What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?


too perfect for this world

In the end he was just an ant

He chose hoes over bros

he had a gambling addiction

he didn't genocide the humans fast enough

sounds like a troll name

all extremely valid answers
why did they wait so long to execute the selection

Not radiation resistant enough

came here to post exactly this phrase

>just an ant
The whole arc was he literally going from ant to human until he finally gave up his whole animal aspect to go full human. That is why Pouf despaired, because he stopped being the king and became just Meruem.

this, he needed more cockroach genes

Vaccines gave him ant autism.

Didn't know his place

Shut it, I'm still catching up.

m-muh Ponzu ;_;

Nigga didn't wanna stick to the brilliant keikaku laid out before him. All he had to do was sit on ass let everyone else do the work.

He was a kid who thought he knew everything and then he got a new perspective and he still didn't knew jack shit

Pedophiles are bad.

Isn't he like a few weeks old?

People were talking shit about this show but damn its comfy as fuck

were hunters wrong in stopping him?

I bet you are that faggot that keep saying that lolis are not a bodytype.

>were hunters wrong in stopping him
>Were the circumstances of his death tragic
Absolutely, but he wouldn't have become who he was without the hunters interfering

he was born too early and became autistic.

The fuck did the hunters do? Meruem is who he is because of his mother's prenatal conditioning and kogumi.

You saying that Netero didn't have any effect on him?

I wish he were real. He would kill all of our shitty leaders and make the world great again.

You, too, would be culled and humanity would be reduced to a hand selected few.

>asspull powerups
>nuking yourself out of nowhere
>derrr hurr you were poisoned the whole time
>No charcter development for Pitou just Mereum and red guy
>Adventure and fun replaced with edge
>main character dont do anything but wait 90% of the time
>fights are good but prolonged for no reason
>annoying blind girl

Ant arc is the worst arc. Exam arc will always be the best.

His stance went from mass genocide to lesser mass genocide isn't exactly what I would call that affect, beside Kogumi humanized Meruem the most.