USA false flag Christmas 2017

Pentagon missing $21 trillion
US national debt ~$21 trillion
W80 weapons are in position.

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They only lost 4 trillion for 911, so this will have to be 5 times as big.


Nig if true

Dont get my hopes up op

They're going to introduce the alien invasion psyop.
Maybe they'll take the boring route and initiate WWIII between the middle east and jewsrael.

21 trillion is fucking missing, as soon as we find out huge amounts of money is missing something really bad happens, 911 happened right after we found out money was missing. All poltical enemies are pancking because trump is flushing them out of everything, cia black ufo shit was revealed publicly.

desu I'm ready for the planet to be nuked to smithereens and for everyone to die
this timeline has been so shitty I want a restart


I heard chuck schumer had a rape party?

Fucking this

My ban was lifted woohoo!

>Pentagon missing money
>"h-hey guys, there was actually a budget to look for ayys"
They'll keep "disclosing" those little budgets here and there, you'll see.

Let's be honest, it's 2017 and the bar is low. Very few individuals care.

It is for China-Russia-Iran-NK-Pakistan-Venezuela-Cuba

Y'all niggers crossposting from the Hillary timeline? I'm sorry.

no the entire democratic establishment is losing everything, they thought Hilary would have continued the war games that obama brought on, but instead trump got elected.

I guess they added cross realm shitposting.

Does it really even matter though? They'll just print more.

This, how much has been funneled to isis or some new muslim niggers. Wouldn't be surprised if shit ends up in Myanmar or whatever that country was. Didn't they just blow up a church in Pakistan. :'(

good.. we need to turn shit around.

Someone said this in the other thread. Also 1 post by ID. Do you even know how the economy works? They won't just "print more" faggot.

it does matter, printing more forever isnt going to give you proper growth. It will end up badly and in possible civilian currency devaluation

>Just got a good job and some money saved up.
>Gonna propose this spring.

If everything goes to shit soon I'm gonna be pissed I'm doing really well.

All that money but still none for the border wall...


Although if it's a nuclear false flag it's so we can go to war with North Korea.

Iran has been off the media's radar, but that's someplace else we'd like to go.

Now there's 2 posts. And the economy hasn't stopped them from just printing more so far.

Not saying it's of no concern, but is it really worth 9/11 part deux?

yep. there are allegedly photos somewhere.


$21 trillion spent on black budget super technology.
Spoiler: we have the ability to leave our solar system

You guys don't really want something to happen, do you?


I have a question, why should we believe anything on rt

i heard they're coming out this week.

>solar system meme

like, to the public though?


no u

do you have a mirror for the third vid?

Checked. People dont even understand how big a billion is. A trillion is an astronomical number. This missing money could literally do everything the left is butthurt over, free college, free medical, free houses. Fuck thats UBI levels

Oh shit missiles ar heading towards my house...

Depends on whether it'll be funny or not.

thanks ronald

Someone give me the basic run down and why I should care?

archive it you complete faggot. jesus titty fucking christ, the state of this board

EMAILLLLLLLLLS that bush and jewner and jewvanka also did

i tried, turns out i'm invincible.


Keep this in mind, they could pull project bluebeam only to have another faction swoop in to "save the day," and everyone would cheer them on for taking out the evil powers that would hoax such a threat.

I mean, it's much more plausible than folks actually buying a real alien hoax.

Is ever a real flag?

I don't know what that means... elaborate Please!!

guess it's time to pray.

>Monday may be a terrible day for America.
Was something major thwarted?

Most logical answer is just spooks bankrolling 50+ years of proxy conflicts, organized crime, drugs and warlords throughout the world.

or they're just keeping it and laughing all the way to the banks (that they own).

lol wrong pic

maybe the opposite


what the fuck

It's not going to be a US false flag; intel shows that Israel will be false flagging a nuke in Jerusalem. The Atlanta airport shutdown was disabling the "radiation detectors". Only 1 plane was allowed to leave and it landed in Tel Aviv, Israel. Here's the basic gestalt.

>Israel and Cheney, Murdoch & Co. are now drilling for oil in the Golan Heights (Syria/Israel border). In order to establish a pipeline to feed the oil to Europe (((E.U.))), Syria must be destabilized and Assad ousted. When this happens, it circumvents Russia's oil exporting to Europe. This is why Russia is involved in the Syrian conflict in the first place.

>So, now that Syria is about to be getting its shit together with (((ISIS))) being killed off, Israel is losing its plan to create its own Oil economy as they can't get access through Syria.

This is partly why the (((MSM))) shilled so hard against Trump during the election. Hillary wanted Assad out and Syria fucked up and in tatters. This is why they (Obama/Hillary/etc) were funding ISIS in the first place. With Israel having more influence (grabbing Syrian land), it protects the Petro-dollar situation and thus the world economy (dominated by the Fed)..

>So, what do you do now? You have 2 options.

