Kantai Collection -艦これ-

Today marks KanColle's 4th Anniversary, so let's celebrate tge fact it didn't die in a year with some anthology chapters.

Also, Maizuru vol 14 comes out tomorrow.

Other urls found in this thread:









Why do people keep posting these shitty male admiral pukefest stories?










Because the admiral is meant to represent the player, and 80-90% of KanColle players are male.












And that's all.

Maizuru vol 12
Chapter 6
Chapter 10
Chapter 15

I will upload Maizuru vol 14 raws in the morning. There's chapter preview photos from early shippings already though:

Cute Aobas, thanks.

How come Tokitsukaze never gets stories?

Don't quote the yurishitter.

Too one dimensional.

>triple gun mount
Did she steal some experimental equipment?

Thanks for your work.

Because she's only for porn.

One-joke character.

Too bad no one posted actually cute Aoba.

Aoba is love




Very cute, thanks.

sup long hoppou

Thats true.




was Aoba really this cute?


She's only for yuri the artist is shitty.

Whats with the old poi?

4th anniversary art. God knows why Ichishit didn't use her Kai 2.


I'm NOT ok with this.

>some people still want Ise-class K2

Who shall have the privilege of teaching Suzuya the way of the CVL?

The slutty one.

So RJ?

Obviously the most rounded one.

RJ is a good girl.

>4 years
>3 starter kai 2s
When will this be remedied?

You mean 2.

Salami new CG Kai doesn't count as Kai2, user.

Literally my Suzuya

It's fun listening to a single VA sing in 4 different voices.

My favorite bote.


Small boat, big boat.

Take your pick.


Isn't that the same one he used last year except with the 3 changed into a 4?

She's indeed, very cute.

It's the same one he used for 2 years as well.

Now that's just lazy. I've noticed lately that he's been reposting Yuu art as well. I wonder if he lost his inspiration.


Taigei will make you hers!



Such a cutie

It's a shame she's a serial killer.

Anything for the greater good

How can it be for the greater good if those she killed were her own comrades?

She gets paired with a gay admiral.

Would you want your comrades to be captured by the enemy?
Who knows what they may of done

They'd just get to go down in a blaze of glory with nuke experiments.

Thanks. Do you have the 4koma chapters downloaded by the way? Looks like I'm going to have to pick it up.


You can also hear her sing as just Yura in 艦娘音頭改.

Yes I do, which do you need? All of them from 154 I'm guessing. Want me to include the program I use to rip them while I'm at it?

Destroyers are the best.

Yeah to both.

Here you go.

I didn't include 160 so you can try out how to get the the chapters with it and make sure it works. The chapters come out at noon nip time on Fridays at comic-clear.jp/comic.aspx?c=17
You can ignore sfx since we never did those anyways, that should save you some time as well.

I miss when there was a hack of this program that could rip from ebj.


How much do these go for anyways?

>You can also hear her sing as just Yura in 艦娘音頭改.
You wouldn't happen to be able to upload them to mega would you? I can't torrent here.

We're good. I like doing SFX, whether it gets typeset or not (as is the case with my other translations).

Depends on if you get a good scene or not. There's some examples here: animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2015-07-21/love-live-film-strip-of-nico-sells-for-over-usd5500/.90711

Uploader of the guy I replied to also has it on YT, that should tide you over. youtube.com/watch?v=4Brpd5swpmg

Her voice sounds like it's cracking towards the end. I guess it was hard not going too high pitched.

Alright, have fun mate and thanks for picking it up. Here's Momoi's twitter as well in case he announces a break.

So, which one?

She is a slut.