Why does America look like shit?

Why does America look like shit?



hm. i'd say more middle south. but i didn't go to the ghetto like a smart person

checked and /thread

Don't forget spics.
But yeah, niggers mostly.

>Shithole country.

you can say it's jews- but they used the niggers.

USA is a huge country geographically, and young. Because of this, to build out our nether-regions we sadly used cheap and expedient building tactics. This is why now you see so much decay in our malls and strip malls. Nobody is paying 10x what they pay to build something that lasts in an area no one knows IF it will last.

Unfortunate, but true.

In other words, capitalism

The same reason for most shit outcomes in America's economy and business: Central Economic Planning from cunt socialists who have little to no price signal on an investment.

There's still a lot of nice place in the US, by the countryside mostly. Like Colorado

Because the FBI is an arm of the uniparty.

Stop baiting you traitor
Go ahead and leave faggot

Too much money allocated towards supplying leeches

stop denying the truth and start accepting accountability. OP's image accurately represents a majority of the shitholes people CHOOSE to accept and live with in the US.

This bland substandard of living is all over in Colorado, instead it's covered in stucco and fake rock. Don't kid yourself.

-t. Denver resident

nonwhites in general. they destroy everything you love. no matter where you are.


Because USA is a third world shithole.

What does it need more foliage and landscaping?

Take the photo while is is sunny and did not just rain?

Looks OK where I am. But I live in a red state.

>Reverse Image search
>Lomax, TX outside Houston

Answer: Niggers and Spics

I won't pretend to know a better way of life or building town/cities. These things exist for a reason and I've yet to see a reasonably "better" way of doing things considering the circumstances for why things are the way they are.

>proof that my country’s reading comprehension is that of a Haitian

dont look at that look at our movies and games and sports events.

that's not the america i know

Because it is shit.

lol thx Ukraine

This is the correct answer. We have a lot of land to use. Urban sprawl is like tree roots seeking nutrients. It's not reliable, and fails often. So areas get abandoned.

An area with 30k people, mainly spics represents America and how it looks?



i know where this is... hello friend

Hmph drumpf called africa a shithole! I will prove him wrong
>go to any fuming high density area
>look for low income area
>basically nigger town
>take picture of some shitty old as fuck strip center
>unironicly prove niggers make a country shit
Yea that will teach that drumpf

Did you notice it user?
Did you notice the lack of effort when OP made this thread?
Did you notice how it strictly insulted a country?

Now think to yourself, who could have made such a thread?

You are correct. This is a bait thread user.
Be sure to sage.
Love you.


its because of niggers,spics and jews.

Europe was largely built during a time when cheap and mass production/construction methods did not yet exist. As a result the Europeans who built homes and other buildings were actual craftsmen and artisans, masters of their trade. They took great pride in making their work not only functional and strong, but beautiful as well. Some of old America is like this, but unfortunately much of that resides or did reside in the inner cities of the east coast which were lost to the nigger infestation years ago and have since been largely destroyed in some areas.

America on the other hand was largely built during times when mass production techniques reduced the necessary skill level for labor. Instead of needing to be a skilled artisan, you could now be a penny per day Irish immigrant who only needed to follow instructions and nail cheap pieces of wood together. This became especially true after WW2. The rapid expansion of America's population, rapid increase in prosperity, development of "suburbs" and the need for goods/services which typically would reside in a town center all contributed to sprawl. The need to keep many of our factories running and pumping out goods led to a boom in the building industry. With a large and unskilled workforce and the desire to rapidly construct cheap "good enough" housing and commercial developments, much of the United States became stamped and pressed cookie cutter construction.

Since there was no craftsmanship, actually adding any aesthetics or beauty to these constructions was foregone and deemed unimportant. Cheap building space created quickly was the new necessity. Strip malls like OP pic popped up everywhere and became an American staple. This was a phenomenon which did not occur in the recovery and rebuilt of Europe in most cases not just because of culture, but the fact that they could not actually afford "sprawl". Vehicle ownership was far lower than in the United States, and fuel was rationed.

> Why does America __________?
> Why is _________ that used to be so nice shit now?

The answer to any question along these lines will always be niggers.
Even the brown monkeys didn't act this way until they saw the niggers getting away with it.

prove OP wrong without cherry-picking from a wealthy area, or shut the fuck up. This ugly ass strip bullshit is everywhere, stop denying it.

Yes we do spend a lot on the military

t. pic related

What should it be instead?

Separate buildings?

What the fuck do you even want other than to insult the USA?

Looks great from where I am.

Why are Democrat run cities such cesspools?
Is it the blacks that elect them, or that the blacks come where the democrats are?

I think we win the crown of the ugliest rich country. Especially up north.


Imagine you have a time machine.
Go back in time to 1945 Detroit.
Show pictures of Detroit in 2015.
Imagine the questions and amazement
"what happened?! Tell us time traveler, what happened?!
did the Soviets nuke us?"
"did asteroid fell from the skies"
"did Jesus came back to punish us"
"no, worse"
"Tell us, so we can avoid the same mistakes!"
Nothing is learned same mistakes happen anyway.

>t nigger

You literally ruin everything you touch, you are the shitmidas of races.

I went to a brand new highschool the year it opened, computer labs and everything. It was busted up by niggers within a few years.

