MenOfNight the men of Semen


Other urls found in this thread:,-96.6893791,3a,15y,160.66h,84.04t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1ss3StQKyAg9F0p5DbBYbyww!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Heritage Village/@49.5498612,-96.6855873,127m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x52c03447c71183d9:0x7934fbb4227a8e21!8m2!3d49.550487!4d-96.685813 Heritage Village/@49.5332747,-96.6693342,301m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x52c03447c71183d9:0x7934fbb4227a8e21!8m2!3d49.550487!4d-96.685813




page 6 and 7







There is a group of people known as the Mennonites that have traveled from DANZIG to Chortitz on the DNIPHER river in what is known as "The Great Trek" of the Mennonites in 1786-1787. They then traveled to Manitoba, Canada. There is a map i will leave a link to which tells a story of DEU 32:35 To me belongeth vengeance, and recompence; THEIR FOOT SHALL SLIDE in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste. CHECK OUT PAGE 6!!!!

Do you see the legs and torso? He is falling backwards and the foot is slipping! The birthing fluids are coming from the TEMPLE OF SOLOMON through the church property!!! Do you see the "CHILD", the feathered serpent child!

Here is also another link to the T&G Smith Arena opening ceremony on November 4th after raising all hell through rituals to power the opening of their TEMPLE that lays before the children!. The Tongue and Groove Blacksmith's arena on ELMdale st at the end of LUMBER st. freddy Krueger's Nightmare on Elmdale St. Elm St. down the road is also a street of concern as the corner has a school were a principal is set up as a cornerstone...

Do you notice the 3 tables and only 11 seats? The CAPSTONE? The 13 candlesticks and 8 signs with grinder wheels grinding wheat! GRIND MODE IS ON!!!!

Here is a link to all involved with the building of this Temple to BAAL

If you click the first link, it gave you the first clue of how much the Freddy Kroeger has to do with this.

The MHV Museum is where they tell a story of a "people" not known only as the Mennonites from Menno Siemens. They also tell the story of the MenOfNight, MenOfSemen or MenOfSimon the magician. In the media they like to hold their hands in the "Freddy Kroeger" blade finger poses. They also like to smile in a gnashing of teeth sort of way...shoulder ticks, licking of lips, crotch glanses followed by a swallow is popular. Follow sound ques on videos as well. Also follow the "wave" effect to get a story. A wave is when a group of people all make in action combining to tell you something.
Do you see our mayors "Freddy Claws"?,-96.6893791,3a,15y,160.66h,84.04t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1ss3StQKyAg9F0p5DbBYbyww!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
77 Lumber that lead to the T&G Blacksmith's Arena. See the Freddy Claws, the pedo symbol swirl and the serpent? Heritage Village/@49.5498612,-96.6855873,127m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x52c03447c71183d9:0x7934fbb4227a8e21!8m2!3d49.550487!4d-96.685813
Do you see the serpent/ DAN!

There is another 2 maps that i have from this museum. One is of the Great Trek, where they grab "Baal's Stock" then mapped out the traveling pattern of a foot and of a serpent head biting the heel which is exactly where Chortitz is located, in the heel. The other map is of Chortitz area that is in the shape of a demon. Where is this map located? RIGHT NEXT TO THE KROEGER CLOCKS! One of the hands is holding BAAL's stock and the other arm is of a serpent arm with its hand wrapped around Chortitz, which is in the shape of a penis and balls. It shows the "Fluids" coming out of Chortitz and birthing out a whole lot of colonies/ towns.

Below is a google map at the Heritage cemetery. This one breaks my heart! This is where the victims of the falsehoods of the serpent lie. Do you see the boot and the serpent head and tongue going at the heel? Heritage Village/@49.5332747,-96.6693342,301m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x52c03447c71183d9:0x7934fbb4227a8e21!8m2!3d49.550487!4d-96.685813

I only found out that these people were the cause of some problems i was having because i talked conspiracy theories and called out some as deceivers. I also seen a ritual back in 2013 close to the August 12th Thelema ritual, A Feast for the First Night of the Prophet and his bride where they were chanting and saying stuff. They then lifted the veil looking into the carriage and LOVED what they seen/ created. This was at the MHV Museum. I was almost yelling trying to bring some awareness of this ritual to the tons of people that were around and not a peep! They were SLEEPING/ BLIND!!!
Check out the video link and watch closely to what EVERYONE is doing. There are some happy Illuminated/ yellow rain coats there! You want to know what i thought after seeing this. I wondered if i could find a video of them inviting the churches!!!!! Well sorry to say there was a marriage ceremony in 2016 preformed by Mix 96 Fun&Games episode 4, by a person by the name of Corny RempelSTILTSKIN!!! These people were RUMPELSTILTSKINED!

Golf Ball = Groom = Golf BAAL = BAAL!
Answer 1 = Pick up and Walk = go down the Isle!
Answer 2 = Ring!
Answer 3 = License Plate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wedding gift = 5lbs of BACON, the Abomination of their Temple! + Shiny car was for your vehicle/ OTO-mobile
Wedding gift = RED LIGHT THERAPY = You have just been illuminated!
All the churches attendance Illuminated in yellow t-shirts that say "PICK Up and WALK" singing praises to BAAL!

As i was asked once by these guys, "If you were a FRUIT, what fruit would you be?" He then replied "I would be a grape, because i LOVE to hang in bunches!" This bunch of grapes are growing FAST! They also refer to each other as cousins. I guess they are related in either blood or the club. People from Harvard University like to hang at MHV Museum during event days in the area... Can you say SECRET SOCIETY!

This whole town has been infiltrated or more like closes an eye to the evil. Everyone that Steinbach Online and the Carillon newspaper print is of these people so they are not hard to find.

Why are they here? Because of their god has claimed Winnipeg as the WINNING PEG! The Freemasons Temple of Solomon is here and they have defiled the lands and set up their gods over the land. This is CRAZY but i will say it anyway. There is a strong Star Wars theme on floats and parades here with the churches and MANY of the pastors in the area publicly speak of their love of the Star Wars movie's, wearing Star Wars shirts. The pastors tell them that the promise made to Abraham is not for them! Star Wars is a programming theme for mind control as well as others. They named what is the Arc of BAAL/ Arc of Triumph here i Steinbach, The Millennium Clock Tower / Millennium Falcon that was ONLY LIT UP to signal their people to "Events". As of fall 2016 it has been lit full time because i revealed this to the public here. When looking through the arches of this clock tower, you can see the TG Smith arena/ Keystone Cinema to the EAST, Solomons, a furniture store next to the old Blacksmith shop to the west. The south points to the post office AS WELL as to a Heritage Building on Lumber!!!! The North points to the doors of the court office. Behind the court office is also where they have a red dragon that plays with the children, DON"T FORGET ABOUT JAKE EPP LIBRARY.

The Steinbach Arts Council has their Wizard of Oz programming of sorts where they brag how the phones are ringing off the hook calling for tickets that are not even printed yet?

The video below may be a bad example of what is going on but you should get the gist of what is going on around here and especially through an organization called YFC. Check out their logo. It is a person with a penis going into a ball

The same children with spread legs are advertised here

Enjoy! This has made my very upset once i found this stuff out. But seeing as it has been a while and a felt horrible for what i did because of the damage a little bit of truth does to some people who try to hind their evil.

Might not be the editted very well. I made this video a while ago before i knew what was really going on...SHARE SHARE SHARE!

Also check out the other vids

PIZZA gate / schnetje (little cut), dill bit = pickle stixs = penis

They like to also have schnetje @ Penner Pumpkins!!!