Killing Bots

Why is no one taking about this? Humans use too much resources? What is going on? Is it too late for us? Look the documents up on NASA!
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This is getting slid hard. I need answers please. Old video. But happening in 2025 which I belove will happen allot sooner than that.

Relax bag of mostly water,i will watch over you while you sleep .

Question bag of mostly water, what colour is your hand gem?

I am sure (((they)) already do. But what is their agenda?

Killer bots? Im sure if we ever get them they will wreak havoc on the black comminities if we program them to police the streets.

NASA Ciria 2025 plans

You just take a microwave oven apart and put a makeshift antenna on the cyclotron.
Enjoy your malfunctioning robots.

Cant watch the vid. At work would draw too much attention... but does the video indicate that if your white your ok? I want to be able to get to bed comfortably. Ill be not all that old in 2025 yet and still have alot to live for.

We're all fked basically

;) soon brother soon....Sup Forums is not ready yet

NASA war document for 2025

Why? I don't see anything good coming of this.

*yawn* what a boring thread lets just go to bed

Sleep. Sounds great.

Can i find text only info thru tor?

I will look give me a few

Will the killer bots be thicc waifus like the assaultrons in fo4? Also, imagine. anti ZOG TOO. FUG that's a waifubot right there desu

lmao just pour water on them

Speaking of killer robots, I was thinking... if AI is going to be so smart, and presuming that it doesn't feel pain, when a robot realizes the meaningless of life and that continuing to function just uses up resources and requires neverending maintenance, wouldn't it just shut itself off permanently, effectively committing suicide?

Will AI require special "inviolable rules" programming to keep from offing itself?

No i mean soon Sup Forums will be talking about real guture issues like this instead of "race" which dosen't exist BTW

So it is 114 pages I googled NASA Ciria 2025 and the second thing that came up was the documents. Looks pretty legitimate.

Snoops says debunked. I don't know guys.

(((They))) blow it way out of proportion definitely.

This is one reason to be wary of owning a waifu bot vs. Having a nagging bitching human woman. Seems like no matter what we men are fucked.

no one cares because we could just grind pencil into dust, blow it onto robot and disable it
we are too busy with sexbots

Shorter vid


Nonsense. Thicc jewhunting killerbot yandere. Sounds pretty great desu

this woman is stupid, but that sure is one scorched earth school shooter manifesto of a document right there boi


So debunked?