Well, you've got some explaining to do, Sup Forums

Well, you've got some explaining to do, Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:


What's to explain aside that's Hide-and-Seek from Arearee?


I misread this as "Hide-and-Seek from Aerolas."

What kind of adults still wears twintails? You old hag!

Sauce me up, senpai

>not helpful filename
Why are you so evil user? and this is not a recent addition so is not on the first page, can someone give a name?

Well, it is, but OP English version is not in the panda.

It's on cafe.


On cafe.

Thanks, found it.

Found it, but now i have a question: which is better? sadpanda or cafe?


>found source
>about to fap
>cousin suddenly returns home and bought his girlfriend
Goddammit, you choose the worst moment to bring you boring grilfriend home! you don't even do anything interesting! YOU ONLY SIT DOWN AND WATCH TV!

Are you stronger or own firearm?
If yes - start fapping in front of them.

Did anyone find the name yet?

They are 12 you sick fuck.

It can double as sex ed.

>cant read the thread



Tie your cousin to a battery and NTR him.
Doubles as a sex ed.

Establish your dominance by fucking his girlfriend in front of him.
Then make him feel like a girl.
You're not getting any, might as well take what you can get and off yourself before they ship your filthy /blog/ging ass to jail.

>that new doujin where the guy and the girl meet during middle school class reunion
>mfw that ending

Which one?
Sounds like a hmanga, not a doujin

The art and body type reminded me of Hitagiri, am I the only one?
Also I haven't seen something from him in eons

Actual Size
Mean to say hmanga

cafe is good for Fakku translations, that's all they carry. So use both

And if you're sexually attracted to 12 year olds (real or drawings), you're a hebephile. It's against the law.

but doesn't that law change from state to state?
its not country wide


Also, you have to prove that she has artistic value.

how do you prove that though?
what is the criteria for that?

That was cold as fuck at the end

>Drawings are illegal
>Meanwhile real, living, breathing, flesh and blood females are being raped

My country and its ideology sucks.

Why did you quote my reaction image?

Being a hebephile itself isn't illegal in most places.

Is this dorohedoro?

How could you possibly ask that?

>Checks on Cafe
>Can't find it
Title of the doujin pls

nvrmind found it

What's this cafe you speak of?

So don't, fuck off and let me drink in peace.
How the hell did you get in my house anyway? I refuse to believe you snuck in through a window dressed like THAT


>only has Fakku stuff
I'd been using Tsumino for Fakku rips before this but this is great. Thanks user.

she was basically telling him she'll see him again, that's why he doesn't need her number.

>A website dedicated to cucking jewcob

How long until he kills it, like everything else I love.

Any idea of how to batch download from there? I don't see my self downloading a 200 pages manga one by one.

sorry, no idea



Don't worry, japan got you cover.

Show her something exciting
She just doesn't know what she's missing

Because im retarded and havent read dorohedoro but ive seen the numerous threads up on Sup Forums before and thats what the art style makes me think of for some reason.

assert dominance by fucking her and then him
this will teach them to harass you, while you try to masturbate to malaysian clam pictograms

but it's not as if real rape is legalized over there

That site has been up since fakku went full jew


wget perhaps? My script-fu is weak but you could probably figure something out.

She just said she didn't want to see him again, despite him being her first love.

>Ichinomiya yuu's h-manga has the final couple of pages missing

>bought his girlfriend
Not that most aren't, but how much did he pay for her?

No, it's the other overrated Love-Hina tier of haremshit with few nice reaction pics.

All this god tier art. I've been fapping to nothing for the last couple months.