The year is 2030

>The year is 2030
>A large militia group forms in Canada, labeling themselves The People's Army of Canada
>Harkening back to fantasies of the Chinese, Trudeau welcomes them with open arms
>Turns out the milita actually gives a shit about the people, and isn't a group of socialist faggots at all
>A coup quickly takes place, and the Canadian Military is helpless vs the People's Army
>Many leaders are executed. Finally it is Trudeau's turn
>Trudeau rolls out his rug, takes to his knees and with the sunset in the background, makes his final prayer to Mecca.
>The People's Army burns the old flag, and erects a new one.

>a new one
Canada for Northern Europeans only

they wouldnt raise a red flag. quebecois separatists are about the only ones in this country who ever took arms against the leaf, from the Frères Chasseurs to the FLQ

>Canada invites the Royal Family after a referendum is held in Britain for Republicanism, after the nigger princess finally gets divorced
>Monarchy restored in Canada, mounts an offense to retake Britain

>Trudeau pulls out nunchucks and makes his own sound effects
>looking through his eyebrows Trudeau asks his enemies "are you ready to win"
>Trump gives Alaska to Canada as a sing of respect

quebecois are too proud and french and would be noticed immediately though. I wonder if the People's Republic of Canada would let Quebec go free

No chink commie army is ever gonna set foot even one meter from the US border

When does the ethnic cleansing fit into your timeline?

If you fund us, we will overthrow Trudeau. RWDS in all major cities

>>Many leaders are executed. Finally it is Trudeau's turn
>>Trudeau rolls out his rug, takes to his knees and with the sunset in the background, makes his final prayer to Mecca.

>In his last breast he udders "If you kill me, I win"

Nope. Tall hobbit will be prime minister in 2019. Trudeau is finished.

>still using a leaf in the year 2030

>Trump stops at the last minute making a global scale twitter spectacle
>Leaked footage of Trudeau's final moments as a prime minister in pic related

This is good though

The leaf is eternal

The next time Allahu Ackbar is heard anywhere in the country, or any of Trump's 7 banned words, so I imagine pretty quick.

Stop talking about Canada, nobody worth a fuck gives a fuck

>Trudeau puts a copy of The Art of the Deal to his forehead
>After 1 phone call Trudeau not only gets Alaska back, he also gets Trump to take Quebec
>1000 years of prosperity in Canada ensues

We don't need a new one.
We need this one again.

>Implying we'll take Quebec and give Alaska
We'll take Alberta and the northern half of British Columbia. You can have California and Baha California. We don't need Mexico's permission

Thought it was supposed to be a red flag with a white circle and cross overtop, with the leaf/swords as the centerpiece.

He was implying Trudeau mistaking a rebellion as "friendly communists".

Not if Trudeau keeps importing voters and buying votes with his soyboy pandering. Plus the conservative party will still be around as a hole for votes to be desperately wasted in, as the conservative party is leaning further and further left. Then the NDP is no serious threat and everything else is pointless.

We're just a 2-party system where they are both left-wing and also controlled opposition as a third choice.

>Implying the American gov't will take extremely selective parts of Canada instead of the whole landmass

It doesn't snow in California. Literally can't be part of Canada. We could somehow trick California and Quebec to form a new nation.... Fuck it we will get rid of Newfoundland as well.

Donner Party...

The Imperial Weight Loss System

Save your society in half a generation or your money back

The military would fight the coup? Why?

Lol The Canadian armies contingency plan in the event of what OP described is literally just hold Ontario and let the rest of the country burn. Really says it all. Canada is a meme.

>let the rest of the country burn
>implying the rest of the country wouldn't be cheering in the streets

So what? They fall back to Ontario, evacuate the politicians to the US or something and then get Surrounded and flee across the border too?

Canada will be fractured by then. BCMB plus the north will be one, Ontario will be on it's own and where we dump all the non-whites and faggots, then QC and the Maritimes make up another country.

>nukes Toronto
>"WE WON!!!!!"

The Politicians would flee (Since they would hear the music) and the Army would try to setup a transitional government in whatever small territory they controlled. While the rest of the country would become minor nations based out of old regional identities and what makes the most sense economically. The Canadian government doesn't have the man power to fight an uprising - and if it became a guerilla war, no one would be able to save them.

This story is terrible. I have no idea what the characters' motivations are.

>hold the only province that actually matters
Colour me shocked

Shit, I live in Ontario...


i can't wait until Alberta secedes

take saskatchewan too, pretty high GDP per capita




Wrong pic.

That's enough internet for one day Cenk.

I would fucking nut harder than I ever have in my life if Ontario fucking bailed and the rest of the country had to deal with their shit themselves, even though NS would crash and burn so hard, we would finally live in a country where a single province doesn't have nearly half of the voting share.

No taxation without proper representation or something.

Fucking Toronto... so many ridings and they always go lib.

I mean if the Chinks in BC got uppity, formed a guerilla group and got secret kick backs from China. Literally nothing could stop them.

Is this the plot for the re-reboot of red dawn?

Except for the United States.

I think even now, they'd be a little concerned with a communist colony to the north of their border.

Nah they aren't going to fight a guerilla war in Canada. They would sell us out first.