Crypto Crash Monitoring thread

Several hundred billion USD has evaporated in normie investment/spending, potential to derail world economy.

In this thread we KEK

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unironically this nigger believes the earth is flat


pajeets paying out 11 ETH to confirm 1 ETH

>We've increased the network fees
no shit

Morons actually put their life savings in this



No coiners always win in the end.


Apparently chinks are pissed and anyone associated with BCC has a $500K bounty on their head

>NEETs resort to revenge killings over shitcoins

As the 1990s rolled forward, many cypherpunks went to work for the man, bringing strong crypto to financial services and banks (on the whole, probably better than the alternative). Still, crypto-activism continued and the cypherpunk mailing list blossomed as an exchange for both practical encryption data and spirited, sometimes-gleeful argumentation, before finally peaking in 1997. This was when cypherpunk’s mindshare seemed to recede, possibly in proportion to the utopian effervescence of the early cyberculture. But the cypherpunk meme may now be finding a sort of rebirth in one of the biggest and most important stories in the fledgeling 21st century.


Biggest BCC pumper is going to off himself

I'm on the suicide hotline brothers. I am close to checking out.

Got nervous and sold my BTC two days ago. Lucky timing. I am now a no-coiner.

>mfw almost fell for the crypto meme last summer

As soon as it capped I sold everything. Dumb fucking normies.

It was never spendable money. If you had millions in it, you wouldn't be able to cash it out for a decade without going ultra shade parade (siphoning to 100 different accounts)

>he's such a fuck up that he can't even an hero properly
top fucking kek

not sure if real or advanced memery

Depends on how much you put into it. I never invested a lot but my return was modestly strong and it wasn't a problem. Dumb normies invested their life savings and got fucked over because the stock markets in general and investing in general is just a huge ponzi scheme to begin with. fucking morons seriously think the world is built to care for them and the system is fair kek.

What's the biz status today lads? Is this a good time to invest in pink wojaks?

I just bought more on credit. My cards are just about maxed and IDGAF either way. Jew the Jews boyos.

what exactly is bitconnect? they scammed a bunch of normies or something? gonna need a quick rundown

>not just doing it for attention

In all seriousness back when things were good ie before yesterday was it easy to sell your coins for USD?

pretty much. it was a smart move because reddit is full of dumb fucking idealists that think the world is their playground so they're easy to cuck and blow out.

this is the funniest fucking thing i've ever seen. what kind of braindead retard looked at bitconnect and thought it was anything other than shady thirdworlders starting the new nigerian prince scam?

Is the BITCONEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKK guy going to be ok?

Literally a Ponzi scheme. Send them your BTC, they pay you out 1% a day based on incoming BTC in BCC. They got $2.5B in BTC and are now cashing out across all the exchanges hence the crash

Founders sold all the BTC yesterday and went radio silent. BCC is down from $344 to $5 and dropping

Also made hilarious music videos pumping BitConnect featuring BitConnect money guns

Ask to see his bracelet. I think the fucker is lying.

It literally takes like 2 days to show up In your bank account

The thing is it was literally advertised as a Ponzi scheme

Literally openly said they paid out 1% a day out of incoming funds with no business model

no, the wojak index can still go higher

Ponzi scheme with multi-level marketing and promised 1% daily returns on bitcoin loaned to them.

>suicide hotline
The absolute STATE of reddit

i don't know anything about digital money but ...

holy shit is this for real

need QRD

Why do they keep posting these assisted suicide hotlines?
Fucking Reddit, asshole of the internet.

how can anyone be foolish enough to fall for this?

Can I get a quick rundown over what's happening with bitcoin?

'Activate it'

>Sup Forums doesnt even try to hide it anymore

So which coins actually crashed?
Is this going to affect them all?

No fuck you

lmao, why the fuck would anyone agree to something so stupid?

“Coins”? I had exactly 1 BTC. Never felt confident enough to buy lots. Just bought one at about $1k with leftover work bonus money.

Selling just 1 was easy. I suspect selling lots would be harder, especially with exchanges going down.

>Literally shaking
>Suicide hotline

A few days ago south Korea banned it. Fear other countries will follow their example

>literally shaking

gib moni


>Several hundred billion USD has evaporated in normie investment/spending, potential to derail world economy.

does this mean I'll get to upgrade my gpu for a reasonable price soon

greed, pressure from friends already invested, sheer ignorance and stupidity.

>wants currency independent of world governments and regulation

Loses all their money

>wants legal action


This has to be bullshit. I doubt many (if any) Chinese fell for the Bitconnect scam.


post your face you didn't fall for the coin meme

I believe it. Chinks are intelligent but they're also incredibly greedy.

