How redpilled you were before the Election period (2015)

>how redpilled you were before the Election period (2015)
>how redpilled you are now

Was a 4, now I'm an 8.5

100% white so born a 10

1 to 10. Not joking

>attractive and athletic people are DUMB! T-take that Chad!

lmao cope

Balmaha Boatyard

This is not a continuum, but I'll try to answer.

2015 I was:

A combination of 1 and 6

Now I'm:

5, 6, 7
also 8, except I'm not ready to remove myself from society yet by speaking out about it.

Also, before 2015, maybe a decade ago, I had slight 3 tendencies, but was mostly atheist skeptic.

Was 5 now an 8


I was a 4 most of my life without consciously realizing it. When I finally took my skepticism serious I ended up where I am now. That's about a mix of 6,7, and 8. I'd say I'm at 6.8 right now.

1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment, and nationalism have always been extremely important to me so that's why I mentioned 8. And I hate communists a lot. I mean a damn lot. I grew up in Commiefornia.

Was probably a 5 or so, now am around 6-7. Dropped 100lbs since July and have started reading non-fiction while eating better and working out.

Pretty funny how those little paragraphs are decently accurate

from 2 to 9 (but i'm still pretty degenerate tbqh -- i have a long way to go in terms of improving myself)

Good lads

Stop acting like women, faggots

Sorry. That should read
> I was a FIVE (growing conservative) most of my life without consciously realizing it.

I was at least a 6 by middle school ending in 2000
Everything that has happened was foretold in 1984, Brave New World and Clockwork Orange

I was an Amazing Atheist-tier anti-SJW liberal, but still accepted race realism and evolutionary psychology to an extent.

Went from 4 to 8


>before 2015: combo between 1, 3 and 4 (I never got into the feminism, trans or BLM, but I did believe institutional racism existed and leaned socialist, only interested in politics during the election casually)

>after election:partial 7 and 8

Was a 4-5 pretty much my entire life. Always against communism and PC culture, but also defended gay marriage, interracial marriage, and their degenerate shit as long as I could still make jokes without people getting butthurt. Typical Blue Dog Democrat.

I started growing more and more skeptical of modern degeneracy and society sometime after my 20th birthday in the early 2010s and by the time Trump was running I was full fash. Which is also why I don't support Trump, he is a Jewish puppet all the same. I also stopped dating feminist women and have been with a (relatively) traditional girl for about a year now. Significantly better than any of the "I'm a bad bitch who can keep up with the boys XD" girls I used to date.

went from a 4 to a 6.5 after I started reading about hillary and actually paying attention to the MSM rather than LISTENING to them.

I was a 4, now I'm an 8

I was redpilled on september 12, 2001.

4 to a 7

5 to 9. Hoe do I ascend into 10 anons?

Oh, 8.5 on the scale. My beliefs align with the 9 and 10 but I am not a worthy enough soldier. Yet.


Before 2014 i was 4. Around 2014, when gamergate happend, i got 5. 2015 i went to serve in the army and also i became 6. After the army i was 7. Now im somewhere between 7 and 8.

disgruntled mencsh forever

Lowest iv been was one back in highschool but while in college in 2015 i was a 5 now I'm at 8, reading books instead of playing video games in hopes of being worthy of 10 someday