Naruto Ending Today

So today is the day anons the wedding chapter is today and naruto ends in a couple hours, are you going to watch it live ?

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Should we stream it ?



There'll be a fuckton more, user

Kill yourselves, Narutards.

I take it Lee was the designated bitch that night seeing as alcohol causes him to go berserk into a belligerent rage.


what time (GMT or US whatever) does it actually air?

We did it, Sup Forums!
We outlived Naruto.

Speak for yourself.
Luckily, Heaven has free WiFi.

It's all come down to this

Why is Sakura crying? She never gave a shit about Naruto.

she was cucked out of a good ending

>mfw thinking there are literally people who fucking died before this show ended
>some who may have even been born after the series started

But Naruto isn't ending. It's just another time jump with a different title.

It's only the anime that's ending anyway, and the anime only exists to make the manga look good in comparison.

We've done it. We've seen our boy grow up, become a hero, and now, finally, have a family to call his own.

We did it.


Welcome to three years ago.

Crying because everyone would prefer Hinata as the main heroine instead probably. Just see the reaction of Sakurafags during The Last movie. Or maybe the fact she's so irrelevant that Sakura's VA had to beg Kishi to write how she got with Sasuke. However the last thing Kishi said about her was that she was Kiba and Shino tier of relevance.

>tfw I bailed on this show during that stupid running filler episode in og Naruto over 10 years ago

In hindsight, I dodged a massive bullet

>Or maybe the fact she's so irrelevant that Sakura's VA had to beg Kishi to write how she got with Sasuke. However the last thing Kishi said about her was that she was Kiba and Shino tier of relevance.

Wait, seriously? Was this on Twitter or something?

Wait, is it over? Someone sauce me a link

>Crying because everyone would prefer Hinata as the main heroine instead probably.
Only Hinatafags and general shippingfags think and want this.

Oh boy. Better get my tissues ready

Naruto ending by animating the victory of the most deserving best girl, I would have it no other way.

I've watched every single episode up to this day

New Studio Pierrot blog post about the last few episodes.

She can still win!

can you hear it?

the crashing of waves, as the smell of salt overcomes you senses,
as the distant wailings beyond the horizon, become ever more clear.

i feel blessed to witness such a colossal tidalwave of anal-devastation in my lifetime

truly blessed

This anime, is without a doubt the worst of it's kind. However though I might hate it, it was definitely reliable in the sense that I could always go back to it and hop into a comfortable place just to get lost. I will miss you Naruto.

Compared to DBZ, Naruto is worse with romance

26 minutes left

Also where the fuck is the stop

did they find the one piece yet

Yes, it was the friends they met along the way.

>complements Hinata
>she no sold it like a champ

Oh boy. so at what point did Hinata stop fainting when Naruto's around?

yes, but she's about to lose it again

>It's now that you realize that you grew up watching his faggotry, and now he has a wife and fulfilled his lifelong dream, while you're still rotting in the same spot you were years ago.

Don't project I'm doing it fine desu

>naruto ends
Wait I havent watched it since years, but in the manga they show him as adult. Will they skip that in the anime for just the wedding filler?

It's out in crunchy

i am pretty sure they haven't come to that point in the anime yet.
it's just a filler in between

It's out on HS.


Wow naruto asking iruka that, im criying


>implying they won't make more fillers with the pregnancy
Everyone always a wanted a sol with Naruto's mom. That would be closest we'll get.

>That Neji ghost when Guy splashed the rice
Should I cry or laugh?

Now that's something I can get behind on.

She won they added the scene of her receiving a letter from Sasuke

>didn't end with the final panel from the manga
>didn't end with OP from first Naruto

Couldn't even give it the ending it really deserved. Fuck Naruto, fuck Kishimoto, thank god this terrible fucking series has ended.

Twitter said it was last episode of Naruto series, pregnancy flashback maybe in Boruto if they want

Naruto won it all in the end he fucking won it all

What it said?

No now go the fuck away and leave us alone. I'm sick to death of all the generic normalfag Shonenshit on the catelog and it's cancerfied this board for far too long

Yeah sorry

The wedding was nice and all, but with the last chapter still not being adapted I wonder what's the studio's plan with it? Are they going to incorporate parts of it into Boruto?

You're a fag

His biggest won was getting Sasuke back, I bet he won't marry Hinata if Sasuke dies


>tfw its not even SasukeĀ“s semen


This is really the last of Naruto series, they even show he is passing the baton to Boruto as this means the start of Boruto series


See in Boruto


What does cumming inside of Hinata feel like?

This scene isn't going to be animated and shit?

See you next week

I laughed hard user, thanks.

As much as we'd like to see an episode titled 'Boruto's conception', it's just a doodle by one of the show's animators.

That was nice, I'm almost sad to see it go

This was the most hilarious week to read the reactions of shippers - cause I think it was the same week Korrasami Ending happened


>no NaruHina kiss
>no scene of Boruto vandalizing Mt. Hokage with Rocks playing
Would have been a perfect episode if they had included that.

He got away with EVERYTHING.

>Won the guy she loved so much
Please stop hinata can never be a main heroine never ever, I don't why did Hinatafags still hating on Sakura even after they got what they wanted, stay butthurt

best bro

this theme should of been at the end credits with a full amv of the whole story

This nigga knows what'sup

Now what anons?


Just like Michael Jackson.

It is not a late night anime so children are watching

You can move on from the franchise, or you can follow Boruto to see what happens next. The anime staff is quite promising so I think the first episode is worth checking out at least.

>they are still this assblasted

Captcha choose al signs with stop

So fucking perfect. Thank god they didn't ruin Hinata with the awful geisha hairdo and makeup that usually ruin brides when they choose the nip marriage.

She looks absolutely perfect here.

Hinata is just the best a man can ask, nu-males will choose Sakura over this

YES=u can have sex
NO=u cant have sex

man I watched a 25 episode anime and felt hollow when I finished it, I can't even imagine how you fags feel

She looks creepy man.

Been stuck in the franchise for many years. No turning back from Boruto, friend.
But, saying that; I highly doubt I'd ever feel the same kick as I once did in Naruto

I've seen more Hinatafags still butthurt around her I don't know why

The anime has to be good though. Most of Narukek was just absolute garbage

I think we all know the butthurt ones are the Sakurafags. Shitty violent tsundere lost so hard to the sweet adorable hajidere that they had to pretend they were actually invested in the Sasukeb owl all along to console themselves.

So many years of dedication weekly.
yeah lil bit

Hanabi is such a little semen demon.

kind of underwhelming final episode in my opinion

So good

The letter was for Naruto.