Is being Catholic un-American?

Is being Catholic un-American?

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Now yes, Since the Pope is sucking satanic Globalist cock and trying to convert the Catholic people to Islam.
You can't make this stuff up. The Pope is not Catholic.

better than a buddist cuck
Well ... that is because we aren't fucking hipsters who run through the world with a rucksack thinking they'll find their special snowflake meaning in life. our society is our family, which also includes work and you could say that a lot of nords are proud to contribute to that, even though it's getting shittier because of governments being undermined by leftist radicals.

i wouldn't expect americans to relate, i certainly can't to them either. i have never seen so many ignorant, superficial and uneducated people in my life as i did in the states. your live is average and uninteresting, you don't have any culture except consumerism, your entire nation struggles needlessly because of your through and through corrupt and broken government. the most interesting thing i get to hear is that someone got shot around that corner and how the NRA is the best thing ever

t. german

>t. german
okay Mahmet


>dont like the pope
see, but that is why we broke from the Catholic church in the first place. thats the whole problem, you put all your powers and faith into a human from another country. that IS Catholic. a jury of your most well studied cardinals elected him, they know better than you. you cant just say, well he isnt catholic. guess again.
That is how your entire system works, and that is why we arent catholic anymore. oh and btw, you have to follow Vatican 2, because it is official church doctrine.
That is how being a Catholic works!! that is what we have been telling you is the problem for 300 years+!!, if you dont want to follow vatican 2, than you are a break away Protestant sec

it doesn't make you protestant, it makes you sspx, you retard

Who cares?

The Catholic Church is the original church established by Christ himself.
Protestantism is all about rejecting authority based on "feelings". So you can be a nationalist Protestant, an anti-nationalist Protestant, a conservative Protestant, a liberal Protestant, a sodomite Protestant, a quiverfull Protestant, a sterile Protestant etc etc

You can be whatever you want.

However, Catholicism by definition involves subservience to the Magisterium and following the unchanging doctrines and dogmas which trancend all earthly things.

Catholics don't have the luxury of being following their feelings or saying it is "all up to interpretation". This has earned them the ire of Christians who believe that Christianity is all about trusting yourself and feeling good feeling all the time.

>The Catholic Church is the original church established by Christ himself

Checked. Digits confirm Orthodoxy is the true and original church, not Roman Catholicism.

being anything other than wat yer gonna be is unamerican. now stop being a faggot

Orthodoxy changed the rules around priestly celibacy established in the Great Councils.
Orthodoxy changed their attitudes towards contraception in spite of centuries of tradition.
Orthodoxy is very likely to change their attitudes towards homosexuality in the near future, based on the aforementioned cases.

I'd rather stick to the Church that doesn't keep changing.

America is a Christian country.
The pope has said multiple times that Protestants are not Christian. You do the math.

Celibacy for priests was never a thing until the Middle Ages. Read a book, nigger.
>Orthodoxy is very likely to change their attitudes towards homosexuality in the near future
Fucking kek, what? You're going to say that with a straight face? Orthodoxy continues to preach that being a fag is a one-way ticket to Hell. The Catholic Church, on the other hand, has been softening their position on it for years. You literally have a Pope that says you don't have to be Catholic, or even Christian, to get into Heaven.

Orthodoxy also does not allow contraception. You are completely making shit up either because you really are that ignorant or because you're just a Catholic trying to subvert the Orthodox Church. Go ahead and go to any Orthodox cathedral and voice these concerns to the bishop and be careful not to let the door hit you while they laugh you out.

Read up on that thin piece of Catholic cloth.

You won't find this kind of art in any Protestant church.

Yes. America is for WASPs only

>Orthodoxy changed the rules around priestly celibacy established in the Great Councils.
Show me the canons (reminder there were only 7, your local councils don't count)
>Orthodoxy changed their attitudes towards contraception in spite of centuries of tradition.
The most commonly held opinions are that they are immoral, or that NFP may be used, which are both held in the Latin church.
>Orthodoxy is very likely to change their attitudes towards homosexuality in the near future, based on the aforementioned cases.
coming from the church led by Pope "who am I to judge?" Francis
>I'd rather stick to the Church that doesn't keep changing.

