Should I look for a Russian chick to marry yes or no


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Why look when you can just buy one

Don't muddle up your genes even more

Absolutely not those bitches are crazy as fuck

t. first gf was a russian kike

Yes because whatever is capable to develop a bond with American subhuman is not welcome in Russia anyway.

Marrying an Asian is not the same as marrying a Russian

no one wants to live in your shit country bro lol

mail order divorce. within 2 months she'll ask you to help her brother or cousin or whatever the fuck emigrate and move in with you and boy won't you be surprised that their relative is really their boyfriend from back home and btw she wants a divorce and half your shit

Yikes. Nevermind.

Go for a Ukraine woman. You can get a hotter girl that's less maintenance.

Gold digging bio-cunts

True. Also, everyone in Russia has AIDS from injecting krokodil into their eyeballs

>to live in your shit country bro lol
Second biggest amount of immigrants after you mongrels

If you do this try to live there with her for six months to a year or two. Best litmus test if you have a gold digger or trad waifu. Pro tip most are gold digging cock carousel whores posing as trad. But going there- you will meet her family and will be able to see if you’re just another shakedown bank since her family might not be able to maintain any bullshit facade.

kys slavshit

What Eastern European country has the best women? because western women are trash

Mark Zuckerberg is that you???

Women in EE that date foreign men are THE trash, moron. You can’t get good Romanian, Ukrainian or Russian girl by definition. They don’t suck American dick

That's bullshit propaganda you brainwashed idiot

Only if you're desperate. Russians/Ukranians are bottom of the barrel whites. Level up to Eastern or Central Europeans.

I'll just get a southern or midwestern woman then

Use protective wear, or you'd get exposed to Russian radiation.

When you have to write on the neck of the american so we know what race he is

Do southern women have a problem marrying a Yankee?

I want a wife like this who will make peach cobbler and have 8 children

“Redpill” you can get that woman without leaving your state or a fucking hometown. Never could understand how getting a traditional woman is even a problem? I wish I could take all the r9kukolds who shitpost on here and do something REALLY evil to them.

At first I used to think:

> whatever it's just a permavirgin, let him be

But then, as time went on and turbovirgins just kept on mouthing off about the most pathetic shit and making the saddest threads, I realized that unless we remove this scum from the gene pool, our planet is doomed.

If you're a permavirgin who can't redpill a girl to suck on your dick and adopt your racial values, you should honestly just kill yourself or at the very least stop coming to the designated redpill board, like this is some sort of gathering place for your pathetic kind.

Mostly this. Russia bro is correct. Think of the women in your universities or major cities that date niggers or other filth- or like only “European” men. They do it for the fetish of it because it is “different”. The reality is that a traditional wife will want what is most similar to her in terms of culture, history and family. Yes you can potentially find a trad wife but honestly after traveling across Eastern and Western Europe I found the same basic whore chasing foreign cock everywhere. Back in the day (60-70’s) the Scandinavian whores would fulfill there brown cock lust with Greeks and Italians. Now they get their fill with refugee scum. That’s the main insult in this all. It’s not like it didn’t happen before the internet and all the recent shit. It’s that they brought their brown fetish to the north. Fortunately Eesti gets very little of this but I see the America style liberal brain rot disease spreading here more and more. The thing is we have all lost or reduced our country ways and that is why fewer and fewer trad women and men exist. The city pays more. Sorry blog post.

Doesn’t exist for most of us. She will be trad facade for the first three months until you get addicted to her cunt and then turn into a depressed slob that does nothing but watch Netflix and buy shit on her iphone.

The vast majority of women in Western Europe and the Northeast USA are whores who are at war with men

I had a very conservative russian girlfriend. She openly hated niggers, indians and muslims and was also pretty modest (didn't like to party or having sex outside of relationships). She was also very intelligent and spoke good english, too.

I would say it's worth a try.

What ended it?

>Should I look for a Russian chick to marry yes or no

jews won't let smart goyim breed... they will just mind control her to hate you and take all your money, and then spend it on jew owned products.

Ope, true

I didn't have much time for her. She wanted me to be with her every day but im a pretty busy man.

They are not though. It’s a small minority of obnoxious cunts and a few bitches doing a shittest on you
t. Lived in Western European and USA.

Hey Eesti what does the public think about multiculturalism and diversity?

