Construction fag here....just got layed off from job for winter....not a newmale...

Construction fag here....just got layed off from job for winter....not a newmale ...just looking for advice from other stand up men

come south white man

Winter is almost over. I think there was a different reason user.

Lots of construction jobs here in SoCal. Maybe this is a chance to go back to school, learn a trade, and move up in life user.

For the whole winter? Get a new job probably unimployment will only pay half that

If you have a B.A. or B.S. go teach. There is also trade unions. I push dope to kids and loan shark with my jew friends.

Probably going to go back to was steady.....this job sucked...tried to jump trades because pay was double...think they bumped me out cause i have never ran a boom lift before

Why is the guy in op pic holding a shotty but haa a bandolier full of 45lc? 2+2=3?

Learn a trade man. I work in Fort McMurray in a crude oil producing plant. Each hour I work goes towards 2 tickets, mechanical insulation and rope technician. I make $32 an hour, 12 hour days and time and a half overtime on weekends. In 2 years I will be a journeyman and max out at $48/h.

I'm 21.

Nevermind. I saw the revolver after i posted

In the USA we are only three weeks into Winter which is a three Month season.

go work for a geotech firm, work in the lab in the winters, nuke test when its warm

In the 90's layoffs would come before thanksgiving and last until after the superbowl.

Learning is a meme its never helped anyone

Find a trade and listen to Jordan Peterson

Thank me later

Do what every other construction worker does and get stoned all winter collecting EI until the ground defrosts . . .

what are you even asking?

You do?? Is it fun?

I wanna make $32 where do I sign up?

Do whatever you want, remember to aim high.

I am a tig and mig welder fabricator by trade....guess it's time to get serious and join a union

buy the dip

Fuck yeah dood

If your a union boy then ya ain't even got to look for a job while you are laid off.
Get on food stamps while you put in your waiting week.
Enjoy suckling on uncle sammys fat tits for a bit.
You earned it.

Go find a mill somewhere and pull chain for a bit.

Insulator..... Gross


I have the same problem. Got laid off before Christmas and still have no luck for work. Gotta wade through niggers and go to the job center tomorrow

19 inches!? How old was he?

get a bunch of welding certs this summer when you have plenty of money, some welding schools even have night classes.

you can work with your hands and if you can tig, stick, aluminum, food grade, marine grade, etc.etc. you can name your fucking price at big manufacturers.

I believe in you user. learn how to stick metal to metal like a man.

Sell that boipucci

Feel free to come work with me at walmart if you want. No reason to get a trade here unless you lIke working 18 hour days in windy, below freezing Temps.

Contact ICE


Tell me more about USA winters, user.


>Hasn't reported her to ICE

y the fuck are you even here user

This creature has citizenship, unfortunately. If you only knew how bad it was on this shift in terms of demographics versus when I first started working here in 2006.

gather nuts and bury them in secret locations

They dont call it funemployment for nuthin. Make friends with a pawn shop owner.

Bullshit. Call them anyway just to be sure

>working over 12 hrs straight time
Anything over 8 is automatic overtime, Sundays are double time. I may not have the greatest benefits, they are alright, but I will get fucking paid. I prefer electrical work over being a total goddamn slave.

Move to New Orleans and be an uber driver. Make $200/night working only 5 hours.

Become a long hauler truck driver. Shit is year round. Big money. Respectable job.

Only downfall is no creature comforts...time at home is limited etc

Since your job is seasonal find something easy to keep you busy durring winter.

What state are you in?

you got time to relax, wait for spring

Oregon....not into basket weaving or intel techy i build things or use my hands/body


This post doesn't deserve any replies but I want for the record to show that your god-awful humor has been recognized as fucking shit

be a NEET
Like Socrates said: If you aren't a NEET, you are no philosopher. us border patrol

Go stream videogames or code shitty government websites like a real provider you fucking bitch

You could work in a feminist bookstore

Border patrol is a sweet gig. I worked with them some back in the day. Last I heard the waiting list was over a year, though.

Rope technician? Is that like a snow fence technician? Lmao

You could take a boom lift class easily dude. I'm a fucking engineer (master's in chemical real fucking nerdy typical Sup Forums type) and i figured out a boom lift over the course of an 8 hour field training.

btw i feel you. that boom lift training i just told you about was my inspiration to drop the NEET office life and become an IBEW apprentice. making 70% of my original pay but my days are so much better and i shoot the shit with electricians way better than office desk jockeys who think they're "changing the world" by writing specs for pumps and breakers.

godspeed my bro.

why did my foreman like molesting me? why do old men do that shit?

Learning is a cancer on society its become a cult and bred a generation of degenerate stonee perma students 10th grade is all anyone needs


You should stop posting on the internet if you're against education.

You should be living in a hut and hunting.

Local 60 my dude. Where you at.

I know people just like to point out that she's holding the solder wrong, but nobody even actually solders onto circuit boards anymore in the first place. The picture is double retarded

Go to OK, TX, WY, ND, NM, WV, OH, or PA and get a job as a rig hand.
Just need steel toe boots.
They'll give you FR clothing, hard hat, and other PPE.
Get to work 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off. Most provide trailer on site. Starts at $25 an hour.
You just have to be willing to work 12.5 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Not that hard at all. Day goes by fast.

People are supposed to be working, learning is a waste of time and resources in 2018 "intellectuals" are just propagandists


No? I go up on ropes to reach shit scaffolding/lifts can't reach. Rope ticket let's me work anywhere in the world, offshore rigs, remote access, etc.
Lmao I'll do the job pussies won't touch, someone's gotta do it, get paid mighty fine to do it. I'm young and winning stay mad

December 21st through March 21st

Well, then learn boomlift. Don't know about US but here the social services will pay for your reeducation courses, so check that out if you have spare time.

