It's Friday night again. Let us party all night together, post gif/webm of dancing anime grills!

It's Friday night again. Let us party all night together, post gif/webm of dancing anime grills!

Come listen to EDM tunes and anime remixes straight from Japan, mixed live by our best DJs!










Ah shit, that wasn't what I meant to post.

Oh well.



It's not night by me yet. Delete this and remake in a couple hours

Get with the times, Hawaii



I understand how you feel, West Coast brother.

I'm Central and it isn't night here either


Can someone post the korean zombie one. Thanks





this breaks the rules so im reporting it



I still can't realize if this is cringy or cute af. I think i have mixed feelings.
















Same sometimes it feels cute sometimes cancerous im confused



Last one for today.





Is it just me or are her hips fucking enormous? Not that I'm complaining or anything but still.












nice going jackass

Playlist when?


This looks like a tanoshiithread. I like tanoshii.


Nice loop. Watched it for longer than I care to admit before I realized.





hmmm it has a white background... this is bad. I hope I have the transparent background version somewhere




That ending was good and Kumin senpai made it even better. Hypnotizing



enormous hips are the reason I haven't killed myself yet.

I like this




hawaii isn't a state, island-kun





OwO whats this?



>over 9000 hours on ms paint



Stream back up


Good one.