Granblue Fantasy

What is this thing?

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This episode was drawn a lot cleaner than the last 3. It actually felt really weird.

it's the painbringer

A lizard.

whatever it is, its voice is annoying


w-w-where are the subttles???????

I have to agree, it ruins the anime for me because it's the same voice actor as Happy from Fairy Tail..

a lizard
a shapeshifter
the pain train
but definetly NOT A DRAGON

-taps banner-
wat now?

It's Bahamut's sealed form.

shit taste desu

What now?
We die

o shit senpai i wasn't prepared for this

Another case of Rie turning from cute tsundere into mascot animals.
>they made her fate into an actual plot point
Still makes me laugh. It's sad.

Did anyone fucking beat this guy

The solo fights were easy with half-decent grid. The raid, well that Baha HL without rank 100 gate for acess so that's another story, I only got into like, two sucessful raids and didnt get the Vyrnballs

What is this furfag shit

I saw some JPs with 7 vyrnballs collected just in case they turned out to be required for something. Not like the raid was that hard.

kemono friends thread is over there

Its waifu mobage bait. Not furfag.

Will that loli alchemist (male) make appearance? I'm not gonna watch this if she doesn't.

No. Nobody you care about will be in the show. Even Vira isn't until S2.

no one cares about vira


The product of a sick mind

It's cute-
>if's actually a male
And I stopped playing the game and the whole fucking franchise thanks to that.

>4 hours
>26 posts

you should probably get rid of your insecure masculinity to be honest, fampai-tachi

Yeah, I hate the fact that I'm a faggot who likes girls. What a conservative jerk eh?

I'm watching this for Kat (and Sawashiro)

This is the keeper of """"balance""""
Say something nice about her
And give her your money

Her autism is cute.

If you are upset you can't fap to a literal dragon you aren't a faggot, you're a fucking furry.

I'll gladly take a furry if it's not your retarded western or bara shit and cute.

Is he really Bahamut? Wasn't Bahamut supposed to be sealed inside an extra-dimensional prison?

People are just memeing, he's not actually bahamut but linked to him in some way.

somethig something part of bahamut, makes sense when you consider MC gets to talk with Baha during What Makes The Sky Blue

Yes, he actually is Bahamut. His power and memories were sealed in the shrine.

Fuck that song and fuck that event. After it I was laughing so much I had no choice but to start playing.

Send help.

What am I in for if I play this game?

Except What Makes the Sky Blue shown that they're clearly separate entities.

She's too perfect

It did no such thing.

>no relevant loli
Anime is such a normalfag shit.


Surrender to Granburu
Grind, lots of grind and some fun, and shitposting if you ever visit /vg/



It's a cute Digimon

How do they possibly make her more relevant than being part of the main cast?

Was Ovopack hhe concept artist for this creature?

By giving her screentime.
She's irrelevant as fuck in anime.

Hope they dont because she's shit

>She's irrelevant as fuck in anime
Did you mean to say the game?

>hote they don't
They already didn't, my normal faggot friend.


This show is surprisingly comfy. I love the JRPG feeling and the G-Reco art style

>you will never help kat relieve her stress

Yeah I know and it's good. She has no business being in the main cast. She serves no purpose. Lyria already got the token loli spot in the main cast another one is not needed much less having her take up any screen time at all

Dear Sup Forums
Which game characters did you want to see in the anime?


Sure thing, my fucking retarded normal faggot.

Zoi and Naru


They haven't even gotten to her part in the anime.

All of them except Vira and Naru.

No wonder I find it cute then

Yeah, that's pretty much the point.
>4 episodes in
>not introduced
It already means she is irrelevant, nobody cares about characters that get their little arc focus.

This, it completely ruins every scene it's in.

The first episode was extremely hard to watch. It's still pretty bad but it's becoming my guilty pleasure watch of the season.

Some of the things that happen are really weird watching in an anime format though.
Take for instance in the last episode where they were surrounded by troops and the trap door was found. All the heroes escaped into it and then went full on casual and relaxed at the bottom of the ladder. No concern given about the troops above them.

Literally, half the cast hasn't been introduced yet.
They're taking their time so everyone their arc.

I have mixed thoughts watching this. Is the game fun?

>one arc focus
So, irrelevant. Geez.

I just started and it's prety fun. Definitely the best Gatcha game out there .

If you can tolerate mobage bullshit, it actually really is. If you can't, no. Its also probably one of the most f2p friendly mobage out there.

>No concern given about the troops above them.
Empire soldiers are dumb, they nailed that part perectly

If endless grinding is fun for you, it's a well manufactured normalfag mobage.

anime jar jar binks

>Endless grinding
>Not fun

Oira the flying lizard.

The Homoknights


For some reason, UBW's director is doing storyboards for episode 5

Rackam best husbando

He is Neo Bahamut, destroyer of worlds.

And that's supposed to be Tiamat fight? Damn, they might be actually pulling all stops there

>not wanting to fuck a dragon

Catalina's mane is doing things to my dick.

I'm making random stitches. if any have already been done feel free to post. thank

this looks really nice

cagliostro fucking when?

Vane, and summer Percival. Or just the whole ensemble of fujo knights.

Do I need to watch the SPs before watching the main anime?

The what


>Granblue Fantasy The Animation - 01 SP
>Granblue Fantasy The Animation - 02 SP

These 2, they aired a while ago before the anime.

they are just regular episodes,they were only aired earlier

They are just episode 1 and 2.