Soyboy uprising

Say soyboy again, i fucking dare you


i like this

Put some shoes on fucking hobit


>nobody replies soyboy

I thought you leftists were against patriarchal oppressive tools like guns?

You'll shoooot your eye ooooout

Soyboy pedo cunt



>Say soyboy again, i fucking dare you
Suck my cock, soyboy.

Nice poorfag gun and poorfag shoes

Your mum's a soyboy

>cheap aero rifle
>ugly aero memelok rail
>cheap optic
>no bayonet lug
This rifle just screams soyboi

When you get a real gun let me know

That is a shit set up soyboy


>Say soyboy again, i fucking dare you

>no shoes, visible feet

giant soy babyboi over here

>Manlet-tier feet
As expected, it's a shame the soy has stunted your growth

Great. You bought a gun so you're starting to turn from a feminine manchild who wants the government to protect him to a self reliant man. Now start eating like a normal male human being, quit the soy lattes and opt for black coffee. Stop watching porn. Start lifting weights and jogging. Break up with your open relationship "girlfriend", call her a raging cunt slut to her face, and NEVER contact her again. Stop playing or at least limit video games to a small amount of your time. For god sakes throw your fucking manchild pop culture toys littering your room into the trash.

you probably have more estrogen than most women now. Good job losing your manhood.

>Aero Precision
>Midwest Industries
>Retarded 40rd mag because the first 30 weren't enough

soyboy faggit

What about having guns makes you not a candy-ass roody-poo soyboy?
What, do you think you're going to shoot me?
How are you going to shoot me?
Will you shoot your computer screen?

Hiding behind a gun makes you more of a pussy piece of shit. Trying to prove yourself online only proves your an idiot. No one cares.

Nice serial number.
Thanks for the free ammo, I'll leave the rifle on your body though.

>Say soyboy again, i fucking dare you!
>arms shaking as he tries to lift one of the lightest possible AR builds



>Nice serial number
Speaking of nice numbers...


soyboy again, i fucking dare you

Soylent is weird.

you know man is ready to unleash hell when he has got a g3



He has big feet you manlet tier feet

stfu manchild

ok SoyGoy

Soy vey!

soyboy pussy

Put some shoes on hippy swine. Also soyboy.

Oh kek I’ve seen this picture plenty of times, but never noticed the bloodbag. That’s pretty funny. “Oh my penis extension bdsm baby death machine runs off blood omg I’m so deep tehehehe” the “artist” that put that abomination together should lined up against a wall and shot

Nice mlok

That one isn’t a G3, it’s actually it’s predecessor; the CETME.

The green one is a G3 pattern rifle though :^)

Atleast you got a metal housing.

Day of the pole for all memeflags soyboy


Et tu, flaxseed?

I have been using it in smoothies for a year!

I would have gone for the unrailed version, but I got it used for a reaallly good deal. I ordered the wide handguard and bipod that should be arriving later tonight, and eventually I’m going to put a low profile scope on it.
Long time down the road, I’m going to get a suppressor that uses a QD muzzle brake to attach since this has a standard 308 threaded barrel
>before the wood
>no soy allowed

Checked and keked.

OP, You are one dumb motherfucker.

If you had a shorter barrel it would be easier for you to taste the muzzle flash. It is delicious.


How long before he proudly turns that to some give up your gun for soy milk event? Faggot leftists think that buying a gun and never using it is going to buy them some sort of street cred, you are still a faggot now you have a gun that may or may not work that a man will just take away if you did try to use it.


bet the bitch can't even lift a backpack



Tools that give you more control over your own life and the lives of others are useful in a way that surrendering to the biggest males in the room is not. That's why the huge males all want to disarm the small males. It makes the small males easy to control when they think being armed equals weakness. This is the same reason that the Liberal anti car movement never took off in a serious way. A car gives you a lot more control over your own life and the lives of others. Not having a car is a very hard way to live life. You don't do it unless you have no choice.

TLDR: Giving up your gun and your car are two of the stupidest choices that can be made in life.

even those toes are dantly

Holy schmoly

Don’t let soy be in close proximity to your rifles for extended periods, they may turn into Jungle Carabines and HK33s, Satan.

They really should be painted a pretty shade of pink or red, don't you think?

He's definitely a soyboi

not so fast soy nigger



did you know that it's actually illegal to threaten people on the internet?

Going to shoot yourself, soyboy?

Bash a Fash
Come get some.


Cute toy boysoy

>TFW British
>TFW not allowed nice things.


>did you know that it's actually illegal to threaten people on the internet?
I don't mind that the OP posted his rifle while telling people not to call him names. Not all of us roll over in the face of danger, Swede.

i'm sure the judge will be very interested in your opinion on what should and what shouldn't be considered a threat

R h o d e s i a

smaller toe is bigger than the rightmost toe. Soyboy confirmed.
Also, weak bait. Sage goes into all fields.
kys nigger

If you want to shoot up a school, just be honest about it instead of waiting for us to call you a soy boy for justification.

Like I give a shit someone rubbed your sensitive nipples the wrong way.

>aero lower
>cheap optic
o look it’s babby’s first AR. How are the Women’s Studies courses going at Bumfuck State?

Haha. Soy boy. If being called a soy boy is enough to cause you to draw your weapon you really are a child. Grow some ball boy and learn from your betters. Don't take it so hard, we all start out weak.

I live in Montana. The judge goes to the same gun range as me. I'll ask him when I see him again what he thinks. Maybe I'll ask the Sheriff, from the county over, next time we go horseback riding this spring.
You have no power over me lol

Middle toe longer than big toe. You’re a faggot and will die of aids.
Also your bargain barrel shorty red dot is too far forward.
Also 1 post by OP faggot sage post

>you will never suck those perfect toes
fuck, is Sup Forums gay now or something?


12ga fucking toenails. Hygiene user. Keep ya feet and live longer

Oh, fuck off. There was no immediate intent of violence on that guy's post. 1st amendment covered.

>Antifa flag
i bet you don't even know how to use.

put some shoes on, stupid hippie faggot

>Oh, fuck off. There was no immediate intent of violence on that guy's post. 1st amendment covered.
He's just mad because everybody views armed liberals as free ammo. He's mad because it's true.

You can tell these are some semite toes. Aryans have toes in a "/" shape. Every toe is shorter than the last. Go kill yourself kike-loving faggot.

Soylent boy, now fuck off back to your hobbit commune and ask the wood elves for a pair of shoes.

Speaking of faggots, you know nothing about mounting a red dot, especially that one. Poser detected.

please do

that's great! Lets just hope that the judge makes the same interpretation, but since you're so sure id say he really doesn't need to bother getting in contact with a lawyer.

he wills