Catholicism is apostate Christianity with a false gospel that damns people to hell. They ignore God's word for the traditions of man, just like the Pharisees.

Your building are worthless and shall all be leveled to the ground during the time of His wrath.

>the Spirit proceeds from the Father alone
What? I thought Orthodox held that the Spirit proceeds from both the Father and the Son. Isn't the Spirit proceeding from the Father alone one of the first major heresies the Church had to deal with?

Yes. But what about the one in the OP? Doesn’t look familiar to me.

Celibacy for priests was outlined at the Great Councils and Orthodoxy chose to reject it.
Priestly ordination has always been understood a marriage to the Church. Priests marrying is akin to adultery. To allow priests to marry because of disordered ideas about what marriage is is an abomination. The Roman Catholic Church would never give in to such laxity like the Eastern Churches have.

And like Protestantism, the Orthodox attitude towards contraception is unorganized, varying, and poorly defined. Even though contraception has been universally condemned by all Christians up until the 1930's. The Catholic Church has the Magesterium. Our teachings never change. Which is why even though homosexual activism is become more visible, the Church will remain steadfast.

If the Orthodox Church gave in to morally lax attitudes like married priests and contraceptive use, it seems very likely that they will give in to homosexual rights. Convince me otherwise.

the original gospel, the gospel of the lord, is in the catholic bible.
you go ahead and practice whatever "catholic-lite" religion you want; but no guitar-led prayer circle, red wine in dixie cups, or married preachers spouting lies will ever bring you closer to God than Catholicism.

No clue.

Everyone, don't forget to leave home without Rosaries and Scapulars!

And what is it then?

show me the canon law that says celibacy must be obligatory

>Celibacy for priests was outlined at the Great Councils
No, it wasn't. The Roman Catholic Church didn't even force priests to be celibate until the High Middle Ages, around the time of the Investiture Crisis. I'm not even going to give the rest of your post a response because you clearly have no idea of your own history. You're slandering the Eastern Church without even knowing anything about your own. But again, the Orthodox Church has not and never will condone homosexuality. And once again, the POPE of the Catholic Church has himself said that YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE CHRISTIAN TO GET INTO HEAVEN. And you're going to sit here and cast stones at the Orthodox Church and say that THEY are the ones modernizing.

What determines a valid council from a false one?

straight from wikipedia:

>Council of Elvira (c. 305)
>(Canon 33): It is decided that marriage be altogether prohibited to bishops, priests, and deacons, or to all clerics placed in the ministry, and that they keep away from their wives and not beget children; whoever does this shall be deprived of the honor of the clerical office.

>Council of Carthage (390)
>(Canon 3): It is fitting that the holy bishops and priests of God as well as the Levites, i.e. those who are in the service of the divine sacraments, observe perfect continence, so that they may obtain in all simplicity what they are asking from God; what the Apostles taught and what antiquity itself observed, let us also endeavour to keep.… It pleases us all that bishop, priest and deacon, guardians of purity, abstain from conjugal intercourse with their wives, so that those who serve at the altar may keep a perfect chastity.

Seems unambiguous to me. Although, I am sure you disagree.

Also, on orthodox wiki about contraception:

>While some local churches have issued official statements on this issue, it is not an issue that has been clearly defined by the entire Church.

But to be fair, is there anything clearly defined by the entire Orthodox "Church"?
Seems a bit hard to maintain beliefs without a Magesterium.

i just told you, it is in the catholic bible. it's kind of like the one you probably have, only it isn't free in hotel rooms.

if it was one of these:

You're so stupid that you have to be trolling.

The Synods of Elvira and Carthage were NOT ecumenical councils, they took place before the first ecumenical council ever even happened. And ONLY the ecumenical councils can settle matters of dogma for the entire Church, anything made before then is pure conjecture. There are also "councils" that determined that things that we know today to be heretical were canon. Are those canon too then?
>Seems a bit hard to maintain beliefs without a Magesterium.
You have a fucking Pope who is blatantly tossing aside every major belief that Catholicism holds and you're STILL going to sit here and say that you need a Pope in order to "preserve" your original beliefs. You are fucking brainwashed.


