The Ethnostate Solution

Thoughts? This is a hypothetical map, which would solve the globalist diversity conflicts that currently plague the North American continent.

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upper mid america, high birth rate among whites, political and economic = white ethnostate i suggest montana and the dakotas

>using existing political boundaries to determine future nations

You're so unoriginal, user.


elaborate please canuckbro

>Texas distinctly kept with the whites
Gets the okay from me

these stupid shills on Sup Forums really think that washington and oregon or new england have a chance to be a white ethnostate.

they are not fucking conservative. they will hold political power no matter how big of a facebook white ethnostate page you have.

if anyone even suggests new england or cascadia, ignore them. do not reply. they are shills.

Are you a fucking retard or something, western canadians are either slavshits, somalis, or natives... the east coast (excluding quebec and ont) is ~95% white

Montana and the Dakotas are included in my ethnostate, most likely the capital would be in this region.



1) Québec hate Ontario and rest of Canada
2) We hate jews here because they are concentrated in some hood in Montréal like Mile-End.

>Forced relocation


you need to go back spic

Why give up the coastal south? Just glass the black belt and call it a day.

You're giving up a lot of prime real estate.

>Giving up coastal ports

Texas is civic nationalist.

Unfortunate geographic situation

>North Carolina access to North Atlanic
>Texas access to the Gulf
>Alaska and Pacific NW access to the Pacific

Are you blind?

>he thinks we would give Oregon and Washington to the beaners

That can be, for existing residents. Just exclude future genreations unless they're greater than 85% white

Why would we give any of our land to beaners? Seriously, wtf is wrong with you? We kill them before we hand over our beautiful heritage any longer.

So giving up the entire west coast of us WOULDN'T be a bad thing. Ok got it

Give me a hapa homeland, then we'll talk.

No we are not. Not a single person I know enjoys having to hear Spanish in their daily lives. No one here enjoys having to see instructions in English and have a bottom version for Spanish, no one here enjoys having to constantly see spic workers, whether illegal or actual Mexican workers being in the country, no one here enjoys watching Texas, who fought to stay away from Mexico become Mexico.
None of us want them here, not even the Tejanos. Outside of the major cities the Commies took over, not a single Texan I know likes what this state is becoming, no one here enjoys having their tax dollars used on illegal immigrants and no one enjoys the fucking Californians coming into this state
You have no idea how annoying it is to here the song 'Feliz Navidad' as a Christmas song in stores.

It's called China. Go fuck yourself.

Your birth was an unfortunate catastrophic situation.

Washington and Oregon are gay but still white, Texas is fully BEANED, North Carolina is BLACKED, Pennsylvania is white outside of Philly, Quebec is kind of based in their own gay froggy way

butthurt cuck still trying to save the BROWNED southwest

For the Tejano part, I mean we don't even want them. They're just as bad, the founder of La Raza was a Tejano

Nevermind him, you did good keeping them out of the white ethnostate. They want there own country anyways. Also their idiots, thieves and deadbeats. You dont want the burden that they are with us.

It's a reasonable bargaining chip to avoid white genocide you absolute brainlet

You guys are already prepared to hand over our land to other people without firing a shot?

Good to know.

Ching Chong Pahjeet, look at the debt of Cucktario.
Most indebted state in the world.


Attack of the clones?

>Giving up rightful clay to spics and niggers without battle
Not in a million years, we should never aim less than for world domination.

>surrendering land to shitskins

Yeah, no.

Why did you cut out Utah and name it "cucks" what did we ever do?

>Too white for China
>Too non-white for the white ethnostate
>Too redpilled for Jewtopia


>Not posting the original
kek, go back to work for me, kid



This is ok for me, there is a homeland for libertarians like me

>ceding land
the weak do not deserve to exist
by surrendering land we have lost our divine right to be master race

>proud to destroy civilization and wanting to destroy more

and everyone is supposed to be okay with the brown burrito midget goblin horde?

Give us Texas too and we are good to go.

you dumb fucking idiots
instead of dreaming about killing and deporting 150 milion of people , the goal of having a real ethnostate is pretty realistical
there are parts in this world that don't even have to be conquered so called "no mans lands" in fucking europe
read this

but no, lets meme , don't do shit about it
and continue to be dumb

All this inter canuck bantz is irrelevant, you need the US to survive.

