Why do nips love German and Russians so much?

Why do nips love German and Russians so much?

They're exotic.

They like nazis and tankies.

I don't know, I like german too because of the language

That's cute. Post the others.

exotic/"new", funny characters in their alphabet

They might be even more autistic than nips

Why is she eating pancakes like that? Is that how Nips think Germans eat pancakes?


>Hates English
>Likes Japanese

The proportions on that girl are all wrong.
Also, we don't eat pancakes like that. Do the Japs think we're savages?

I liked the German language before I had to learn it and hear Germans speaking it every day..



The other pages with her are better.

Overall disappointed. Didn't think it would be a feeding doujin but I guess I should have expected it. I wanted more cute foreign anime girls.

because Nazis and Beethoven
because they have tons of Russian prostitutes in there

Japan once shared a land border with Russia and has had plenty of history with Russia. Germany were their only allies during WW2.

Japan don't know German is the ugliest white

They modeled many things after Germany/Prussia in order to modernize, even copying many laws. All of that before WW1.

isn't that beethoven from eiyuu senki?

i mean they were allies no?

Russian is different but very close to home
Germany because Japan loves blonde sluts, and Germany is associated with blonde because of the Aryan propaganda.

>beats by beathoven

>beats are so shit only a deaf could like them

While we're at it why are Russian girls always portrayed with white hair?

because they due them so much that the hair turns grey

I love kumaneko

So pretty. Shame it costs a fortune anywhere that it's available.

I want to grab that kraut's belly and feed her my bratwurst.

Because Russia=snow.

Had to find a whiter hair color than blonde.

I fixed!

It's not just russian girls; it's boys as well.
I don't personally mind it. Russians do tend to have lighter hair, too. I live in a slav southern European country and pretty much every blonde person you see is a russian or an ukrainian.

Perhaps the envoys the Japanese had experience with also had lighter hair colours - not just blonde, but white/grey, as well. If your country is full of dark-haired people, blonde people do tend to stick out - and that was very likely the case for Japan.

>I hate english
what? its like a staple. everyone and thier mother could learn english easily especially with fucking subs.

Anyone that has/had border with Russians and is in right mind would never be fond of them.

Because Russians are ugly mongoloids and if nips would find that out they wouldn't want to draw them as cute girls ever again.

I always kind of figured that Russia is the closest non-asian (or at least not eastern asian type) country to Japan so there is a lot of natural overlap. Lots of russians from the eastern borders traveling to Japan, lots of exchange students, lots of weeaboos in russia. Our political relationships have been on the raise too in the last couple of years.

I know personally know at least 3 japanese people who can sing Katyusha perfectly without actually being able to speak Russian. I know it's a Girls and Panzer meme thing but, hey, they've actually went through the effort.

Why aren't there any austrians. Japs love Vienna.

You know who I wished the Japanese loved?
The Poles.

Russia, being a third world country, only has black and white film.

As such, Japan's first experience with Russians was by seeing blonde Russians in black and white, and they assumed that Russians actually had white hair. This was reinforced by occupying American soldiers post-WW2, who had a vested interest in demonizing Russia and depicting them as white-haired inhumans.

>Anyone liking the Poles

>not liking poles

Fatfuckers should be drowned.

Have some decency, user.

Japanese is very simple phonetically and grammatically. Yes, writing system is a glorious pile of shit, but that's about it.

The problem of Poland isn't that people don't like it, so much as people don't care about it. They don't have any prominent cultural influence on the world. The extent of Poland's role in global worldview is just that country Nazis attacked first. You can find plenty of reasons to like or hate Germany, Russia, America, Britain, France, and all other countries that have their stereotypes in anime and other media. But with Poland there are no reasons for either, it just doesn't have any influence.


Bleaching hair with peroxide was actually a moderately popular thing in 70s USSR.

They just work well as character archetypes.

German archtype - tsundere easily angered characters with blonde or red hair

Northern European/Russian archetype - Kuudere, stoic characters with white/silver hair

Not as much as germans.
Where do they like them?

