I'm a mod from r/politics

Right around the time of the state primaries we were approached by several people on Reddit saying they would pay us each 10000 USD a month to delete any post that was slightly right winged. AMA Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:



Who approached you? How was the payment made?

Can I get some of that money

10 grand a month?
Is that overkill?

gib proof or fuck off

Is this real? Post a mod chat view, black out your name if you want.

Proofs or get the fuck out

Proof of gtfo.

IE) Proof with timestamp or GTFO



I hope you took it. Reddit is fucking trash and wouldn't matter anyway.

Not going to say who approached me because you could hack their reddit account but it was through PayPal

This had to be from Soros’ people, right?

You have to go back

this. When you larp (pic related) you need to at least make a little plausible.

Did you take the money?




>Sup Forums during american hours

has your country ever done anything.....ever?

it's notably worse, also wayyy more shills


>Make fake reddit accounts
>make far right comments
>delete as accordance to the deal

Begone plebbit shill

Was there any other communications from the benefactors? Did you have to join a Discord or Slack in order to coordinate? Did you receive specific instructions?

>I'm a mod from r/politics
fucking hell, at lest LARP as someone with less mustard stains on their shirt.

>during american hours

they're all ours.

I can even hear you being gay like that and shit. Go to reddit instead.

Do you actually agree with the stuff the users post there or do you think they are just a bunch of retards?

Why would they pay for something plenty of soyboy redditors would do for free?

Pls sho benis

I heard the U.S. has not bought any oil from Saudi Arabia in 2 years?!

Frac goes the weasel. Smooth lite crude and watch Europe tear itself to shreds.

get the fuck off my board faggot
also sage

Please provide proof if you are what you say

yet we are still reliant on the shit heads in Venezuela

fake since we all know no commie would refuse a bribe let alone advertise it

>implying we ever sleep
>implying that there aren't a fuckton of burgers in ither locations with other flags
>implying we aren't worldwide

this i hope pajeet nukes their internet

Fake and gay. Sage, hide.

Look, another literally who country trying and failing to bully the greatest nation known to man and beast

I know. It becomes a lot more unbearable when there's hardly anyone else. You have to be really dumb to enjoy it.


get off the american based image board so you can talk about alcohol or whatever slavs talk about

Ex share blue mentioned Huffman selling politics subreddit for 2,8$.

He also posted a bunch of unsourced shareblue images.

she probably meant Sup Forums, not POL you literal fucking autist.


Every hour is American hour. Every day an American day. It's nothing new and it's gonna keep being like this. You'd better settle down and resign yourself. You may console yourself with the knowledge that at least ours is better than Chinese or Russian hegemony.



This board is for white people only.


>the greatest nation known to man and beast

>lost to vietnam farmers


also t. Joe Tyrone "Running Buffalo" Goldstein Hernandez


>a fucking swede thinks his country is better than America

Watch out for those peaceful grenades my homosexual friend

Is it now? That's very unfortunate for you.

i love these gifs
got any more?

Have you done anything ever? Besides jacking off to tranny porn and watching kraut and tea all day, that isn't much of an accomplishment mutt.

lol u all actually believed this.

sounds like larping

its generally known reddit is cancer as fuck and run by 'millennials' who hate free speech and think every politically incorrect thought is 'racist'

Don't talk to me or my massive military again!



>Literally most of the posts at the start were people telling you to prove it or gtfo
This thread is now just bantz, you are irrelevant. Go away faggot.

proof that you are?


>thread full of people calling the larp
>lel u believed it

fuck off my board


What happened Sweden? Oh yeah . . .


>tee hee, you silly Soyim just need to believe me, no proofs!

Why do you larp as a plebbit mod instead of just going back?


>50% fake
>50% gay

Holy shit that swede got btfo

>Unironically believing this while your countries stopped collecting official counts with racial stats

>bork bork bork bork, bork bork bork

Have anything besides "le 56%" to throw at me you meatball sucking retard?

Wrong, it is fully fake and fully gay. The Son of Larp

>This board is for white people only

Then why are you here amerimutt?

Rin makes me pee pee go sploosh!


>It is best to be American

I fucking love finland.
t. Second generation Finnish immigrant

sure my hrvatski friend

I'd do it. I'd take the money. We can rant all day on Sup Forums anyway. Reddit is already a shithole, so why not? Two birds, one stone, got paid, checked and kekked. OP is a faggot.

Finland is alright with me, Norway and Sweden can fuck right off though

We have Trump. What do you have?

Die in a fire you fucking commie

Honestly as far as bantz go, the animated ones and the newer one with the black hole le -1% face are fairly funny.

>This is what americans will look like in 2050 and it's beautiful


Reddit can't swing shit, nobody right of center takes tge site seriously. What would be fun is creating tons of fake accounts and raiding r/politics

Sweden is still whiter than the US was 30 years ago, John Hernandez.

>he's got nothing

forgot pic

The feminism of that plan makes sense since your average swedish woman isn't allowed to drive



Big surprise this thread got bombarded by leftie shills.

Interesting that this thread has attracted so many paid operatives.
Could it be that this is the real deal?