Buy the dip, nocoiners!

It is a chance to buy, Bitcoins is changing the world, all politicians are lying!

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bag holder thread

>Buy the dip! We need new money at the bottom or this entire Ponzi scheme is going to collapse!

I'll buy sub 2k

>Bitcoins is changing the world
No, it's not.


>yfw the people who kept saying "bitter nocoiners" are finding out they were nocoiners the whole time

Everybody involved in all this bitcoin speculation is a fucking day trader that sees price bumps as indicative of something instead of more speculation. They think currencies are the same as stock. I really have sympathies for the poor saps who keep buying in intending to hold until currency. They even market bitcoin as something to profit off (by selling). What exactly do they figure they are profiting off? No asset no reality.



This crash is fucking glorious
I'm buying all of it I can while it's on sale. There's so much newfag money nobody bothers to do a little research.
This happens every January. Now's the time to buy.

How does bitcoin work? It's not real money. It's just a digital counter that anyone can steal. You give your money for something that doesn't exist. People can just you mine your coin.


Absolutely. People should take all their money and max out their credit cards and put it all into Bitcoins and ethereum. Make 20 times your invest. no joke.

Kek will not be mocked.

Not what I'm saying. Never invest more than you can afford to lose.
This is just how these things work. Buy low, sell high, unlike the normies panic selling who bought high and are now selling low.
This happens every year, and they never learn.

China and Korea crack down on crypto every January? Not to mention scam exchanges going under. This time feels a bit different.

I've bought 0.088 bitcoin for 1000 Euro and the next day the whole btc market crashes. Well fuck my life I jinx everything I touch.

>costs 13k
I would buy it if it went down to 5k maybe, just to try it out.
This is too expensive for me now

So it's your fault. Good going faggot.

Typical nocoiner not understanding how it is an asset. Bitcoin is the first computernetwork which utilizes a completely decentralized security model. 1 of the things you can do with a decentralized network is apparently money. You can also do identity or deeds ect.

When you buy bitcoins, you own a part of this networks infrastucture that people need to use if they wanna use the network.
Its comparable to owning part of the fiber if you wanted to invest directly in the internet instead .com companies.

That is new, I'm not really worried though. I started out with $200 and am up to a few thousand, I just bought as much as I could of what I think are good coins when everything crashed earlier.
Much better odds than vegas. Worst case is everything crashes to zero forever and I'm out $200 that I've already been without for months.
Don't sell low m8, it will recover. You will be in for a wait though.

but isn't it a bit overpriced now? How much did you buy and at what price if I can ask?

I'm investing in Asus. They make the graphics cards that crypto-miners use.

>When you buy bitcoins, you own a part of this networks infrastucture
Wud? Nope.

Shut the fuck up, that is not what an asset is. You coiners are claiming it will be used as currency, and that is supposed to be the main reason that it has all this value, wealth storage. Did you know dollars are also shares in the united states government without any right conferred? That actually makes it equity, but I guess the 'asset' is the USA. It's always so disingenuous with you people, like you have no clue what money is.

these two

I've literally bought them at 11 pm, went to sleep and overnight all of the crypto currencies have been annihilated.

After extensive research I was able to determine the cause of the latest dip in coins. pic very much related.

so what you are saying is your currency is far more jewed than bitcoin?
we know

It's fine user, just keep holding. If markets don't go back up by the end of Feb just sell it and take a loss.

I loooooooooooooooooooooooove

>You coiners are claiming it will be used as currency, and that is supposed to be the main reason that it has all this value
Depends on the coin or token. Ethereum is completely different than bitcoin and actually has a use besides 'muh store of value', for example. Either way most of us are just here to make money, there are not a whole lot of those idealists left.
This is the wild west of investing, it really reminds me of the early days of the internet.

These guys and tron bag holders deserve everything they get.

Yes it's extremely jewed, but I don't see many coiners understanding what they're really buying into. That leaf is completely wrong, and if it were really shares in a network then it could never be used as currency. Do you guys realize that gold already exists? People could be storing wealth in there already, yet they mostly seem to use it to avoid inflation. Where are all the speculating gold traders making money off volatility? Until coiners are honest about the risks involved in investing, I see 90% speculation bubble and 10% sincere believers. If all speculators announced tomorrow that when they bought the coins they already intended to sell later, the price would tank overnight. And then it would tank even more because the holders find out there are no more buyers. Anyway I don't care about speculating day traders losing or profiting from other speculators, but since coiners treat crypto as a revolutionary step you'd think they'd be more clear about their theories of money. Most chumps don't know anything about this and treat it like stock in their portfolio.