>Probably going to go back to was steady.....this job sucked...tried to jump trades because pay was double.

That is unusual, usually welding pays the best out of the trades. Can you TIG or stick weld? TIGers usually can find comfy jobs all year around.

Nice 150k is very great in france i just make 24k for a construction job.
But how much is there money when you have all paid?

>.just looking for advice

Don't work seasonal jobs

detailer here. i'm untouchable as long as architects and engineers keep cranking out shitty plans that don't tell us shit

get a college degree if you want a real job

Damn I make 6 figures for fucking around on the internet all day. We need to change our society to be more just for whites like yourself

West Texas is hiring like crazy for all types of rig jobs, just need to be able to pass a piss test.

>a real job sitting at a desk, making copies, and paying off your student debt for a decade
I made in my first year of apprenticeship equivalent to $45kCAD with no debt and lower taxes than you cuckolds. I bet you have to obey pronouns and speak in monotone in fear of sexual harassment huh bud?

I have barely any expenses, $550 a month for rent and utilities, phone bill and insurance that's it. I do not intend to change the way I live cause I'm comfortable with it. All savings go straight to investments. Made 75k this year off of stocks in addition to my salary.

Once again I cannot stress this enough I am only 21, will be putting down payments on a couple investment properties in a couple months.

People call me all sorts of shit, they think I'm beneath them because I willingly chose to drop out of university and pursue a trade instead. They think blue collar work is demeaning. I just laugh.

To add onto that, that is better than the majority of Canadians coming out of school with 4 year degrees. A total fucking scam for nigger cattle.

Plug up your butthole, go indawoods with the bears and hibernate till spring

say that to your back and knees in 20 years

How the fuck does that work? So there's no further work on a building project because It's cold?

My man!

It was the most insane feeling transitioning from SJW and Marxist utopia university to a trade where I'm surrounded by red pilled and solid men. I can be myself for once, that alone is worth being clue collar to me.

yes the school is not very important, but it allows to have a better job anyway at the beginning of your career, I myself have no diploma. I'm 26 years old. you do not think about starting your own business with your savings?

>Muh back and knees

Lmfao you limp wristed pussy what do you think mankind has been doing up until 50 years ago? Working.

My foreman is 68 years old and is healthier than soy boys half his age. Keep parroting the bullshit bro, cause I'm so sure sitting slouched in a chair for 8 hours a day every day staring at a computer screen is sooooo much healthier.

That is my end goal Frenchbro, definitely planning on starting my own business. My goal before doing that is to get setup in such a way that I have enough passive income coming in each month that I can freely work on my business without worrying about bills and capital.

Passive income is my goal for my 20's, my 30's my goal is working for myself with my own business.

Exactly this, when you start slowing down is when you start dying. This is why there are retired tradesman and former military smoking into their 80s and are still fine.
I wish I started sooner then I would have been turned out already making foreman bucks. I work service doing menial stuff like changing lightbulbs to rolling 1000lb bus duct restoring power to high schools after a phase to phase arc blast. I get treated right and am better off than most apprentices because I know when to ramp it up and get shit done. Collegecuck is a bitch.


yes it's definitely a good plan. I worked quite a year at the maintenance of a chemical plant around Paris. it's probably the same down there.

Keep grinding bro, the beautiful thing about all this is colleges/universities just keep getting more saturated meanwhile demand for people like you and me keeps going up, and will literally start to skyrocket once the boomer tradesmen start retiring en masse in the following decade.

Just coast on your savings user, get some apprentice training done and live on unemployment. Next job you'll make more

Are you a labourer Frenchbro? I have no idea how the trades work over there but the plan should always be to pursue a skilled labour trade. Something that gives you a ticket/certification at the end of it and something that will always be in demand.

Any monkey/nigger can do manual labour. Be a proper white man and learn a skill.

It's not even grinding when you can take a step back and say "I fucking did this, I made this happen". I push my journeymen to the side often just to be able to do something even when it's mundane work. It's just beneficial to the male psyche.

My class size is still smaller than past years, at least it's younger kids getting into it to get ahead in life. Learning things that make a difference everyday rather than logging .6% interest onto spreadsheets and talking about how "Marsha was talking to Tiffany about blah blah blah omg like wow". If they even do a spreadsheet, more like just exchanging emails until lunchtime. I would kill myself if I was like that.

I'm currently going to community college and this is the horrible fucking truth of modern America. The standards here are so low, the teaching is so shit, and the requirements are so dull it might as well be high school. It's fucking shit. I have the sicking feeling that university won't be much different either. I'm acing classes but whats the point? It's baby tier material a half dead monkey could do.

Get a warehouse job driving forklifts
Temp agency's like RANSTAD and WESTAFF can find you work quickly.

at the beginning I was a labourer but no longer, I am able to lead teams, make plans on autocad, I can prepare a building site and appeal to all the companies that must intervene.

But what about ja Jews? They don't do trades and they make millions. How could I just work a trade, knowing that I'll always make a small bit of what they make, and I'll still have their propanda in my face when I come home and my kids will end up all jewed and I'll have to try and unjew them and they'll think I'm just an asshole?

if thats your felling just get into computer science or server administration/network architecture. its just a trade for the digital age. especially the latter

And then they'll all go off and overdose on opoides! Shits not good. trades are not the answer. Just a temporary means to get money.

Winter lasts until mid to end feb in the midwest.

That's a pretty decent skill set, and you only make 24k a year?

Crabs, man. Its crab-people, man. Crab people! Fucking CRAB PEOPLE!