They sure make some references to russian culture though.

I don't think japanese is easy grammatically. Well, I did back when I was starting out but now I realize that they've just replaced something as simple and intuitive as moving goddamn words in your sentence with a godzillion of particles and indicator words.

As if that fucking language didn't require you to cram like a motherfucker without that.

It's a startling contrast how same language can have such obtuse and irrational writing system, yet such simple, straightforward, and structured spoken part.
They don't have any of the crap like tenses of English, disappearing consonants of French, word mutations of Russian, or stockpiled terms of German. They just say a word, use a little suffix to determine the relation of the word to other words and do so until they have all the words in the sentence to describe the situation.

Japs like Germans because Nazi uniform was very stylish. Russians, probably because they manage to live through actual winters and Japan doesn't really get the for long, so it seems like impossible feat. Although there are plenty of other nations that have proper winters and they don't seem to interest Japs.
Speaking of Russians and Germans, there's an interesting theory that's been growing in the historical society, first compiled by professor from Cambridge and now carried by some Japanese historian about how atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki didn't actually made Japan surrender. According to their documents, Japan wasn't intimidated by the nukes and was going to continue fighting the US. They sent a letter to Stalin offering an alliance against the west, but in return got declaration of war by USSR who were too tight with China, and decided to fold because of it.

>, but in return got declaration of war by USSR who were too tight with China
The agreement between allies against Japan was reached in Tehran in 1943, as far as I remember.
Manchurian operation have started 3 days after Hiroshima bombing, same day as Nagasaki bombing.
Yeah, seems legit.


>Herro, Ivan-san! No-no-no chotto matte kudasai with that gun Ivan-san. I know that we've been fighting on the side of people who may or may not have called you a bunch of subhumans and were responsible for deaths of literal dozens of millions of your people but I think I've got an awesome keikaku for both of us, Ivan-san!...I-Ivan-san?

Russia is the closest European nation to them geographically.

>European nation
That's where they are wrong

>im over 170cm

>this is considered embarrassingly tall by japanese.

No it isn't. Add 5cm to your height and that's how your height is depicted in japan.

Because Russia has the best waifus and Japan has a shit load of werhaboos.

>something as simple and intuitive as moving goddamn words
How is that intuitive? If it were, there shouldn't be that many differences in word oder between languages.

You have to to learn vocabulary anyway for any language, so the few particles and verb endings don't even matter that much.

There are a shitload of chinese anime characters and the japanese still hate china with a passion. Anime is not reality, you fucking geeks.



The Germans and Russians are interesting and exotic, quite unlike the ordinary and everyday Portuguese.

Only northern Germans are like that.

Bavarian women are all flawless waifus who are beyond comparison to garbage northerners.

I want to take her to a buffet so i can propose her marriage while her mouth is full of deserts

>a bottle of vodka just randomly orbiting her


Aryan beauty is unrivaled, faggot.

When 90% of your people are in Europe and that they westernized 300 years ago, you can pretty much say it's European.

Even if Russian fancy themselves as a strange race, between continents. They are as deluded as Brithish thinking they aren't European.

They just want to impregnate them.


They were allies with one, and lived in fear of the other for half a century.

they would like the US better, but we dropped the fucking bomb on them.

I still don't get why the fuck we ever allied with japan. The japanese goverment during WW2 was truly fucked up and could only be revamped trough atomic warfare.

German, Italian, or post-war American?

If you are the former two, I don't blame you.
If you are American... then let's be honest, we only use them as a barrier between us and Russia, even if they would lose horribly.

the Japanese had already called for peace before the nukes and after the fire bombings. The U.S. rejected their terms, dropped the nukes, then accepted those same terms.

They're right that the nukes were unnecessary, but for the wrong reason.

Why did america nuke japan and not germany? Was it really just because of muh pearl harbor? Did the americans fear that germany may be in posession of nukes themselves?

America didn't have the bomb ready by the time Germany surrendered.