Most dislike it in a passive way. Like the default is this. Mostly due to the fact we have Russians that live here that haven’t fully embraced that they’re not in the USSR anymore. Fortunately they’re integrating more but still needs work. I think because of that many are apprehensive about multiculti bullshit. However with that said there are definitely U.S. styled Eesti cucks that want a “vibrant” society in towns like Tartu and Tallinn. It’s a small minority that wants this but it’s growing. It doesn’t help that the U.S. embassy was caught trying to push more niggers and diversity of brown shitstains into Eesti. Wikileaks let that out awhile ago. I would like to put up Sup Forums tier posters of what diversity really looks like from the perspective of a South African farmer or beaten and killed coal burners. It’s always women they attack with this great diversity nigger propaganda and who are the ones they target. Would like to do some counter propaganda to nip the coon lust in the bud.

Fuck outta here with that. I identify more as American than I do "Anglo"
That's fucking gay.

The (((US Embassy))) is controlled by SOROS. He is the devil and Trump needs to arrest him for sedition for funding antifa

Anglo is the same as saying Saxon or Celt dude. It’s just a part of the makeup of America that it was brought to greatness by WASP’s (white Anglo Saxon Protestant). If you have a surname that originated from the U.K. then you’re part of that.


I’m aware of what a kike Soros is. The machinations of diversity go beyond him though. This idea is old. Kalergi was around before Soros. And some other kikes were around before that pulling the same shit. Not gonna end this line of thought by cutting off his head alone. Truthfully we probably need a power vacuum that only a wide scale war can create that allows for something new to come in, replace the existing forms of governance and severe all allegiance to it once and for all. Democracy, communism etc...I want them all to die. Humanity has no goal and is currently rudderless in its grasp for hedonism as it’s only purpose.

At least this one is cuter than Cuckerberg's woman, but that's not saying much

That is so depressing to hear. Your country has done nothing to deserve that crap. I hope your leftists are dealt with before they get any serious influence.
Was there any public reaction when the news about the embassy came out?

Rescue a South African.

you will just be a fetish for some dumb whore just like coal burners

stick to your race. always stick to your race. nobody is going to have your back like your family and people. as a russian im telling you, stick to your race man

1 post by this ID
Check your VPN connection and tell your IT staff over at shareblue that auto logout after 8 hours interferes with overtime work

You will probable end up with a gold digger. Why don't you want an American woman?

Better submit now wyt bois or pay later on

Minor grumblings and autistic screeching. We’re in an odd pridicament in terms of the Russia issue, which I personally don’t think is an issue... but many do as well as the Eesti government. It’s like going to borrow a hammer from a super religious Christian person. Eventually after you smile and get past some small talk they’re gonna tell you how fucking great Jesus is when all you wanted was to borrow their fucking hammer. Only Jesus to the American embassy is nigger dicks...and boy do they sure like telling everyone how fucking great nigger dick diversity is.


In Russia the older people are whatever about same-sex marriage but the vast majority of young people are against it. How can we replicate the Putin anti-gay propaganda law here?

Well our state department is staffed entirely by leftist cucks that went to school for political science. They're so tuned in on their retarded ideology that its no surprise they want to bless you with the gift of nigger aids rape gangs and sharia law. The only adults in our embassies are the Marines on guard duty.
Have they tried telling the public that Communism is a great idea too?

I don't think there are a lot of worthy russian girls willing to marry an american unless you are literally perfect.

I really hate red alert and this retarded charicaturized image of the soviet union. Fucking americans...

Soulless gold diggers most of them, at least ones that want to become mail order brides. There is a good change she will ditch you on instant she gets permanent residence permit or finds someone with more money than you.

Good luck lmao. Racialist South Africans are more nepotistic than kikes
>zogbot mongrels on guard duty are actually great

>Soulless gold diggers most of them, at least ones that want to become mail order brides. There is a good change she will ditch you on instant she gets permanent residence permit or finds someone with more money than you.
This. When Russia racially purifies itself it must help sister Finland and Balts to clean up too


I said they are the only adults in the embassy. It was actually disrespectful for the civilian staff working there. You autistic Tatar rape baby

No you are retarded and silly, there are plenty of good women in America, any Russian woman who wants to leave her country is probably psycho anyways and just wants money, don't trust Eastern Euro women, they are deadly to people who are bitches (like Americans).