Yeah, I'm holding, I've bought them accounting that I might lose everything anyway.

Its kinda tacky imo. but my buy average is about 350 USD
.Thats retarded. Cryptos are reinventing money and you say they arent money because theyre different from old money? Thats just really stupid word games. Yes. Cryptos are not like Federal Reserve Coin. Its way better. If you dont wanna call it money, fine, lets just call it crypto.

Its a new thing. Youre trying to put it in old boxes. They dont fit. Just like no old boxes fit the internet back in the day. Is it mail on your computer? Is it computers as a phone? No. It was a new thing.

What you're describing is pure bubble cancer though, which is fine with me if not for all the lying that comes with it. Poor sincere believers man. My niece bought some ethereum for my aunt and tried to show her an online portfolio. It just makes me sad to watch her explain it, like "house went up in value even though i didn't sell it yet" style.

They aren't reinventing money you dolt, only its backing. You clearly don't know any money theory.


Bought one Bitcoin when it was just 300 a couple of years ago. 2015 I think. Am I a rich now?

I honestly think ethereum has a future if the scaling issues can be solved. Enigma is another extremely interesting one. Monero is for shady illegal shit.
99% is just stupid money and obvious scams though, people buying into buzzwords thinking it'll be the next bitcoin, disregarding the total number of 'shitcoin x' in circulation and required market cap for it to happen.

Every gain I manage to accumulate in the last 2 months are gone in a week lol.

Again with the silly word games. Reinventing the backking of money is reinventing money because THE BACKING IS THE MAIN PART.

You argue like a butthurt little girl, constantly changing definitions to try and win. Cryptos are better than fiat currencies in every aspect except adoption, but cryptos are new and adoption takes time.

I think the real problem that people have failed to properly understand yet is that currencies as wealth/exchange mediums have a sort of highlander effect when you look at any region. It's not just that historically competing currencies are super rare, but that when it happens there is usually a lot of turmoil involved while the economy sorts itself out. I think many people are picturing bitcoin as a sort of digital gold as well as stock. They figure that they can store their wealth in it by buying them with dollars, and imagine that one day they will be able to buy normal goods with crypto. If not, then they can always sell for dollars again. But the problem with this view is that if it never gets adopted, then the price can go back to 0 on a long enough time scale. It would have been perfect bubble, like tulips or pokemon cards. It is NOT a store of wealth until it is actually a currency. Until then it is pure speculation, since there is neither an underlying asset with revenue nor any guarantee a buyer can be found.

You think I'm trying to bitch about definitions wihle you're the one saying "no no it's a brand new version of money and the old doesn't apply". You don't say how though, and all of what you're saying is wrong. I want banking to be gone too but that's not gonna happen when you refuse to admit the nature of bitcoin as money. Anyway I'm fine with not arguing anymore, dane.

buy that bth second ico HAHAHAHAH


It's not heading to 100k. This is classic bubble behavior, it experienced a dip and it's going to bounce back stronger than ever, not to 100k, but I think it could get to 30-40k before cratering to nothing. If it actually gets to 100k, it will be one of the worst bubble pops in history.

I completely agree with you there. It's going to be an interesting ride, I'm excited to see what happens. Even if it all crashes to zero, the OC created and the fun was worth it to me.

I was just rebutting your stupid claims. It was never part of the conversation for me to explain how or why it is better. I can easily though. Bitcoin solves "the double spend problem". It was a previously thoughtof as unsolvable. The invention of bitcoin and cryptos are a major breakthrough in computer science. It allows for ledgers without a centrally controlled party. What banks does is ledgers. Its their main business. Bitcoin does the same thing, just wihtout anybody who owns you like a bitch.

I can understand that you dont wanna argue anymore since youre losing this badly, frog.

Nice try coinfag. You can't cash out.
Bitcoings are neo-currency man! Price your shit in coings man! I can see all the faggots that sold houses and cars for coings having some real sellers' remorse right about now. Hahahah cryptobagholders are nothing but cryptojews!

Bitcoin is the future so rely on rando miners for your money. Also transaction fees. You don't own nothin' goyim. That all belongs to Chinese Jews. Read what happened when the Nips tried to compete with Jewish banking in the 80s. They got wrecked like they just got wrecked with Buttcoins.

I think that there will be many sad investors that might get jaded with the whole thing though. One of the main things I like about this whole crypto chapter is that there is new interest in the basics of finance. Even the speculation-only coiners are not happy with fiat money existing, and sooner or later they'll get even madder than they are now. I hope it it will be a great opportunity to discuss finance and government again.

stay mad friend. you know the structure of bitcoin but not the nature of money in an economy. less compsci, more finance.

