Why are anime characters white if anime is made by Japanese?

Why are anime characters white if anime is made by Japanese?

this thread again desu?

they're not. you ever seen a white person with purple eyes?

They are based on stolen Western art from the 1930s

Because they are honorary Aryans

>all anime characters live in Japan

Because anime depicts an ideal. It just so happens that the ideal human body looks white.

We need more Bontan

Nice try, big-nose baka gaijins!

Because paper is white.

who is this testicular temptress

my wife

why are cartoon characters black if they're made by white people

Aren't japanese people have white skin ?

Not a single one of our man faced whores looks like a chinese cartoon character.


for your micropenis' pleasure

Have you ever seen a japanese person with big round natural eyes?


Anime characters are supposed to be HALFU.
with milk tone skin and orderly face feature.
Not pure gaijin with their rough faces

>cartoon characters without any actual features

I don't care what race my cute animu girls are. I don't see colour, I just see a human being.


Dunno, a lot of characters are actually pretty yellow.

why are anime characters aliens if they're made by humans

*I just see cute and sexy

>yfw somewhere in the galaxy, anime is real

Have you ever seen a white person with eyes that take up half their face, no nose, hexagonal faces?

Plz win.


That picture is misleading, there are several fairly major differences between the drawing and the alien photo, including eye shape, jaw structure, cheek fullness, and lip thickness.

Anime characters do not look like ayyyyy lmao

Came to say this, most of japanese people are brown anyways.

because projection

>man faced

this is what SEAnigs believe

clearly anime characters are hapas