Obese is the new nigger

Obese is the new nigger.
When will doctors stop with their hate speech Sup Forums?

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Just say "you're in morbid condition" instead.


Aren't they "horizontally challenged"?


>why are they spending my money on this shit? I'd rather be able to call the home doctors and have them insert an IV for me.... t.woke up with horrid gastro

I like grossly overweight

How about "fatal obesity" or "mortal fattening".

>The City of UK

Why are people in the US, UK and Australia so fat?

Because we are first world countries.

but how can he be fat, he's eating subway?

This person needs to be put to death.

That's how they all start


She's shaped like a butt plug


Will they make it illegal for me to tell fat chicks to fuck off?

Out of all the fat hate memes that one triggers me the most

Make America Fat Shame Again. It's the only way.


>Literally making your fucking dog fat because you are too lazy to walk him several times a day

This is not even about being fat. Even a fat person can walk a dog. This is just straight up animal abuse. Fucking degenerate pig needs to be executed.

France isn't then?

Guess we should use fat fuck instead

>it's costing the NHS
>it's costing the UK taxpayers
This is why we don't need universal healthcare. Fuck 'em

Sometimes forced starvation/euthanasia is the most productive option. There’s a certain point where they’re just giant children with no impulse control.


Britfag studying medicine in Poland. This is why, whilst I am virtually guaranteed work in the UK, im doing everything in my power to get on a residency program in the US.

Its not the salary difference, its the work culture.

Goverment obligatory Fat reduction camps when?


Spherical persons
Humans of great proportions
People of Weight

Thanks, now I have a mental image of her and godzilla

Aye, she ought to be sent to davy jones lockerrrr



Got out of sydney in 07 fuck that place the inner west died when abbotsford cove got built

TFW "Lays"is called "Walkers"in the UK...
At least we're honest about naming or snacks here.

Le 56% mutts get fat in weird ways.

no, vlad

Lack of public transportation might be one. No need to walk when you go from house to car to work.

Fat, female niggers are the worst.

People are fat because everything is too easy. Shut off the power to the fattest parts of the country until the population slims down. The apocalypse is the best diet.

Current weight - Unknown

But junk food is expensive

>doctors avoid using the term obese
Oh well that's great health advice to their patients then isn't it. Every single doctor knows and most people know the massive health risks that comes with being obese/very fat. A litany of cardiovascular diseases, bowel diseases, increased risk of heart attacks, difficulty performing certain physical things, aswell as many other things.
>nope can't tell patients they should lose some weight for the sake of their own health, that would be 'offensive'
Not to mention the extra cost of handling obese patients. baka.com.au/nsw/the-heavy-cost-of-obesity-and-how-nsw-health-workers-are-responding-20150612-ghmxbu.html
I guess heart attacks and other stuff isn't offensive though, nono OH POOR VICTIM WHY DID HE DIED, DA DOCTORS SHOULD'VE TOLD HIM.

>People are fat because everything is too easy.
Nah people get fat because they are too lazy. Aswell as eat massively too much sugar.

People are getting this fat off of corn. That shit's in EVERYTHING. The government spends tax dollar just so more of it can be grown. Humans have no use for corn in their diet. Guess what, cows and pigs don't need it either. If there ever was a (((them))) situation this is it. Corn, corn oil, corn sugar, high fructose corn syrup, etc are all just crap you can't have nor should you have.


even if you don't fucking cook. you can buy better food than that at some deli or cafeteria or something.

Use the terms "fat cunt" or "fat fuck" instead

>even if you don't fucking cook. you can buy better food than that at some deli or cafeteria or something.
Yep healthy food is far less expensive than unealthy food hilariously enough. But it takes effort to make since you actually have to cook instead of just throwing some stuff in microwave or oven, something the fatty in that picture thinks is someone elses responsibility.
Just imagine the sheer amount of fruit veggies and other things she could've gotten for the same price of all that junk she has stashed in there?
>is on welfare
>buys shit food
>claims it's the government that should help her loose weight
>claims she needs more money so she can buy healthy food (eventhough it's cheaper than the junk she has already bought).

Dats true, i can buy a fucktone of cheap green shiet at my muslim local market.

Just calmly explain that my moral virtues keep me from lying and fat fuck is the closest approximation of your weight that can be determined by my eyesight.


>nhs lets the ice cream truck visit fatties in the fatty ward
>complains about fatties buying candy off the candy salesperson
jesus you'd think for 250 pounds a day they'd keep the bull out of the china shop

yeah, that's what i meant. for the money all that garbage costs you could just eat at some deli or something. it's not as good as a homecooked meal, but eating a plate of meat and potatoes is still better than fucking potato chips and twinkies and pop tarts.

>healthy food is expensive
>buys branded goods

Other then not learning how to cook why is she buying the dearest shite

belgians should be a bigger meme

So stating facts is offending now.

more goverment gibs i cant wait

So "obese" is out but "fat motherfucker" is still OK?

put him in prison, he will lose weight .
Put her in prison .
Both of them wasting public money

>well i'm not paying 250 pounds a day to keep me here, NHS is
Yeah well that's the UK taxpayers paying for your fat ass laying there on a monitored diet to lose weight and then you fucking eat chips anyways!
>it's not my fault there's a food trolley here
It's food fatass, it's not crack cocaine. Stop acting like it is.
This is the type of shit you get from obese people with free healthcare, you are obligated to pay for this kind of crap so Mr. Mcfatty over there can lay and eat chips because him paying for his own healthcare is too sickening a proposal. Isn't it wonderful?