>That all belongs to Chinese Jews
this. chinese have giant industrial digital farms where they fucking farm bitcoins and mmorpg items.

kek, I love these. Have a (you) and post more.

I'll buy sub 20 cents.

Sure. Im da new jew. im a miner. Litterally any rando person can spend 2k and become a miner. Paid back initial invetment within 6 months. You wont own anything if you let real tech pass you by because youre a bitter knowitall.

Sure. trust the (((bankers))) and their (((theories))) right goy?

>oh no my 30x gains are now 25x gains
You guys go ahead and keep giving the Jews your money so in 30 years you'll have made 50% on your principle.

That rich fuck is trying to dump his coin. If he really thought that he would say nothing and buy every coin he could.

Im going to buy a small quantity of various competitor coins in the hopes that one of them will go to the moon. I wont be putting much money at risk either.

No the current system is completely fucked up. Central banking with unbacked fiat is a demonic system. Anything else you want to hear before you realize I'm not your enemy? Bitcoin is cool technology but it's not a store of value until it is accepted as such, and organizations can run their accountancy in it. If you think "store value and medium of exchange" is too OLD of a definition for money then you are beyond help. Bitcoin needs to fulfill these functions and its proponents need to explain how it can do so. If you can not run an account with it, then they are pokemon cards as far as money goes. Its value can go down to zero if that happens.


>sold my 2nd car and bought $100,000 at $18,000
>took in a loan for this buy in, seeing how it was rising so fast
>now I may lose my primary car, which will get me fired as I'm a delivery guy

Fuck it I'll hold as long as I can, then I'll never need to work again.

Bitcoins = buy with dollar, save banks, reduce debt rich people steal, go on be a good goy.

yes Support bitcoin Support the purge. US only. Kill your loved ones.

I hope you're right about that. It's surprising how many people lack basic understanding, a lot of people are going to get burned but it's nice to see people learning and taking an interest and starting to care, even if it's for meme internet coins.
Hopefully they remain interested through all this.

This post proves bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. Sell everything you have right now.

ever hear of "buy low, sell high?"

that's from the bitconnect subreddit you tech illiterate nigger. bitconnect is a straight up ponzi scheme, they hardly even tried to hide it.

Only brown people bought that shit.

Ive bought videogames, podcasts pizzas ect. with bitcoin. It works as a medium of exchange. I keep some of my wealth in bitcoin. It works as a store of value.

bitcoin is not perfect yet. It needs scaling and adoption, but its still new at this shit takes time.

try and take gold across a border
through customs

Fuck you it was rising, how could I know it wouldn't keep going?

Miner? And you mined blocks? Paid back initial investment with block rewards? That's 15BTC, my man. Tell the truth.

You were in a Chinese mining pool, and were at the mercy of the god damn chinks whether or not you got any BTC.

Actual commodities are being flooded off the market by the Chicoms too so are you really Danish or just a Kaifeng Jew? At least you admit to being a kike.
Bagholder tears are salty and sweet. We've been telling you this is fractional reserve bullshit for a while now but people want to believe the woo woo of crypto-anything. You should be looking for the Jew hidden in the details, not some hash collision.

Most of people are already over the limit, hardly anybody these days is all in the plus. Maybe people should start printing money, so we are like them. Lets see what happens. I got a magic hat here, i just pull out money.

>ponzi boy mad as fuck his ponzi scheme got exposed

Don't forget TRX.
WEB 4.0!
I can't believe people actually bought that shit.

You can purchase BTC in fractions. Buy €10.

Yeah, I'm scared that the crash is going to hit some people very hard, and that if they haven't at least understood some basic investing theory by then they might develop a bad picture of money. They might blame the people who sold them the coins and instead renew their dumb faith in government fiat. That's why I'm concerned with people who spread bullshit for the sake of making a profit off speculation.

That's not what a medium of exchange is, it's just trade. Those trades were made possible because the value of all items can be denominated in dollars, and not in bitcoin. What is the value of bitcoin in terms of bitcoins? The question makes no sense. That's not what a store of value is either, cause then a house or pokemon card is also a store of value, but it's not since you need to find a buyer first. Money is the unique wealth storage unit in an economy, and even gold is not money right now.

You can't do your accounting in either gold or bitcoin. I'm not sure what your point is? If governments don't cooperate and don't allow taxes in crypto, then bitcoin will never progress beyond digital gold.