Youve told me what councils are valid but not why they are valid and how we come to know this

>say that you need a Pope in order to "preserve" your original beliefs. You are fucking brainwashed.

Just like the Orthodox need their system to "preserve" the original belief of there being twenty aerial toll houses manned by daemons that guard the entrance to heaven?

because the entire Church has to accept them for it to be ecumenical, Latin councils are local because they are just the Roman church

yes. the foundational American population was explicitly protestant and anti-Catholic. Catholicism only gained a foothold with immigrants from outside the foundational population's cultural sphere. Irish, Italians, and Poles mostly.
Catholicism is contrary to the independent yeoman ethos of America.

They prove that clerical celibacy was a Church tradition that was around since the establishment of Christianity. The Eastern Church slowly relaxed these traditions, and I'm sure they have many other traditions they wish to relax as well.

>You have a fucking Pope who is blatantly tossing aside every major belief that Catholicism holds
>Source: Reuters

Every time some story like this comes out, it always turns out to be untrue. If the goal of spreading these lies is to weaken peoples faith in the Church, it isn't working, since it only motivates Catholics to research the things the Pope says, and they find out the media is attacking him and the Church with lies. It only strengthens faith. These anti-Catholics need to find another mode of attack.

Nah. You have a God; you have rituals, you do them in a place with walls, the music isn't terrible, frankenscense and myrrh smell alright, eucharist and baptism are 'weird' but acceptable, etc.
There's worse things to be than Catholic. It's American enough.

Protestants are crazy. I was talking to one about Holy Communion and they said it was "heretic" and viewed me as a criminal because I was ignorant and thought they were eating and drinking Christ.
>>No we don't do that anymore, it's only a metaphor
Literally what all atheists say about Christianity. I was furious!

Not to mention, Protestants believe they were before Catholics. It's ridiculous! Unacceptable. Fuck these "pastors" and their fucking tents.

Catholics are all heretics and will burn in hell. Repent now for your sins, before its to late you blasphemous scum.

>>"We're going to ask a Pastor what to do."
>"You're going to ask a what? A field of grass?"
>>"No, our religious leader."
>"You follow a FIELD?"
>>"No, they are like a Priest."
>" "Like a Priest?" You're either a Priest or a liar."


yes and always was
>better than a buddhist cuck
""killing communists is not demeritorious"- Kittiwuttho Bhikkhu

"Muslims are like the African carp. They breed quickly and they are very violent and they eat their own kind. Even though they are minorities here, we are suffering under the burden they bring us."- Ashin Wrathu

meanwhile pope francis:
"The Lord has redeemed all of us, all of us, with the Blood of Christ, all of us, not just Catholics. Everyone!"

"You ask me if the God of the Christians forgives those who don't believe and who don't seek the faith, I start by saying -- and this is the fundamental thing -- that God's mercy has no limits if you go to him with a sincere and contrite heart. The issue for those who do not believe in God is to obey their conscience"

It's simple, name your kids after a Saint, have them guide them. Also, it gets rid of those shitty names like "Kirsten" and "Caysune".

>because the entire Church has to accept them for it to be ecumenical, Latin councils are local because they are just the Roman church

By this reasoning then all the councils post Ephesus and Chaceldon as the entire Church was no longer there. Or do you define the Church along majority lines?

This thread would be 50 posts shorter if Ad Majorem Dei Glorium was still tripfagging around, like the majestic Crusading bastard he is

Yes, pope francis is a satanic false prophet

>>huurhuur but in muh protestant America the presidunts wud nevur be false

there was still a Patriarch and church of Constantinople and Alexandria after those, in fact the Nestorians left Constantinople and created their own church in the east, and Alexandria didn't fully split off for many years, and then there were two Egyptian churches after that.

>there was still a Patriarch and church of Constantinople and Alexandria after those, in fact the Nestorians left Constantinople and created their own church in the east, and Alexandria didn't fully split off for many years, and then there were two Egyptian churches after that.

So after Alexandria did split that that is when the councils stopped being valid?

In the past at a very fundemental, originalist level Catholicism is unAmerican because American political ideals are directly descended from rebellion against the Church. The American character was defined by humble protestant churches scattered across the country side to unite communities in a decentralized fashion. At one point Catholics were a serious threat to that way of life because they were seen as the old European order intruding on the New World. But that America is long gone so in the current year there isn't really any problem with Catholics IMO. It would be retarded for Americans to infight between Christian factions right now.