Can someone post more screenshots from the reddit board?



Oh I should point out Kraken is also doing an exit scam. They are ignoring and refusing to give BTC to account holders of exchanges they bought. I mined 0.03 BTC years ago and forgot about it and am trying to gain access to my account that I have verified all personal info with (actually stupid to have done this, oh well), and even had a verification link from Kraken and the old exchange and they have no phone number, reply only sporadically via e-mail and only after you threaten to call the FBI.

So BTC is officially done. Exchanges are all exit scamming.

>believing in the passive income meme

fucking this
bitcoiners are absolutely fucking retarded

how much are GPUs worth? i have a EVGA GTX 970 6GB i paid $400 CAD for
>inb4 leaf

>literally shaking

>Chinks are intelligent

They're good at mimicking intelligence and were able to fool a brainlet like you.


So the value of a cryptocurrency lies in the fact that it's a limited "resource", right? I could be wrong about that, but that's what I've read.

How is it that people are just making more crpytocurrencies though? Doesn't that make the whole principle of it completely worthless?

Are you kidding? Chinese are the biggest degenerate gamblers. They literally have bucket shops all over China where people show up and trade CFDs with 100:1+ leverage and watch the price live (bucket shop doesn't even trade the stock they just take the other side).

Lurk in crypto groups, then you will see why. Lol

> dat munnie evarperatid!
no, some speculators sold their shit to dimwits who cant into investment, and are currently spending that dosh back into the economy buying yachts, mansions, super-cars and snorting blow of your kid sister's ass in a penthouse hotel suite in Majorca

Guys you are missing out on a great meme investment opportunity. Get in before the fear of missing out gets the best of you.

This is what happens when society values money above anything else
It's fucking disgusting, how did we become so decadent

You retard..when someone loses money, someone else gains it. Learn economics before writing dumb stuff. Money doesnt "evaporate" in the stock market, EVER. Bulls gains and Bears lose and vice versa.

Invest your life savings into crypto, goy. What could possibly go wrong?

>>In this thread we KEK


Fawk..... a lot of people just lost their fortunes.

I can't help but wonder whether this is related to the spontaneous raid that begun roughly 3 days ago with probably ten times more shills than the usual raids. Wasn't Netanyahu talking about Bitcoin being harmful to banks around 2 weeks ago?

Could (((they))) be launching a character assassination psyop against BTC?

t. nocoiner who sees potential in BTC other than investment. It's too well made to be a Jewish scheme and probably has a future as its only application isn't "profiting".

If you would have invested last summer and pulled out now you'd still be up like 5x, higher with some coins. Saltyboi

check ebay. im guessing around $150 for that card.

bitcoin is mostly CPU based Asic miners these days, you won't see any prices coming down on GPUs unless Ether and the like crash to the point of no return


If a large portion of money is gained by 1 or 2 persons, the money basically evaporates. Those who gained the money probably already has millions of dollars and just put these on a pile.


I know the 10X0 series is going for double their MSRP right now, it's getting to the point where it's cheaper to buy prebuilt

as long as fiat remains stable, all coins will be store branded gift-card tier memes

>American discussing intelligence
Aww the mutt thinks its human


lol that's one way to fight inflation

they never had fortunes, user. only a dream.

That's the fallacy. They say there is a limited supply, except neglect to mention it goes to 12 decimal points, so the supply is actually 21M*10^12 or 21 billion trillon

By comparison US M2 money supply (cash + deposits) is 13.44T USD, divide by 100 for cents and 1344 trillion US cents, so there is 1.5+ million times as much BTC as US cents

>that comment
Master kek


>there aren't any more smug /nocoiner/ threads coming up every 10 minutes now

Bought btc at $200 during the correction in 2015, been slowly learning smart contract programming since then. This crash is the same thing all over again. Just riding the waves.

Normies who bought at $5k+ with dollar signs in their eyes deserve to lose everything. I bet they don't even know what a full node is.

>Several hundred billion USD has evaporated in normie investment/spending, potential to derail world economy.

Meh, but theres a whole bunch of drug dealers and customers who've been going

>tfw those ~200usd worth of drugs I exchanged for btc a few years back would've been worth over 100k USD now had I kept it as bitcoin

what the fuck is bit connect

I was about to invest in stellar. I friend of mine made over 150,000 USD trading crypto like penny stocks. He had 105,000 stellar coins (XLM). He was going to sale when it hits two dollars. XLM is at .30 cents now...What's that hotline number again?

Read about margin purchases and band leverage before you say something that stupid again.