
The signs blame blacks for the nomination of hillary over bernie and thus the election of trump. Seems fishy. I think one of us did it to create division in the left

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Fucking niggers...

Hey, Jamal, whatcha doin?


This isnt a regular false flag though see the first comment

I understand. It doesn't matter what the signs say as the effect will still be the same. "Poor black people being targeted by racist. In other news... Trump is a racist white male!!!"

Good black propaganda!


is that right?

Hey tyrone watcha doin?

Seems kinda wierd for a black person to make a false flag where they call black people stupid monkeys for nominating hillary over bernie

>Dumb black Asses
no if it was one of us, we would have just put nigger in bold black lettering.

this as done by an African america that couldn't bring him/her/self to say nigger.

the top poster literally says "Blumpf" in bold

I agree. That wording isn’t ours at all. There’s nothing clever or aesthetic about it. This is Tyrone’s work.

Yeah, I just don't see one of us doing this. They wouldn't be able to stop themselves from just putting nigger. Either tyrone did this or a liberal did this unironically, thinking we would be blamed.

2D checkers

The lack of nigger is a really good point. Id say we got a legitimate old school che gueverra type racist commie here

it's a berniebot

>hey there rabbi, whatcha doin?

>whatcha doing tyrone?
literally low budget jew tier shit

>this is real debate footage


Obvious nigger false flag is obvious

>dumb black asses
Obvious niggerspeak is obvious. Hoax.

>You ni-(that's rude to people of color) african americans dumbasses voted for Hilllary instead of Bernie.
Hello Tyrone, whatacha doin

>Pro-Bernie supporter shit talking blacks
The fact that it's not pro-Trump is actually interesting but it's not the first time we've seen Berniefags go overboard and show they're just as bad if not worse than the rest of us.

hey, remember when it turned out to be a black guy who put up racist slurs that lit the fire under the ass of some pathetic virtue-signalling marxist cuckold air force soyboy (who deserves and should be given no respect) to stand up and demand all the fucking white males in the room leave his air force RIGHT NOW because fuck drumpf and fuck white people? pepperidge farms remembers.

>niggers are so stupid that they can't do 15 minutes of research to commit a believable false flag op

>niggers say nigger all the time but they cant bring themselves to say nigger

really roastin those almonds.


>you stupid monkeys

put up by a black person

t. attended this university and know exactly where this was posted

Watcha doing there, Tyrone?

I'm sure a real racist would use such gentle slurs

my fault guys, it was me. i was going for a prank, got out of hand


Ohhhhh this was done by a lefty, not Tyrone

In one week it will be revealed that black students posted the signs.

I attended the school during the election and people put chalk everywhere that said "Trump 2016" "Maga" and what not.
The blacks responded by making a "lists of demands" and walked out of class to protest (of course kek). The movement was heavily ridiculed, mocked, and pushed aside.
Therefore, I have heavy reason to believe this is a "Hey Tyrone, watchya doin?" to garner more artificial sympathy and outrage for the We Wuz Luther King groups on campus.

butthurt Bernie bro that maybe is starting to get redpilled after spending time around niggers in South Carolina?

But why would they frame the perpetrator as a bernie supporter

what was living in Richland county like?

I watch that Live PD show that films the Richland county sheriffs and there's all kinds of chimpouts happening there

It is very segregated thankfully. The whole campus side and large portions are very nice and white. The ghetto is ridiculous though. I have been to the Obamamart which is infamous on the show and it is fucking out of control.

Didn't see that, good point. Probably a Bernie bro but as I said, the nigs here think they are the next Martin Luther King. During the protest, these black girls claimed a white kid threw a banana at them and they were eventually forced to admit they made the whole ordeal up.

No self respecting racist would say "Dumb black asses." The word nigger would be all over that paper.

agreed, it's probably some reddit fag or a lefty who's trying to D&C, no one on Sup Forums is ever afraid to say nigger

It's either a nigger or the alt-soy that's too afraid to say "nigger."


>dumb black asses

hey tyrone, watcha doin?

Yeah this definitely smells like a False Flag. The narrative pins Trump Supporters as racist, not anti-trump people.


>Obama Gas Station
>Arrested for fraud

id put nigger with a pic of tyrone sheeeittt on it.


hey jamal what ya doin

woww so real

one of us falseflagging as a disgruntled leftist would definitely know better than to say nigger
black people on the other hand don't give a fuck about saying it themselves

It is RARE that I'll call this, but this reeks of false flaggotry.

That's my school. It was apparently some 40 year old white guy, believe it or not.


inb4 "lebbit", but it's a good archive

Fake. I can promise a black female did this.

The fact that this isn't funny should prove that it's fake

The left cant meme