Trump sells out

>Trump sells out
>Macron becomes /ourguy/

Why is Sup Forums always wrong?

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Go back to Redd1t faggot

>inb4 the haaretz news article and muh african birth rate comments
he's a literall EU cuck coupled with this Obama-like demigod syndrome.

>Why is Sup Forums always wrong?


Kill yourself

Quebec faggot, die please. He's litterally backed up by banks and European Union lobby.

>hates Macron



LePen pissed away her opportunities by fucking up that debate.


As I said, My








Link or it's fake user


>Macron becomes /ourguy/
t. doesn't know shit about France

macron created the bogpill meme


people still falling for this.


redpill me on macron

i bet you fucking have a reddit account faggot.


The most Machiavellian world leader currently alive.

I read his book. It is like a softer version of Mein Kampf - very nationalistic

At last I truly see, Macron will finally complete the system of German idealism, he is the manifestation of Absolute spirit

Macron has no kids and is married to corpse bride. He gives 0 fucks about what happens to France once he is dead.

ofc in the spirit of the Greek and Roman gods, he is gay

That debate was 2h of pure cringe. She really brought shame to her father and family. Jean-Marie would have whooped Macron ass.

socdem to the bone
as far right as politicians come in France, but still utter leftist shit

kek, saved

Can't deny he's more alpha than (((Marine Le Pen)))

>but still utter leftist shit
Yeah, the kind of "leftist shit" that gives the wealthy tax cuts, breaks the unions and has a migration policy that makes the mainstream media butthurt. He truly is a commie in disguise and not a free market capitalist or somethin.

>Trump sells out

Are you basing this off the media coverage which we’ve always distrusted?

Go back to plebbit you dumb newfag shill.

checked, even though you're a retard

wealth tax still exists, but will now just apply to real estate: out of that, it's general tax raise
he doesn't break the unions: they do it well enough by themselves; the drop too much was last time they blocked oil refineries, and put the country on its knees; that's when people started having enough of them, and most leftist unions lost ground: the gigolo is just surfing on that phenomenon, nothing more
lowering speed limits to 50mph in a country ridden with automatic speed traps is pure theft: people die on the road because France is a latin country, plain and simple, nothing to do to it except safer cars, which are outside the scope of a state
gibsing "free" 500€ to erryone 18yo so they can enjoy "culture" is quite fucking far from free market
pandering to warmist fucktardry like he does is pure watermeloniggery (green outside, red inside)
nothing still happens to migrants, and seeing as they can't work, they're left to loot errywhere, which they indeed fucking do (I should know: I live quite close to a ferry terminal to bongland- thievering albanians errywhere, but cops don't care)

as said, he's as far right as politicians come in France, but that doesn't make him rly good either
France has an absolute majority of full-on commies: so there's that...


>1 post by this ID
My country isn’t a shithole. Just the people that live in it.

Why does his jacket have two right pockets?

the bogpill is one hell of a pill

>wealth tax still exists, but will now just apply to real estate
Of course, tax still needs to come from somewhere. The real distinction here is that general wealth tax is slashed, and capital tax is now at a flat rate. These taxes did a lot more to chase corporations away than wealth tax. This is not a leftie movie at all.

>he doesn't break the unions: they do it well enough by themselves
Whatever, they may be fucking themselves over but he certainly loosened their stranglehold by decentralizing negotiations rather than having them at a national level.

>Speed limits are unrelated to traffic deaths
>Latin countries have more traffic deaths
You're retarded on both acounts. Spain has lower traffic death rates than Germany and France (though above Germany) has less than Austria. No wonder that your stereotyped world view thinks legislation makes no difference.

>gibsing "free" 500€ to erryone 18yo so they can enjoy "culture" is quite fucking far from free market
True, there are better things to do with that money.

>pandering to warmist fucktardry like he does is pure watermeloniggery (green outside, red inside)

>nothing still happens to migrants
Haven't been keeping track of the news? Perhaps it's not enough, but he has been a lot tighter on immigration recently.
Very recently he received quite a lot of criticism for his migration policy being "too strict".

If you think Macron is left wing, I want to see your definition of left wing.

>not hating Macron

> Haven't been keeping track of the news? Perhaps it's not enough, but he has been a lot tighter on immigration recently.
Very recently he received quite a lot of criticism for his migration policy being "too strict".