Jefferson would be the first white narco state. You might encounter what you think are a plurality or even a majority of liberals and progressives in Oregon but you could not be more wrong. Oregon is mostly rural and its criminal class is majority white by magnitudes. You slam together the Redwoods and Southwest Oregon and you're looking at making the pro-white movement even more wealthy than BTC already has. Federally legal pot and Crypto in concert with repealing net netrality are going to flip the economy back into the hands of Americans and not all these nogs, pajeets, chinks and kikes who try to shoplift an entire country under Obama.


nope. they fought for it, they keep it.

You lost a war to us fair and square fuck off and fix your country

>*steal half your country and heart*
"Nothing Personal...Gringo"

By all means, gas the invaders then. But you won't, so let's make a deal.

You have a lot of colour in Quebec retard.
>no denying the dead weight that you are.
And you need Canadian Lands if whites want to survive. Don't let you're America dick wagging get in the way of the greater good.

>"white ethnostate" being practically landlocked
This will end well, again, I'm sure.

>Then my map is perfect


Im sick of seeing maps with fucking beaners getting half of america. Fuck off retard.

>It will never end

t. defeatist

>Jewtopia is whiter than the White Negrostate


North and South America are made for the white and red men. Central America is for Miscegenation to keep DNA healthy


the cucked shitlib west coast and the literal desert.

I think the Jew ethnostate on North American Clay is a greater offense. But that is also foul. Obviously the day of the rope for all is better but this looks like if we had to compromise or some kind of larp.

Still 90% white unlike Hongcouver, niggerpeg, pahjeetgalry and Cuckronto.

>pic shows 1/5th of the border is between the North Sea


Quebec is irrelevant and geographically aligned with the uber liberal jews of the Northeast US


You fucking idiot if the "ethnostate" doesn't control Charleston, NYC, or Norfolk you have no major port. I almost never say this but you are a "brainlet"

>Québec in Jewtopia
fuck off

What does being white even mean?

Yea I dont know why Jewtopia is so big, the maratimes are practically an ethnostate already


>implying we would be unable to build another port
>implying Houston isn't a port city

White people should be banned from northern Canada desu


You're like the first person to not spew the based Tejano meme.
all Texan anons here love brown ppl.


Kek, you guys did that to Mexico. "Oy vey y'all, let's migrate to Mexican owned Texas." Then Mexico banned slavery and the Texans said "oy vey y'all, let's overpopulate Texas with more whites so we can outpopulate the original inhabitants" then, Mexico noticed this and rekt the Texans. The Texans then said "oy vey, Murica please help us!" Murica responded with "sure, we'll help you, but only if you become a part of the union." Texans then replied with "oy vey, okay!". This is funny because Texas gained Independence from Mexico by using the Jewish migrant flooding tactic, and now when you get a taste of your own medicine, you're oy veying.

Quebec is the whitest part of Canada, and New England the whitest part of America.

Jewtopia is the the true White Ethnostate.

>aligned with the uber liberal jews
Same goes for every parts of Northern America.

feels good being a lolbertarian living in lolbertaria

You French are all the same. Just spew unpredictable nonsense and garbage. Worse shitposters ever.


Puritanical cultural marxists of the northeast will never submit to a white ethnostate.

Québec is the only canadian province resisting (((their))) plan

>Surrounded by niggers and Italians
Being on Long Island is true suffering.

Where do you think the abolitionists came from?

fuck off you're closer to Trudon't than us

>Lives in Globalist Self Loathing Macron Lands
Fuck Off.

Don’t abandon South Carolina :(

Aztlan is so beautiful ('-_-)

>any part of muttrica
>white ethnostate

Again, this may be true but Quebec is in an unfortunate geographic situation.

This. Pathetic

How about supporting the one group with an actual plan?

You'd have to use force anyway, so I don't see why we'd give them the pacific northwest. Portland, Seattle, and Eugene would be surrounded.

Say the one who is copying Sven's politics of immigrations.
Enjoy the rape statistics rising and becoming the new 56% meme.
Because of anglocuck, Canada will never be a white ethnostate again.
Thanks for ruining Canada for everyone.

>>Alaska and Pacific NW access to the Pacific
I'm not entirely certain but, ports lose accessibility depending on longitude. I think Portland might be the furthest north year round port we have on the west coast in the US.

Did New Englanders import the negroes in America ?

Sorry but I don't speak Chinese, yellow friend

Why give up the land? If Mexico owned California everyone would try and move further north anyway