





And I don't care. Fuck off!

no u

so you hate yourself?

Then why are you using Pepe, a well known symbol of hate?

I too hate black racists

i hate racist niggers

I hate other races.

hell yeah, fuck all those racist niggers... especially the black ones

Why, because they know the truth? Brown countries are awful places to live because they're filled with lazy, criminal subhumans? Leftists want to import that into into the US, Canada and Europe and tell you you're worse than Hitler if you have anything at all to say about it? Racism is a bogus concept created to shut down rational, authentic discussion of such issues.

As a chink in America I have to say there is no hate without reason. The correct attitude toward racism is actually first examine yourself and see if there is something wrong with your behavior.

I have round eyes and drive carefully as fuck so I get along well with people around me. Some white friends even love me as fuck because I share my rare porn collections with them.

Do you have dogs because they don't get along with other breeds? Why are humans any different?


I hate inferiors. Sorry, gentiles.

stfu and....

>fight hate with hate

It'll work this time OP

stick around you'll love it her. also sage nigger bread