There's a huge problem with slav genetics, the biggest one is their aging process which severely deteriorates their appearances, the second one is they are prone to become a religious nut after the first kid or so you'll likely see eastern orthodox stuff magically appear throughout the house.

>retards that sign up to military are well functioning adults
Radu, stop with your projections you abominable cigan

Just drilling for the nerve Ivan

Ukrainian / Latvian women are fucking crazy.

This. Most traditional, well-behaved Russian women go for Russian men or at least men who speak Russian. The other Russian women are gold-diggers who care only about your money. They might stay with you and not fill for a divorce as long as you pay for her shit but they also will not be faithful to you.

t. Me. I speak Russian and know more Russians than Germans.

Yes 80 to 100% white countries aren't actually white but la 56% burger land is white.

MFW, I'll never be able to melt the ice around a Russian snow queen's heart.

Don't forget Romanians were Romans, Dacian and Vlach. They will also most likely claim to be many other groups of people in the future to justify them stealing more land in other peoples wars.

Depends. Are you a Slav at all? I am second gen slav and my wife is 1st. She follows what i say but i think its because we have slav in common.

Get yourself a big titty, confederate aryan hottie my guy. They're out there you just gotta get more alpha

It's when you must beat her and take her passport and whatever means she has to be independant from you. When she sknow that you are utterly dominant she'll soon forget about her family.

Are you fucking retarded?
This isn't 1870.
If you can get past that awful fucking accent, Southern women are hot as fuck. Especially the ones from Atlanta.
Stay away from anyone from Missouri, Tennessee and the Blue Ridge areas of Va and Kentucky.

I'm so fucked. I'm too commited to staying in california in hopes that I can help turn it back to red some day to leave and find myself a southern hottie. Hot all american southern women is my weakness.

Stop blaming the US for problems your EU friends in Sweden and Germany are shoveling down your throat.
We're not force-feeding you Somalis, Pakis and other shitskins. You're taking them yourselves.
Hell, even US isn't taking Muslims at the moment, while Merkel and her EU cuck buddies are rolling out the welcome mats, led by your own white sluts looking for some BBC.

Fuck off nigburger. You better send all the russians from US back home.

>its because we have slav in common.
That was so slav

>marrying a girl just cause she's russian


How much money you got? If you have a lot you will get some great pussy for the rest of your life.
If not you will lose everything and your life will be ruined forever when she takes it all and starts fucking a richer man.

All women are the same. You're a handholdless hugless kissless speakless acknowledgeless virgin if you think otherwise.

Culture mixing is a firm of race mixing. In between classes, and all types of things like part of country

If you're an Eastern Slav, sure.
If you're not, fuck off you fucking mixing degenerate

No they're not worth it. They're hard to get and cold-hearted.
>got rejected by a russian

Yall niggas seen this show
Top 10 Most Awkward Moments from 90 Day Fiancé:

You could be eating BBQ and riding around on this all day, but instead choose Commiefornia.

Stay cucked then, know you had a choice.

The sad truth is women are the same everywhere...

You were hoping that it wasn't true--that you could maybe find a nice girl who has family values...but no.

They are the same's so sad.


I think that if you can't do it at home, you can't do it abroad either. The idea kicking around in the back of men's minds is that they can trade their money for younger/more beautiful women from a poor country. But, you probably aren't really that rich (even if youre pulling six figures). And people are people. So women are women.

Don't you think that your social awkwardness, and lack of friends, and boring life and lack of style and interests, and mediocre genetics, and lack of confidence would eventually become obvious to a young, beautiful girl who has only ever lived the opposite kind of life surrounded by the opposite kind of people? Be realistic. You're either a catch, or you're not.

If you're not, then work on it. Contrary to the MGTOW faggots, theres actually a lot you can accomplish if you really want to.

MFW I know you're right

sounds like a woman.


Nah they age bad and fairly fast. Dunno if it's because of how polluted and shitty Russia or just because of their genes

Eastern European genetics.
Never seen a single Slav age well past 25.
They hit the wall harder than an Asian woman does at 40.
But at least they turn into a big, hairy bear instead of a little insect-chimp crossbreed.


I beg to differ, no one wants to live in a fatland filled with cucks actually

No. Fuck off la creatura.

Got the tech now to just build my own dream woman.

Lol she will marry you and once she get's her green card she will dump you for a Chad or Tyrone.

> very busy man
> posts on Sup Forums

Yes, either that or an Asian, a Parjeet or a Latina.