She's right y'know


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I don't know and she's wrong.

Seriously... how old is this article now?

vice obviously knows how to troll

Dear vice "news" males...stop raping your co-workers

Shes right, reverse racism isnt a thing.
Its just called racism and blacks are the worst perpetrators.

It's literally impossible to inflict pain upon a Vice contributor or be convicted of murder for killing them.

Technically it is impossible to be racist to someone who is evolved enough to not let epithets offend them. If someone is racist to you just laugh it off for they are inferior.

Dear jews,
Stop pretending to be whites.

>t. Shlomo Shekelgoldbergstein (non-white mode)

Sticks and stones may...Oh wait.

wypipo lame af real talk senpai


Right. also czeched

She is right, actually. It's just racism. Not "reverse racism".

spot on

I don't care what shitskins think of me. I support their existence through my tax payments. Why would I be concerned with those inferior to me?

Anyone is capable of racism. Very often it is justified.

The DANGER is when Whites are condemned daily for "privilege" and "microaggressions" and over racism.

Colored people are living a rage-filled fantasy that will eventually justify the murder of Whites.

they're right, they want you to assume you can anticipate what a nigger will do which only turns you into a nigger.

It's literally impossible for a black man to rape a white woman, rape is privilege+ Sexual contact

Fuck that bitch, id slap the shit out of her filthy whore mouth is she said that shit to me in person.

Some women just need to die in a gang rape you know?




You can just tell that this article is written like: Dear White People,
(clap emoji) Please (clap emoji) Stop (clap emoji) Pretending (clap emoji) Reverse (clap emoji) Racism (clap emoji) Is (clap emoji) Real

Racism is anti-white by design.

oh god. These people are insane.

they're using jim crow tactics against anyone who isn't a nigger, i'm not talking about black people because they'd want the niggers hanged just as bad as the racists now. what occurred in jim crow? social exclusion

That word is mighty useful in identifying the "college educated".

> Reverse racism

The fuck is that?


Bait: The Headline
Rated PG13

>racism is privilege+power
>jews are more privileged and have more power than whites
>anti-semitism is not real due to author's logic

Did the author just deny the holocaust?

so white southerners have to adopt lifestyles that niggers naturally avoid

that also creates envy amongst the nigger

I wish I could say that V*ce and other such garbage ((news)) websites only exist to bait Sup Forumslacks but the chilling reality is that quite a few normies actually get their news from them.

What the fuck happened to Vice
Didn't they used to make somewhat high-quality documentaries


Being fathers?

Dear OP, please stop pretending it is okay for your mom to suck so much nigger cock.

So, you are admitting that whites invented everything?....even racism??? silly boi

So if you can’t be a racist, can you be a bigot?

>Implying that racism isn't natural and doesn't serve a societal purpose

too boring to attract the niggers attention

-White people don't exist

-White people are the root of all the worlds problems.

Choose one and stick with it kike.

Being a straight white man has never been so tough. I've been called, whitey, cis scum and cracker. I know I'm not alone. I try not to be racist just for the sake of being racist but god. When three of my black friends get full-ride scholarships just for being black and they all say, "it's not enough, senpai". This shit really pisses me off. Meanwhile, I'm victimized for something I can't control.

Stop telling us what to do nigger
Anti-whites are the enemy and must be exterminated

and yet you can travel the world save for the middle east and people would help you on your travels


what does the white european do? travel, ski, basically everything that libruls are chastised for, adopt the lifestyles its the only answer

You can't just change the definition of a word to fit your argument.

>-White people don't exist
>-White people are the root of all the worlds problems.

White people don't exist but I'll also be upset at anyone calling out white people as bad, but I'm also not a white nationalist and I hope the white race dies out.

t. Sargon

It's not reverse, it's just racism. If they think "racism" means "White vs X" then they should move to China.

who the fuck cares about that? Japanese and Chinese, hell, multiple asian countries hate white people and black people. They don't even hide it as well. Black people don't appreciate the opportunities they now have because they're grandparents were slightly oppressed. Where as my white folk are left in the dust with college debt and low wages.

asians love white people

>bait this low effort

but other cultures aren't extroverted like americans are used to, so don't expect people to treat you any different than they do each other, but just asking for help goes a long ways being white in a foreign country

I've had white friends turned away from restaurants and clubs in China and Japan... Because they were white. Sure there's different degrees of racism in those countries but white people don't have as many privileges that liberals and femanazi's push onto us.

so, it's not a small town, get over it

just as the blacks should here. get over it

but they won't, because they live there and don't want to leave. let them have it and run it into the ground that way the rest of america can finally say we gave them something for reparations