But by your definition then it fails as a legitimate council has to be accepted by the whole Church, not just a majority.

Being a science denier evangelical retard is unamerican. Return to the true Church or burn like the rest.

I dunno but it's definitely un-Christian.

The vatican agrees, doesn't even call Protestant churches "sister churches" but just ecclesial community.

I REFUSE to believe that "Protestantism" is as Christian as it gets.

What about this church?

What about it?

Yes. Catholics are more loyalty so some spic in italy than they are to america. There is a reason our founders hated catholics.

Protestants made a mockery of Christianity, with their thousands of heretical denominations. It's almost as if they worked for the Jews.

>smallest country in the world

What of its beauty and christian style?

If it's Catholic, I mean...

>Protestant countries are the most successful in history
>catholic countries are all shitholes without exception
it's almost like god is blessing the protestants and cursing the cathocucks

Yes. Literally taking marching orders from a foreign government.

Also, heretical as can be.

Yes. America owes allegiance to no crown or foreign power. Believe what you want, your gods have no right of say in our government. You are Americans first, religious people second.
"America is in no way founded on the christian religion..." Treaty of Tripoli

>Material wealth = God's Favor

The cuck Pope makes me ashamed of my Catholic upbringing.

He's going to hell.

Like this?

CHURCH IS PROOF. Btw LOTS of catholic countries still have abortion as illegal. Now look at America. kek.

wow it almost makes catholicism look like what it is..a cult

Kinda desu. In Common Sense it's argued that monarchy is pretty much the Catholicism of governments. America has a history of anti-Catholicism, but it doesn't really matter. What matters is whether Catholicism will bring you to the pearly gates or not.



This is stupid as hell

Literally all issues of Western civilisation in the present day and modernity as a whole can be retracted to Lutheranism

Furthermore, if you are looking to save Western civilisation, you are looking to save something that is inherently and essentially "Catholic" - any deviation from that is an aberration

No, not that one.


How about this work of Catholic architecture


>not artificial flavors or colors added
referencing how protestants actually follow the bible :^)

Not really. Although the Catholic Church was the firewall against usury for centuries, and today the two most Protestant countries on Earth - America and England - are also the twin thrones of the international usury cabal. Not a coincidence. So in some sense I suppose they could be viewed as less-than-simpatico.
>ITT: Protestants actually believe that wealth gained through exploitative usury via weaponized currency is a sign of God's favor

Who else likes Taoism

Lemme throw out my Catholic bullshit list then.

Roman government killed Christians for 300 years trying to get rid of them. After Christianity seemed unstoppable, they switched tactics and created the Roman Catholic Church. They then continued killing Christians but now under the guise that the ones they were killing were heretics who had the wrong beliefs.

They set up the Pope as a holy man which is completely unbiblical.

They once decided to scam people by selling indulgences to forgive the sins of both people and dead people to guarantee they went to heaven.

They kept the Bible in latin so that only priests could tell people "what the Bible said".

Etc, Crusades, etc.

The Catholic church is nothing but a load of bullshit and all the poor saps that believe in it are likely going to end up in Hell with it.

the roman empire never ended it just evolved and it still exists...hmm really makes you think


>implying no abortion in shithole countries is a good thing

I don't think you want to play this game, you wont win, protestant

You protestants are even worse. The original lutherans were okay, but you are just touchy-feely scum, who created the "magical sky daddy" meme in the first place.
You have no understanding of theology.

No but it makes you retarded for picking the worst sect in Christianity and im not even christian


The roman catholic church is a political organization first and a religious organization second. That said they are a cornerstone of western society for good or ill, and therefore I don't consider then "un-American."

t. United Methodist

You're pseudo-Judaism won't work on me, protestant

I can find as much God in a dixie cup as you can in a silver chalice.


>Ameri'burger spelling
It's a byproduct of living in a protestant country



>post one protestant church
>all the sudden they flee the thread, perhaps digging the internet to find the worst of the worst Catholic churches

Really makes you think