Is this the sluttiest normal uniform?

Is this the sluttiest normal uniform?

Asanagi is a god.

It's the character, not the clothes.

Is that the Emergence girl?

Thighs are too thick.

>too thick.




You're a fag.

Rin drawn by Asanagi makes her look like Saki even more. Good lord.

How does that cock taste, user?

Gay as fuck.

Do people like this really exist?
A terrifying thought

>too thick

>Those Thighs

Get this faggot off my board

Kill urself my man

pic related

no such thing

...huh. Well, you convinced me I guess.

>too thick

>too thick

Sweet heavens.

consider suicide

How could someone be so much of a plebeian

desu everything looks slutty when drawn by asanagi




He's right you know.

Bottom right claimed.

>faggot hasn't done a single doujin not related to the biggest taste of the season pixivbait shit
>tfw Kemono Friends doujin dedicated entirely to bestiality

Or possibly FGO but that would be such a disappointment.

>too thick

If only I were a rich old Japanese man.

>Morning Calm book dedicated entirely to bestiality
>or girls getting hunted

He's correct. Right girl is hot but other two you'd need drinks for. In Japan girls with thighs like that are considered fatfucks.

life is fucking cruel

You think those sluts care about your race? In 10 years Japan will be so deprived in manhood that jumping on gaijin cock will become fasionable.

More than enough time to get rich and fat.

Fucking low tests I swear to god


far right a cute!


Middle claimed.

Third from the right on the wall claimed.



What would you feel if you saw a thread full of niggers "claiming" girls on your school photos?

Second from the left at the bottom claimed.

What would you feel if one of them "claimed" you?


I'd feel embarrassed and would probably blush

Nothing. I don't know those girls, not my problem. I don't care to vilify a guy for finding a girl attractive, and if a girl ever did cheat on me, she would be to blame.

It's not too thick so much as the legs being too short.


>1 post by this ID

Second from the left claimed


The ones with hotpants.

How do regular schoolgirls turn into sluts?

Stop taunting me.