How do you guys actually like this guy? Everything he says is incredibly fucking stupid, and the way he says it is nauseatingly heavy handed. He's like Jordan Peterson for retards.

Other urls found in this thread:

He has a punchable face

Not an argument

His analogies are the worst.

Gee what a well-founded opinion OP

nice asspain


still not an argument

not an argument

>he's a doodoo head
Great thread OP.

im not even a watcher of this guy but this

You may not agree with him, but it's pretty clear that he's highly intelligent.

Nice faggotry

>muh "insert semi-popular pundit" isn't even good lol y you guyzz even liek him?? I'm provocative hehe


Molyneux Hate threads are just made by shilIs that never counter any of his arguments. EVER. I have watched tons of his videos and he always offers logical, well thought-out advice and reasoning. His arguments and beliefs align with /pol 90% of the time. Fuck off shills!

i always liked his presentations
where he pretty much just gathers a bunch of statistics in a powerpoint presentation and talks a bit about them
especially the one about dutch crime
i use that one to redpill idiots irl


I liked how he annihilated (((CNN))) when (((they))) in all (((their))) wisdom decided to threatened a shit poster, followed by a biblical firestorm of epic proportions that rained (and keeps raining down) on (((CNN))).

Also, did a shout out to Sup Forums in the first 30 seconds:

>not an argument
>Stefan Polyview is based

If you think he's made any good arguments, you're clearly weak minded and uneducated.

Stefan Molyneux is a pseudo-intellectual cult leader, and his followers are undiscerning retards.

I like him. Listen to him regularly.

Rabbi Shitlib in da houuuuse!

You know we see your ID right?
Fucking (((retard)))

I didnt know we had to choose between Molyneux and Peterson.


Paid the donations, parasite? Just leave your parents and defoo all your money to me, kthxbye


He is a Jew that lies about being Jewish.


t. Jew

How do 'you guys' actually like this guy?
What was the point you silly fucking shill. Stop making it so obvious.

He is a poser, he wasnt "alt-right" til it became profitable for him like every other libertarian.

Thread theme:

Been reading his ethics book, UPB, and holy shit is it bad. I'll give a person some credit for putting themselves out there for criticism but this book is difficult to respect.

I've been reading it on my kindle via calibre64 for readability. It's a free download though so anyone can go get it and read it. It's like he's never heard of the problem of induction once in his life and he is so incredibly careless with how he frames his arguments. Plus he makes so many broad declarations that I'm almost certain if you cared to you could find him violating any number of them throughout his video catalog.


Yeah that's what he's good for. He's also good for building up alternative media personalities and giving attention to heterodox academics. He's just not great as a philosopher which is ironic since that's what he claims to be. he should drop that pretense altogether and just admit it, he's an advocate and activist.



I tried to watch his Last Jedi video and he just kept trying to make it about white nationalism instead of talking about what a pile of shit the movie was

He constantly looks like he's gonna break out into tears.

It never is with him.

The Truth About Charles Manson was a great lecture. SM is a good guy. SAGE this thread anyway.

all those bitcoin donations must have made him already millions

Sam Harris is a fucking retard. Scott Adams just toyed with him. Sammy has been delusional for as long as I can remember.

Yeah I had to close the video when he was suggesting that the salt turning red was symbolism for Caucasians

A bit too much

He hated his jewish mom so much that he founded his entire system of beliefs on how evil his mom was.

I've always enjoyed his political/news rants. As a pundit he's great but as a philosopher he's below amateur

>hurr durr if you disagree with me you're a brainlet reeeeeee
Kys faglord

Guy, your word salad of buzzwords looks like a turd giving birth to a turd taking a shit. Why don’t you actually fucking state his UPB theory and counter it instead of gobbling donkey dicks when posting? Thanks

Neither is your mum.

He's okay. Does good summaries of news stories and finds some interesting guests, but as has been said isn't really a philosopher ("I'm right!" isn't a philosophy).

He pushes out too many videos, too. It's bad enough trying to keep up with the new stuff, but how the hell will anyone ever go back and see his old stuff? He runs his channel like a 24 hour news network. If he slowed it down and really put in the time to follow a story over time and do his research, he'd have videos worth going back and watching. But if course there's no money in that, so instead we get clickbait titles for hours long videos of him mocking the people who call in to his call-in show.

Salad of buzzwords? Don't talk to me if you're that stupid fuckhead.


If you started watching him maybe you could form an argument

>videos of him mocking the people who call in to his call-in show.
To be fair he does get some really fuckin' brain-dead women callers that check every box on moly's "why you are a stupid whore" checklist

If you're going to find something to troll over there are better choices than Stefan, especially his awful book. If you want an actual lengthy criticism of it, read this.

Don't expect or think to demand that level of depth here, fucking idiot.

I respect him. He doesn't hide who he is, and he is genuine. He really is about the argument. He understands the consequences of what is going down.