Bi-racial couples are a symbol of world unity...

Bi-racial couples are a symbol of world unity. The positive changes of globalization such as mutually respecting and appreciating another's culture.

If anything, black men should have our white daughters, as reparations for slavery. Honestly, you're a fucking loser if you don't like mixed race couples. It's the future.

Well the woman in the picture isnt white so nice try

>has white skin
>isnt white

Alright friendo.

You do realize that just because a person has white skin, that doesnt make them white right

hello jidf

>Bi-racial couples are a symbol of world unity

so what about biracial couples in ISrael?

Are they also a symbol of world unity?

You do realize we can recognize shills when we see them, right?

>muh one drop

The threat of turning into South Africa is VERY real so please fuck off with this shit.

Bi-racial couples are a symbol of daddy/mommy issues.

Overnight Sup Forums fucking sucks

On fucking point user

I mean, black men are getting white women, the fat and ugly ones.

fuck off and kys shlomo

It's not our fault top tier white women don't want to date/marry niggers.

true story
black women are the best and white men are the best, so we should join togheter

Absolutely no positive thing about globalism

Also there was no slavery in my country you dumb amerimongrel

>black and white couples are a symbol of white genocide...there.. ftfy kike.

As always, Jews First.

We are litterly taking the best of the black women, meanwhile black men get the worse white women, altough white women are litterly shit so i guess there is a grade even when it comes to shit

Fuck off you nigger lover

Biracial couples are generally women that have failed with their own race being undesired for whatever reason, and the other races are desperate as fuck. Every minority race "feeds" on these desperate women. Doesn't mean they don't ruin their lives.

>as reparations for slavery.
Reparations for slavery would be incredibly difficult, if not impossible, since its hard to track whose ancestors were effected and calculate how that effect caries over to their living relatives.

If you really want to do reparations right, you have to declare the drug war unconstitutional as a violation of the freedom of assembly and pay reparations to anyone who was directly affected by gutting the DEA and similar institutions. Since the drug war has been a defacto implementation of racism and most of those people affected were black or hispanic it would serve a similar purpose to reparations for slavery and indigenous genocide and make a massive reduction in welfare claims over the following decade.