>So stating facts is offending now.
Ah you're catching on. Yes, in a very real sense facts are labelled as offensive to stop you from telling them.
See in the past these things were just called facts. It allowed us to gague what was problems with and what wasn't, who did what etc. So that we could then deal with that situation. But today. these facts are not facts, they are OFFENSIVE and should not be talked about, net result is you ofcourse do nothing about anything that is considered offensive. So it just keeps going on exact same way.

>You're fat; you sweat and you stink. When you run, the earth shakes.

>So "obese" is out but "fat motherfucker" is still OK?
What's funny is that obese is a nice way of saying overweight, so it's a nice way of saying >you're a bit of a fat fuck and it's unhealthy for you
To begin with, but you can't even say it nicely apparently.
>Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have a negative effect on health.[1] People are generally considered obese when their body mass index (BMI), a measurement obtained by dividing a person's weight by the square of the person's height, is over 30 kg/m2, with the range 25–30 kg/m2 defined as overweight.
Next up.
>well you have chlamydia.
Wew don't be so offensive lad.
>but, it's just a fact that that's the situation you don't want to do anything about that?
Well screw you you fucking racist fascist asshole nazi!


>are single men who go after unavailable women morally culpable for infidelity?

Fucking left wingers are the biggest pussies in the history of mankind.

>When will doctors stop with their hate speech
We need leftists only hospitals so when doctor's avoid terms like "Obese" they keep eating thinking their healthy. Let's see how well it goes (((((((((FOR THEM)))))))))


im not fat my bones are fat

People like her would never switch to healthy eating even if it was cheaper. They are addicted to things that are engineered to exploit human tastes. Its a habit and people dont have the willpower to break those habits. And they are too retarded to break those habits or unwilling to even try.

my girlfriend likes dried cranberries when she's on her period. What, are you on your period?

fatsos are so gross

>my girlfriend likes dried cranberries when she's on her period. What, are you on your period?
Shitposting aside, are dried cranberries actually healthy? I thought dried fruit in general was pretty bad for you.

>Ban the word obesity
>Fat activists will rejoice in the sudden drop of death by obesity in statistics
>unable to spread this new propaganda since they ate all pie charts

Oh fuck this shit. Don’t want to be offended by the term obese? Stop being a fat pig. At least it’s something you can do something about, unlike being a nigger

Its working too. This is why people are so blue pilled about race now. In australia is you are a victim of a crime committed by an african, its literally illegal to talk about it.

> obese people with free healthcare
explain 'merica then

fruit in general is bad for you. its mostly sugar and fibre. meat and grains. some green leafy vegetables on the side sometimes. people fucking go nuts over fruit and veg. its just not very healthy and ridiculously expensive.

I used to think when people said morbidlt obese they were saying Orbitly obese

I think it's funnier that way.


>he wasnt around for the "not so fat belgium!" memes
fucking newfags I swear

>saying the truth or simply stating the facts becomes obscene

The times we live in.

Funny how that bitch can afford piercings and fucking tattoos

I'm 300 lbs and I like fat jokes. That's what proves to me that SJW shit is bullshit.
Also, it's not genetic. While there are certainly differences in metabolism between people, anyone can develop self control. It's not like all these skinny people stuff their faces irresponsibly because muh metabolism. I'm fat because it's my own fault.

Lady go ahead and subsist on whatever junk food you want, just fucking eat a little less of it.

top kek

Fat fuck

dont worry bruv, youre gonna make it with that attitude

>righto doctor how's everything look?
>well your bmi places you in the obese range
>you can't say that it's offensive
>my apologies, I meant you're a fat cunt

Fat niggers.

Tell me honestly, when was the last time you were satisfied with a GP visit? These days you're just another ticket, quick in-out in 5 mins, they don't even give you an examination. Just trying to go through as many as they can a day with minimum interaction. Health care sycks in this country.

Surprise, she's lazy

Are they replacing it with "stop eating so much or you're going to die of a heart attack at 40" ?

Deje que financiar terroristas


>fruit is bad for you.
Nobody knows anything about health. Some daily fruit is fine, fruit juice is terriable (removes the fiber) but whole fruit is great for you, gives you nice diet veriity. Sorry you live somewhere where fruit is pricey. Dried fruit has too much added suger generally.
Eh, yeah packaged food is terriable for you, and corn is making everyone a little over weight. But these new earth orbiting moons arnt from corn.
Look at these dude.
2500 kcal in a single bowl. The guy is fucking drinking heavy cream, AND on top of that AND AND fucking raspberry jam, which is basically sugar syrup, he likely think it counts as a fruit. Just the daily heavy cream on its own will make you fat, and all this is on top of his shitty processed cereal.

Bring that fat bitch over here, I’ll slam tight piggy her 25 stone ass down to 15 stone and I’ll have the fat bitch in a 2 piece running laps. Hope she’s into dark meat

This exactly: Confucius had it right that social shaming is what society runs on. Cuz you can't count on everybody to do the right thing

>can only afford junk food
as someone who's actually poor and doesn't have benefits, I buy bread, bisquick, rice, beans, ramen, vegetables, and frozen sausage to survive and sometimes really wish I could afford some pop tarts, cookies, or chips.