Its the same as gold but I wouldnt buy gold either.

>Bitcoins is changing the world
It's (((Bitcoins), you fucking retard shill.
Full surveillance built-in.
Full control built-in.

It was an ALL TIME HIGH. It had NEVER been that high before! It was the WORST time to make a purchase!

The nr.1 rule of having independence is to not rely on other people. The nr.1 rule of having independent economy is to not rely on other countries. The nr.1 rule of having independent money is to not rely on other money.

Bitcoin should only be possible to buy with work in bitcoin community, where dollar purchased goods are banned. Start like a pioneer in USA with bitcoin to make it independent. Bitcoin is just another bank's mechanism for dollar.

> thinking you can only mine bitcoin


I'm going to laugh when it hits $100,000 and my investment makes me a millionaire while you're still nipping around as a wage slave until you kill yourself in some meme forest and I can go vlog your death and sell it on youtube.

bitcoin is dead for a long long time

You're right, although you would not have to ban dollars in order for that to exist. Competing currencies are not possible in a single economy without some serious volatile interest rates on both, and nobody wants that. You will have an independent economy once you can figure out how to do business with the approval of government (force), otherwise it will be a black market of illegality and that drives up prices too. It's not like you and I can decide to open a supermarket that only takes bitcoin for payment, because we'd still have to meet our obligations in dollars and so the bitcoin prices are set by exchange rate. To be independent you need to be truly independent, government and all, or stay underground and denominate in bitcoin/dollars.

Bitcoin has liquid markets. Its not like pokemon cards or house, because they dont have liquid markets. Bitcoin is valued the exact same way as all the other currencies. Priced in open liquid markets. Historically it has beaten the crap out of every other currency in terms of "storing value"

How much are you paid to make this thread heinrich?

That was the weakest thing you could have come up with. Each miner can only mine one type of coin. What were you mining bruh? Low float shitcoins? Merged mining of more low float shitcoins? Only Antminers are that price, so claiming you paid your investment back with coins worth tens of sats is absolutely hilarious.

You are a Jew, and you can't cash out. Hope you like China, Mr. Rittenberg!

Yeah, because J curve growth is totally sustainable, right? It can only go up!

>pls buy, s-save bitcoin!

So far no one has really been able to give a concrete answer as to what makes bitcoin worth it's price. The transactions are paltry, and won't grow because of transaction fees, the transferring of money only serves as a medium. So far, the only thing it's good for is hoarding, which is causing a speculative bubble. It won't end well.

>Bitcoin has liquid markets.
What the fuck. You are going to find out really quickly how illiquid the bitcoin market is once the price drops even a little bit and the pool of buyers dry up. Bitcoin is not valued the exact same way as other currencies, because it is one of the few that has no economy attached to it, like gold. This idea that just because a market is liquid you can pretend that its current price is the current value is retarded keynesianism. A company that does its accounting with assets on the books at market price is committing fraud, and if you need to sell bitcoin before you can meet your obligations then that's what it is. I understand your perspective a little better now though. Btw, money has the most liquid market possible (even fiat), yet when the stuff dries up the market in loans becomes extremely illiquid. What happens here?

It's done all the time and you're a faggot for implying you can't. Historically gold is how a family packs their wealth up and leaves to avoid war in their country. As long as you're free to leave this dump you'll be welcomed where ever you go.

If you don't ban dollar in bitcoin community than you just transfer all old millionaires and billionaires of dollar system into bitcoin system, since they can buy more property and therefore more bitcoins in bitcoin community. What you created is nothing but complication shit. The main mission of every money should be reward for something being done, not give more money to people who don't work like every billionaire and millionaire on this planet, since all they do is steal and then people have to work, debt increases and you get replaced by niggers.

Bitcoin has value because people give it value, just like with gold, diamonds, or Picasso paintings.

You seem to misunderstanding something, because nobody would exchange bitcoins for dollars in an economy denominated in bitcoin. Those billionaires with all their dollars would not be able to get into it unless they first exchange for assets, and if they do that then they are participating in the markets anyway. Btw you are sounding like a commie so I'm not sure we'll find much agreement.

> never heard of gpu or cpu mining
> never heard of auto-flip software
> Never heard of auto-exchange of cryptos on decentralized markets.

This is the attitude that will be its doom.

It's funny seeing nocoiner scum come out of the woodwork once every month and then hide back to their rooms while crying to themselves about how "it's a ponzi", while at the same time the average crypto investor goes up 5% daily.

Nocoiners truly are the scum of the earth. Jaded, hateful, stupid, shortsighted, envious.