The Germ language is probably one of the most brutal and offensive around. How could you like something that sound like angry dogs all the time?

War in Europe was already over by the time the test bomb was even ready. The A-Bombs were not so much about "Muh Pearl Harbor" as much as "Alright guys, it's either this or we do a full land invasion that will kill pretty much everyone."

>The A-Bombs were not so much about "Muh Pearl Harbor" as much as "Alright guys, it's either this or we do a full land invasion that will kill pretty much everyone."
And "halt the Soviet advance into Japanese territories. Remember, IS-3's were flying across manchuria and korea at this point. There would have been a communist North Japan.

>German hates English more than she hates Japanese
>hates a germanic language more than moonrunes

Pole here, I can confirm, Poles suck.
Poland is pretty great though, especially when you compare it to the degenerated, subhuman-infested 'progressive' West.

>tenses of English
You are kidding me, right?

English has like, 3 tenses tops, and one is just adding a single world to the damn thing, will o and ing ending.

English couldn't be easier, it's the go to language when you want to learn something anyone could, to speak with people from other countries with a language you can't understand.

Russians are the closest source of blonde people who count as "European" in a broad sense.

Germans are their buttbuddies from WWII. Hitler made them "honorary Aryans" or someshit, but overall it's that Japan is surprisingly tsuntsunderedere over Western acknowledgement.

Throughout their modern history they remember bitter criticisms (like the first Dutch or German doctors visiting after Commodore Perry saying that Japan will never have any competent doctors because they were still using ancient Chinese medicine) and have a culture boner for those who paint them in a good light (like the writings of Lafcadio Hearn).

They want a senpai nation to say nice things about them.

This. As a german I feel imprisoned by the japanese language. In german I can form any word as I want them to be and everyone will understand what I mean and it will be grammatically perfectly alright. English is more limited but you still have some sense of freedom. But japanese is the language of cucks, at best I can make some kind of pun like a degenerate or borrow something from another language. There is just no easy way to develop a fitting word, the language is unorganic as fuck.

Can you imagine a world with a North Japan and a South Japan?

>There is just no easy way to develop a fitting word
It's always x-する. Always. Even when it's not because fuck the Japanese and their odd syllable-based language.

Kinda? Before the Tokugawa shogunate, that's essentially how the nation was divided roughly by cultural lines.
If you've played Shogun 2 or M&B Gekokujo or any game making you look at Japan from a geography standpoint, it makes sense.

Everything South of Kyoto is vaguely less mountainous and of better crop lands than the mountainous North that eventually reaches into the cold ex-Ainu lands.

>poster of Merkel

I think he meant commie japan and south japan.

The US didn't have any nukes when it was at war with Germany.

Even in the war with Japan it was mostly used as a last resort, the Imperial Japanese were extreme fanatics - getting them to capitulate through an invasion would have been extremely bloody, and in all likelihood more probably would have died had the US opted to go that route instead of just dropping the two bombs.

More of a way to get Japan to capitulate before the Soviets could launch their own invasion. The US didn't want to split Japan like they did with Germany.

Its also the language of Schiller, Goethe and Nietzsche.
Our language is more complex than the most.
Germany has also similarities with asia in terms of discipline and working.
They also like the bayernculture and our products. Theres so much to it.

She's not even chubby. Dipshits.

I'm pretty sure every Allied leader was anticipating post-war occupations and how capitalist/communist influences would spread once it was obvious the Axis was fucked (1943-1944). Roosevelt/Truman were probably super-antsy about having to split 2 countries and wanted things to end quickly before the Soviets actually got to Japan and before citizens started freaking out over the potential million+ casualties that could have come from an American invasion of Japan.

What I'm confused about is why Japan decided to honor their neutrality with the Soviets when the Eastern Front broke out. In fact Japan did pretty much fuck-all for Germany during the war other than have some submarines make round-trips. What was up with that?

They were Axis forces during WWII.

Poles are based

They still think they're cool nazis and shit.

Reality hits them like the religion of peace once they realize how cucked they've become.