>Nothing is learned same mistakes happen anyway.

Pretty much. Even if you started cleansing them right now, people would go soft and left a few live then the cycle would just repeat again in 15 years.

when your only goals is short term profits

nice try swedish shareblue, looks like a typical place here. With parking along a line as it shows, and businesses in front.

I know I give you money now, but fuck off. This doesn't even make sense, except maybe in some homosexual mind, the car is black or something or being opressed.

Fuck off and sage this thread
>I have been hacking his computer so long
>I am so sick of him speaking
>each day I wake up, and turns up the volume
>I hear him talking in the phone
>I hear him going to the bathroom
>I hear his terrible nerd voice
>And I am so sick off it

"red state" - I think you meant black jamal

The blacks elect them because the blacks are owned by the democrats like slaves because of the gibs the provide.

When I was in 4th grade, a friend of mine ran for class president on a platform of free ice cream at lunch and a nintendo in every classroom. He was elected in a landslide. It's sort of like that. Black voters are like children. Democrats have them convinced that a republican is out to ruin them, and their path to prosperity is voting democrats into office. They promise social programs, welfare, subsidies, etc. They deliver on some of these but are unwilling or incapable of delivering on all of them. Washington D.C. for example last elected a republican mayor in 1920 or so. It's been independents or democrats ever since. Democrats have been mayor of DC since the 1950s virtually unopposed. The city council has been majority democrat for the same duration of time. None of their lives have improved, but the republicans are like a scary monster. Democrats campaign and tell their constituents that republicans are going to cut their programs. This sends the negro into a frenzy. "IF I AINT GOTS MY 200 PER WEEK HOWMAI GONE FEED MA KEEEYDS?" etc. etc.

They then vote for democrats again, they have to- their financial "stability" is tied to it. The democrats will in return give them the handouts they need to stay loyal, but keep them low enough to stay on the plantation as vote slaves. Invariably, black people who work their way out of poverty vote republican because their economic interests change and they realize most of the racism stuff was a lie. They need to keep those rascal niggers from escaping their plantation. It's sort of like a drug dealer drug user relationship. You want to give them enough to keep them coming back for more forever. Too much or too little and you lose your junkie.

They come here and other places, what the fuck do they think are going to happen. I mean in some of my bait shit, you lit only have to...

I am off, I won't ruin our big pol operations
But I am so fucking sick of listening to this fat fuck each fucking day

slide thread

Fuck off mathew

Depends on the city and the codes. Looks like a cheap parking lot in an unregulated area.

Some of the ugliest, nastiest places I have seen are large stretches of decaying strip-malls in various areas of Houston, a city with few zoning regulations at all.


>gotta be in top 3 posts
>not disappointed.

1 post by id

Sad. But I have similar suspicions. OP has bot replied anything here. Which is sad bcs This is an interesting topic.
I would recommend everyone to take a look into James Howard Kunstler's writings about the tragic of suburbia. Very interesting and funny stuff.

ok ill reply

ur gay

Still better than England.

because they are lazy motherfuckers

That mountain did nothing. Stop brandishing your weapon at it.

This. /thread

Every country is a reflection of the people in it so take a guess.

>there are invalid dreams
Fuck schools and fuck teacher people.


because it is shit.

because america is mutt-country and mutts have low iq points.

it's almost too wild to believe.

it's almost like there was something... something else... that contributed to Detroit's demise... but I can't think what it was.

Europe looks like shit.

Especially with all those refugees shitting on everything.

So, eurocucks, how high is your nose in the air now?

niggers and spics

Because we're mongrel subhumans.

This. This is why chinklands like Thailand, China, and Finland are superior.

I imagine you anti-Eurofags to be the fattest most southern retarded hick trash to ever walk the Earth, either that or non-Whites. To lash out at Europeans instead of trying to find some sort of White Western commonality with them and defending the poor stste of America, makes you the most wretched of dumb mongrel trash.

holy shit the memories

and you are all fat and retarded

Unless money can be made by making it look better, no one gives a shit. The only thing that anyone in this shithole country cares about is getting rich.

>Whites destroy nature
>Blacks restore it

>southern california


Americans are not white, but some sort of mixed mud, so there can never be a white western commonality to begin with

>muh polluted countryside

>blacks restore it
Blacks do nothing but consume and destroy. Every conservation effort that actually succeeded was conducted by whites as well.

masonic values

why is there always a democrat soros shill in these threads spamming mutt memes and calling right wingers shitskins

Blacks ARE nature
They are literally fauna with no agency
Dogs make better soldiers and cops than they do


Would say Chicago. We have shit like that all over the west and south aide

You know your in da hood when your mall has 20 shoe stores

U.S.A. didn't look like this before boomers took over. Now use your special super sleuth thinking skills and put your thinking hats in ultra turbo mode. It wus da joooz!

Is this photoshopped? Whats with the proportions of their heads?

Standard of living is literally the only objective measures you need for shit holes yet cucks like op and liberals must of forgot this.

>a city built by the oil companies
Houston is one of the ugliest cities around. Only nice areas are by the zoo.
It's your typical American city only the sprawl is on steroids.

it was taken at a Sup Forums meet up.. (no joke) and those showed up.. it's not photoshopped/doctored..

You have to go back.