Hitler Aprecciation Thread

Thread in honor or the Fuher.

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So anti Slav thread? Austism, psychosis and Slav hate general this is?







Hitler was right. The world is gonna know the truth.

Any pictures of Mr. H with a cat?


not on board with the Nazi faction of pol but this really accurately describes modern leftist media.

It almost makes no difference in the game if they are proven wrong on a certain day.....they just clam up for 12 hours and move on to a new topic, pretending the last thing never happened.

Pointing out the truth doesn't make you a nazi. Agreeing with Hitler does not make you a nazi.

ooh boy super edgy hitler thread in a board overran by stormfront. How provocative.








Hitler was a furry.








lick my hairy anus, faggot.




These threads are always terrible.

Imagine if America were united.






Has there ever been a man so wronged by "historians"? I love you Hitler. I'm so sorry we let this happen.


Anyone else think Hitler was a pretty good looking guy? No homo

does anyone have the image with his quote regarding women? something along the lines of "they belong together, just as man and women belong together" or something like that. also has a swastika with flowered print on it.



Heil Hitler


Imagine if America joined The Reich.
Imagine where we could be today.


Got a hell of a lot further than he was supposed to but I think he goofed and accidentally gave the Jews a reason to form Israel as well as ruining the reputation of nationalists and anyone aware of the Zionist plot to take control of the world.

balfour declaration was signed way earlier



Yeah but the holocaust was used both by Zionists and by Nazis to convince normie jews to migrate to Palestine. Plus he was taking their stuff, giving them agricultural equipment and the like, and shipping them there.


I know man.....it makes me depressed just thinking about what could have been. But I believe it is still possible to achieve something similar today. America was founded as a white nationalist country and it was never meant to be this degenerate Jew controlled abomination it is today. We will take back our country from these kikes and we will rewrite history to honor Hitler and the National Socialists.



Lying in the sand, together forever.

>The modern leftist media

Who do you think they are? Its time to wake up, user.

Adolf didn't like The Last Jedi.

fuck shitler

death to all germans

Kill Whitey

>it was never meant to be this degenerate Jew controlled abomination it is today.
Wrong. America is the embodiment of Jewish policy. Every article of the Constitution was meticulously crafted to create the illusion of freedom in the goyim while sowing dissent and degeneracy. There's a reason so many of the "founding fathers" were Free Masons.

that pictures makes me cry

Quiet Muhammad, humans are talking.


I guess this is relevant



die in a fire, fag

i think hitler can now sleep at ease on his grave,
the new hitler is here,
in austria
schlaf gut hitler,
wir machen jetzt den rest



oh look, another little edgy contrarian bitchboi


Heil Hitler

they do not even have facial hair like the soyboys do. they are just fit and well dressed



Hitler was a fucking fag who launched a war that killed millions of ethnic Europeans. The fact you faggots circlejerk him is beyond pathetic

Nah, not familiar enough with Argentina.



Jew detected.

Can you stop shilling for people that give zero fucks about you?

As if the Nazis would've gave a shit about your Untermensch ass

I loved the part when he destroyed Europe

You're projecting, guy.
And still shilling for.people that couldn't care if you die.
Do they at least pay you?

good goy

>If you hate Nazis you must be working for the ebil jew

Not much room for nuance with you faggots huh?

Close to fuggin checked. She recognizes what her Fuhrer looks like.

>Loo-look at these pictures of the holocaust goy!
Seriously go fuck yourself. It has been demonstrated time and time again that that was all a hoax you degenerate.

One dead jew is well worth the destruction of Europe that's what you don't get
You don't make an omelette without breaking eggs

Sure it has pal, Hitler dindu nuffin I believe you

lmao you cuck how could you be shilling for the Government who occupied your country and made you its bitch?

Now Im the good goyim of the jewish rats that took over my country and flooded it with arabs
At least with the Nat-Soc my country would have seen no african immigration

What a trendy edgy faggot you are. I hope you get the queer cancer

That’s from Dresdin dumb fuck look at the buildings behind the piles of bodies