He learnt from Sarkozy's mistake, and although it's pure opportunism (he must've sensed that Jews were subjects to antisemitism's peak more than before), it's better than nothing. If he keeps going on I'll perhaps revised my judgment. But we need a complete refund of our educational system, it's critical.

>not a leftie movie at all
general tax raise for people is a leftist move

>loosened their stranglehold by decentralizing negotiations
was careful enough not to upset the very most noxious union, ie syndicat national de la magistrature, ie a commie judge cesspit, at the root of a good chunk of what's wrong in France

>You're retarded
>(though above Germany)
look who's talking...
road deaths won't change
it's not automatic speed traps that lowered those last time
it just was cars being safer, you dimwitted monkey

that hulot stalinian cunt and his "make earth great again"

>tighter on immigration recently
but nope: it's just pandering circus

>left wing
macron is a socdem
ie a moderate socialist
he creed still consist in helping himself with what's in people's pockets, just so to bugger these very people
ie he's a leftist (yeah, yeah, less so that all before him: again, doesn't tell much)

you're just taking a fucking socdem for a right winger
rly, at least change your meme flag
and hopefully, kys

>implying he isn't making a subtle remark about the imminent destruction of french national heritage due to lax immigration regulations

Not gonna lie he looks pretty fuckin regal right there in that pic

His thoughts are too complex for Sup Forumstards to understand

>he makes some comments about why all of the shitskins can't come to France
>looks redpilled to the right-wing normies, and ensures to be re-elected in 5 years
>in the meantime does nothing to stop the influx

Trump don't kneel before others, Maccaroni on the other hand...
Today kneeling before Merkel, yesterday Bogdanoff, whos next? Does France have any sovereign politics anymore?

I like macron more than the past few France has had. But I'm just a hopeful burger.

Trump takes it up the ass from Netanyahu.

>general tax raise for people is a leftist move
You clearly don't understand what Macron is doing. He's going for a Scandinavian model. Rather than the previous leftie, anti-business model of France, he's going for a model that's pro-business and therefore keeps corporate taxes and other such associated taxes low but draws mostly from the working middle class to provide welfare. If you think that's left wing, the only thing that's not left wing in your eyes is libertarianism.

>Road deaths won't change with decreased maximum speeds
I don't fucking believe I have to cite researches about the correlation between max speeds and road deaths.
On the other hand, I can't find any researches correlating road deaths to "Latinness". Even Italy's rate of 6.1 road deaths per 100,000 per year is below the European average of 9.1.

>that hulot stalinian cunt and his "make earth great again"
Is trying to reduce emissions left wing? Did you buy into the "Chinese hoax" myth?

>but nope: it's just pandering circus
Whatever his motivations are, it's happening. Unless you presume it's some kind of 4d chess where the media makes a fuss out of nothing in order to make it appear that Macron is doing something that he isn't doing, and that Macron's actual actions are also part of this master plan where he plays both sides of the board.

>you're just taking a fucking socdem for a right winger
By your definition there are barely any politicians who aren't socdems in Europe. He's clearly a centrist, all memes about centrists aside. He's making the most pro-business moves France has seen in years.

do you know what is the thing connecting Netanyahu and Kushner and others? They are both Polish / of Polish descent.
All of a sudden it all starts to make sense why Trump loves Poland so much.




If this was true i'd be 100% Macronette, nobody who browses Sup Forums can be bad.

>Being this sexy
>Married to a literal mummy
What's wrong with him Sup Forums?

And we love him too.


Strong French leader breaking the chains will lead the way for the whole world.

>literal mummy
i'm glad foreigners also noticed it

>Rothschild banker and billionaire
>shilled in power
kys leaf

nothing. he went with his first love. he's based


abuser* he's a molested child

Always and I mean always do the opposite of what Sup Forums says

Although I didn't vote for him due to his heavy connection with the globalist order, I'm rather suprised by these moves. Moves that a filthy commie like Melenchon would have never make (especially the recent anti-immigration measures).

I hope your picture of Macron is accurate though, and that he keeps going on jugulate the migration crisis. We also need to entirely reform our education system.

Nothing, he's just gay.
Brigitte is just a facade to keep the """"homophobes"""" voting for him.

It's ok to be gay user, a greek should know that.


I hate modern politicians.
We must establish a roman-like martial republic.

>jewish banker

also trump didnt sell out and hes coming for you shill


Trump will always be /ourguy

not going to lie, Jupiter's "demigod syndrome" is his best feature


this is such a shitty forced meme

That's proven fake news