Pink Aoi is pretty sexy

Pink Aoi is pretty sexy.

Back the fuck off. Pink Aoi is my wife.

Too old.

Internet Cake is better. I'd carve up her insides with my wood.

Riri-chan is sexier. Just imagine those cute butthole hairs.

Ririko doesn't have butt hair.

Perfect age for marriage


She looks way better than Aoi.

Totally, also she is a queen

How long until they all get boyfriends?

I want to eat out Pink Aoi's pink country butthole.

>ywn be her king
It hurts to live.

>not serving your queen by being her dick throne

That's why I want to be her king.

アナル クエスト

Shoehorned romance doesn't make anyone happy

My wife Maki is also pretty sexy

What if they make it a good romance instead?
Since they've been gesturing towards some adult issues with the web designer's career troubles and whatnot, some normal romance drama could be a healthy way for the show to explore more of young adult life.

The wood carver and web designer at least seemed to have something going on. I can't imagine someone would get up in arms if that ended up actually going anywhere.

for betacuck males yes.

alphas know better and only choose 15 y/o and below.

shit show, right?

eat shit, cocksucker.

>I'd carve up her insides with my wood.

He wants to kill her by destroying her internal organs with a wooden pole inserted through the anus.

Fuck off and go eat a MOAB Muhammad

Which Quest can you complete?

I'm trying to complete Shiori's route, but I can't get past this boss.
He keeps hitting me over and over while screaming "Fuck this town, I just want you dead!" and "Manoyama Machines son!"

Aoi's pink butthole quest


shiori best


anyone have the picture of her with different hair color

picked up
>Pink Aoi

How many different types of Aoi are there?

>beta cuck: the character

Those are some big feet.

Shiori would make a good wife.


Woodguy was a cunt. Now that was unnecessary drama at its finest.

>hair down



Whoever placed her mole needs a nobel prize.

A nobel prize for what, user?

Manga does the end of the first episode slightly different with hair-down Shiori in a cuter dress.

The peace prize. Something that beautiful will bring the world together.

Correct. She's the best.
She tight.

This show is boring, but she's hot

>This show is boring
Watch your shounen then.

Shiori is my wife.

When they're going to fuck?

>oldhags whining about their life choice
What a pile of garbage.

Soon she will start stalking him.

Out of context, this seems lewd.

The Next To Love Ru


Romance has no place in good slice of life shows.

so this is the famed Japanese propaganda

repopulate small towns, BREED

god damn shes so fucking sexy.

I am genuinely curious from where this butthole meme came from? Call me a new fag all you want but I really have no idea

Someone decided they need to ruin these threads with their gross fetish and it caught on.

Well, this is not a good one.

But you aren't new here Satan.

It's a nightgown.

Yeah, it's a great one.

I honestly wish no.
He just straight up cunted everyone. He's not superior to any of them.

Wish I could like this show but the main character is just so unlickable.

>Someone decided they need to improve these threads with their awesome fetish and it caught on.

You did that on purpose

I'm just gonna say, armpits>buttholes

Try the bottom end.

I want to invade her kingdom and take her as spoils of war.


Uh, her name isn't Sakura you realize

Both is perfectly fine.

Good luck, she has an army of cakes equipped with exoskeletons

They'd probably give her up without a fight.

Explain further

It's not, even hinako note is better than this.

I have to disagree, Hinako Note doesn't even know what it wants to be about. At least Sakura Quest sticks to its premise.

I want to forcefully open the backdoor to her castle and come inside.

>Look at dat ass

Nah, Hinako Note is still worse.

So the promotional material made it seem like this was going to be the next Shirobako. What do you guys think?

Hinako note is trash. Sakura Quest so far is really enjoyable, it's the only show I actually look forward to watching each week.

What was her name again?

Pink Aoi has good taste

Pink Aoi

Quest Sakura

Sakura Yoshi

Riri episode when?

Is that the destiny of all the Bakos?

I think I'm tired of people comparing it to Shirobako.

ridiculously cute

>literally "spring tree"
>blossoming of cherry trees symbolises spring in Jap culture
>cherry is "sakura" in Jap
>cherry flowers are pink

That's the Rape Ape.

pink mecha Aoi is cute too


>telling my to watch something even more boring
>implying I watch shounen


Well if you think Sakura Quest is boring I have to figure you have shit taste.

Anaru quest?