Salad is cute CUTE!

salad is cute CUTE!

i'm gay for sasuke

These moonrunes are weird. Don't they speak in archaic way in Naruto?

SAlad is for big Hokage dick

You're looking at Korean scans.

She looks like a toddler who still has baby fat.
Kill yourself pedos.

I thought Salad was a loli mangaka.

heard this chapter we have new stuffs not from the movie

She's clearly pouting in most of the panels you fucking failure at life. Her being cute is a subjective fact, it ain't pedo if it stays at that.

>Gateway anime is real t Sup Forums
>Gateway drugs dont exist and whole theory is a lie t Sup Forums

Explain this

Who are you quoting?


Fuck off you cancerous Narutard spammers.

I thought a salad was something you eat.

It is. Both are.

>new naruto memegirl has a crush on mc
why is this stupid cunt considered interesting again

>Heart shaped eyehax
Hentai artists missed an opportunity with this.

>unusual pupils

Why was Orochimaru a waiter?

because Naruto SD

Can't wait to see her do a typical mad face of Uchiha.

>Sahara wataru

That fashion sense though.

New burrito today?

Naruto made the kunoichi seducing school take students at a younger age.

Is she wearing a tube top or are those bandages?

I guess I should be thankful that the anime will be closer to Kishi's designs than the Boruto manga artist.