Mark my words, the House is going to be rocked in the coming 72 hours. Tick Tock

So, Sup Forums - he made that post over 80 hours ago. Any updates on this "scandal"? Or did you fall for yet ANOTHER larp? And if so, why are you so fucking gullible, over and over again?

Don't trust journalists. They're all ZOG controlled. They keep saying FBI or DoJ.

Mueller is gonna drain the fucking swamp.

>le epik Sup Forums is one person maymay
people who treat Sup Forums as a single entity are even bigger brainlets than those who fall for larping

Isn't the "Mueller is working for Trump" theory from back in September/October, with the big "happenings" scheduled for November? Whatever happened with that, by the way?

Never heard of this guy

Another LARP. I thought Sup Forums was always right, but after coming here for years I am convinced Sup Forums will never be right. Fuck sakes gullible cunts (myself included).

Oh... he was talking about the tax bill. :/

The tax bill hasn't even passed yet, though - the House and Senate both have to vote on the revised plan, and that didn't happen today.

Literal moron cant tell time

Tick Tock my cock.

There were a LOT of threads on this on Friday. Certainly a significant number of people on Sup Forums found this particular LARP to be credible. But why?

I'm coming for you Hillary.

Why are all these 'tick tock' tweets getting posted about on Sup Forums every time? Nothing ever fucking happens. It's just bait and everyone gets all hyped up and literally forgets about it when the thread dies. The next day, the cycle repeats.

It's so ridiculous to see it happen like clockwork.

Yeah and if you point this out you get called a shill or ironically, newfag for actually sitting on Sup Forums nightly for years enough to notice this same pattern. Sup Forums ignores actual news; Sup Forums over hypes and drools all over literal fake news.

Fake news is a sin now, I’m hoping the Tick Tock thing stops or else is only used when the time is right otherwise the gates of Hell will be overflowing with souls who have been damned

>random dude on Twitter says some shit
>People over react
>Nothing happens

Average day on pol, is this your first time here?

This guy was supposedly "credible." But then again, that's nothing new for Sup Forums, either...


Oh shit, I wonder if they're gonna go after Nunes, Gowdy, etc.

If they're criminals.....

>Pol gets raided by reddit cause muh govt owned internet
>gets flooded by larp threads
Who woulda thunk it?

Ohr was a no show today...

>thinking a single one of these accusations is made in good faith