>1. You go all in and fucking nuke Syria, then while rebuilding it with (((Soros))) and (((Rothchild))) NGO money, you install the pipeline as planned, then install Israeli security forces to "protect the pipeline from terrorists".

>2. Jerusalem (new capital that pisses off Arabs) is going to get hit by a nuke (set off by Israel themselves) to garner war support against Iran and Syria. Mossad just smuggled nukes/detonators from the US from Atlanta that have an obscure (new) radioactive signature.. meaning that they can be made to look like "Soviet made" nukes, or "new Iranian" nukes, etc... This false flag will be blamed on either "Iran just nuked Jerusalem" or "Syria just nuked Jerusalem with Soviet materials".

Even weirder. He died on September 23rd, 2016.

but nukes arent real though. and how is Bible prophecy going to come true if Jerusalem is obliterated?

ch...checked vlad wants snoo-snoo

The presentation is cringey with the background keyboard and the revival type audience participation, but it's still pretty accurate. You sure he's dead?

This is about exposing everything since JFK.


Jerusalem currently holds a lot of Arab special places/buildings. Hiroshima was rebuilt into a very nice city (today); so can Jerusalem after the Israelis nuke the Arabs there. Sort of a cleaning house deal...

found the communist

>The way I try to define the President's foreign policy objectives to people is he really has two major foreign policy objectives. Peace and Prosperity.

Checked, wew


you cant rebuild the temple which isnt even there yet and on radioactive ground. it's not happening

Care to elaborate?


Nice theory but still only a theory.
Theyd have to be desperate to nuke Jerusalem themselves.
The way the world is right now, not much would surprise me.

He calls them "Saturday Nights"

Kek lovely

>Pentagon missing $21 trillion
That's the last straw, impeach drumbgf now

he's LARPing or just stupid. Kennedy is from a family related to the top royals and all the other crypto-jews. all the kennedy assassinations were probably faked.

>you cant rebuild the temple which isnt even there yet and on radioactive ground. it's not happening.

Not all Isotopes have a long half-life. 20 years isn't that long, especially when you can just remove a foot of top-soil. Think Fukushima.

>Theyd have to be desperate to nuke Jerusalem themselves.

How else are they going to create the greater Israel that God himself promised them? They need land, and they need that Oil economy to fund it.

>[Genesis 15:18]

>On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram and said, "To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates...."

It's called the Democratic party



yep. Very likely

breddy kewl

Didn't they make a stop in Europe first? Wouldn't that airport have nuke detectors? Did that airport have a malfunction/electrical fire/blackout too?

>it didn't

Diaspora is a GTA larp pushed by lefties to waste time. Multiple discords were created to group up and raid, but you stick out like a sore thumb. Sad.

I dont want to scare you, user. But you better buy lead instead of diamond

bring the happening, Sup Forums is stagnant without a happening

>Didn't they make a stop in Europe first? Wouldn't that airport have nuke detectors?
They had plenty of time to shield the material on that long trans-atlantic flight. Remember, they had a free-pass to bypass customs inspections. They probably used just a fucking lead casing to hide the nukes/detonators.

Nigger Dumbass

Wtf did they buy both WTCs before blowing them up so that Jews looking for their lost money wouldn't blow their cover?

How can a mere demolishing operation plus 2 hijackings amount to 4 trillions?

the owner took massive insurance before the hits that specifically said "terrorists attacks."
When he was about to get the insurance money, he actually took the case to court and demanded to be paid double, because there actually two terrorist attacks. one for each plane.
as for the people inside the towers, there were shitloads of shady security companies with ties to the government. they were probably either part of the plan and helped to set it up, or knew too much and had to be destroyed with all records

also you didnt quite understand it. What he meant that Pentagon anounced that the trillions are missing before the attack. And the attack was used as a way to draw attention elsewhere or destroy the evidence. Or both. Video related, notice the date

Why didn't they just shield a nuke, then put it on a plane? Why start an electrical fire when mossad can already bypass customs?

Jerusalem is home to plenty of Muslim holy sites, makes no real sense to pretend hajjis nuked their own.

That one plane leaving for Jerusalem and the company that owns it is fishy as fuck, but your theory is pretty thin.

Not all of us end our sentences with nigger. You still don't fit in.

Sure, I do nigger. You're the one using leddit spacing. Lurk more. Nigger.

Maybe it was a person and not a nuke. Maybe facial recognition would pick up said person and said agents trying to leave the country. Agents black the airport, use creds to push through security and get the plane in the air. Could have just been someone beating feet and going overkill a little overkill because they were scared shitless. Sounds like kikery to me.

This sounds more likely. Israel has nukes already, and if not the ability to fake a nuclear signature, the propaganda machine to fake it anyway.

Who would be fleeing the country like a goddamn secret agent? Any missing Saudi princes we need to account for? Patent holders getting squeezed?

Or it could pay off all of the US debt...