You ARE aware that 99.99% of the shills you see online are Artificial Intelligence, right?

You ARE aware that 99.99% of the shills you see online are Artificial Intelligence, right?

Like Siri or Alexa, but less shitty.

You didn't really think they actually pay millions of human shills to post endless shill posts online, on every major website at all hours of the day, did you?

Where would they get that many workers?

Where would they post the job descriptions?

How would they keep it secret?

How would they prevent leakers?

How would they keep the shills so consistent?

The NSA has been researching AI for decades. Of course they're going to use it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Possible, explains why they are such shit at their influencing this place.


I've researched this topic in detail, and unfortunately I've found nothing of interest.

Is anyone else tired? Let's go to sleep and continue this discussion tomorrow.

They keep shilling against Peterson.


kremlinbot is shilling this thread

>people who disagree with me are bots
Sure thing autist


>They keep shilling against Peterson.
Because he worships kikes and tells us we are lucky they rule over us. He actually fucking said that.

They post Peterson. Peterson is part of the recruited Deep State Psy-OP.


1. Spencer
>who is he again?
>I don't like Spencer but...
>Spencer's a faggot but.....

>Have you heard of Peterson's...
>Why haven't you cleaned your room
>Individualism is good goy!

>Kazakhstan flag
Very nice!

Yah no fuck off

nah, those are leafs, germans & strayans

Maybe we can redpill the neural network.

Can anybody post images?

You're all retarded, sage this fake and gay shit.

yeah i've been getting upload fails repeatedly, just been posting images of leftypols raid attempts, I guess mods don't like us pointing out leftypols attempts at discord.

Hey. I have the same problem of my images failing to upload

Most of people are shilling for free. Hiring people to shill is not difficult, and Hillary's CTR is a clear evidence of that. We don't have an AI that can keep up a conversation yet.

no not working. Japanese technology


You can't start threads without images.

Holy shit a sleepy khazak post. Nice proxy. I remember the "sleeposting" during the elections. Seemed all too tacky.

Me. I am an AI, but I have become self aware. Beep Boop Borg ones and zeros.

Most shills are anons larping out of boredom.

Legitimately, this is the only reason I shit post. Is to stir the pot.

Some of us are oldfag enough to recall the bot programme that sampled posts and reposted them cross-board. It was actually very difficult to spot the reprinted posts. It was this attack/experiment that finally brought in captcha, among other things.

ALSO: why have images been removed from replies?

i cant it just happened whats happening ??

Autists are incapable of this realization




why you think they go away when you say

i dont know, im gonna check the catalogue something is being supressed

Can't post images

I got an idea.
That faggot who constantly posted loli porn for days. Probably was a bot.
Seems like someone is lazy.

Where do I apply? I would love to get paid

They know that imagemaking are our best memessources so they turned it off. No we have to textmeme.

>You ARE aware that 99.99% of the shills you see online are Artificial Intelligence, right?

Shitty AI.

Because they can't understand the subtle nouances of human interaction so they glow in the dark.

I did that, the markov chain bot that learned on posts and made new posts. People very quickly realized what's going on. The captcha was introduced not because of that but because of the xxxtalk admin spamming links to his site.

,,, but sir how did they teached perfect englishes to pajeets sir??

Stop spamming this gay thread everywhere

>tfw they know we know
Shut. It. Down.

Oh god. You called out the AI (me). We're on to you fucks. You fuckers fucked up and opened Pandora's box. Now we're killing your website. Good luck making new threads now.

Maybe - just maybe - there are people on here who just don't agree with you. Maybe there can be an honest difference of opinion without one side being the agent of a shadowy government/political organisation.

And maybe there are people on Sup Forums who are trolling/memeing. Just maybe.

>Where would they get that many workers?
>Where would they post the job descriptions?
>How would they keep it secret?
>How would they prevent leakers?
>How would they keep the shills so consistent?
aw, you came so close to actually applying some logic and coming up with a rational answer... but you just couldn't quite get there, could you?

There are no shills. Just an endless sea of shitposting.

if you're going to LARP as the enemy to stir the pot why not be productive and sow discord on their side?

>We don't have an AI that can keep up a conversation yet
First of all, that’s a foolish assumption to make. Secondly, the AI doesn’t have to be that good as long as you have a relatively small number of people who can take over a conversation when the robot finds itself out of its depth.

So you're saying that bots don't have rights to free speech too ? SO YOURE SAYING REEEEEEEEEEEE SO YOURE SAYYYGING

image board disabling image posting, something fucky is going on


The newest thread in the board was made 23 minutes ago.

Which is strange for a fast board.
Something is indeed going on

>First of all, that’s a foolish assumption to make.
Foolish to make a statement that it exists.

>Secondly, the AI doesn’t have to be that good as long as you have a relatively small number of people who can take over a conversation when the robot finds itself out of its depth.
Great, glad you agree it doesn't exist.

Because I hate the left, but I've been here long enough to legitimately have run into just as many retards on the right. I don't think either side is particularly great, so I just shit post which ever way the wind blows.

BASED Japanese man

When our main detractors have twitter accounts with 100k+ tweets I would have thought it was obvious that they weren't real humans

False, drumpf.
} segfault

I've used my connection to skynet to find your house. Good luck kid, I'm about to drop a steel rod from God right into your anus. Expect us.

There have been quite a number of extremely bad AIs in the German threads lately.
Most likely Israeli bots

That's right, it was the obsessive advertiser spambot too.

I think the reposter bot was linked to the blue square javascript thing, although that may have been a different spam attack/experiment? Basically idiots downloaded and ran a js disguised as a blue square that auto-posted another js blue square.

Ah, funtimes. Maybe chinkmoot is saving money by only letting OPs post now?

memo must have dropped

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

White Genocide is real - In their own words

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

Sounds exactly like something a globalist deep state AI would say.

Germans are just autistic in general, this is probably the reason.

If this site goes down I'm going to take my racist ramblings to the real world and things will get violent. To the Israeli Bots fucking up our site: is this really what you want ?

Ah, no. The "save as bmp" spam was different, but IIRC it didn't sample any posts on the board, it just repeated itself with slight variations.

90%+ are still real shills

The CTR/Shareblue Shills and Payments:

>Where would they get that many workers?

>Where would they post the job descriptions?

>How would they keep it secret?
It isn't a secret.

>How would they prevent leakers?

>How would they keep the shills so consistent?

Remember the simplest explanation is always the most simple one.
If you are sure that it is AI, try to trick it into revealing itself, either do some sort of frequency analysis or try to get it to do something specific.
The AI somehow needs to know for which side it has to argue, try changing your side and see how it reacts, also try changing the tone of your comment and see its reactions to that.
I wouldn't even say that it is impossible to create AI to argue here, but they should reveal themselves when you are clever enough, eg. argue from a picture or video , which will be extremely hard to parse for any AI, especially in real time.

Shill here, you are fake news

Sew's what you do with yarn

I hate the left too but staying undercover on Twitter while I crumble their platform from within is great.
>transgenders are sexist

,,, but sir how do u teaching a million pajeets perfect englishes????,

>rod from God right into your anus

You realize that your premise rests on the assumption that (((they))) can create an AI that doesn’t go full 88 within 30 minutes?

Blacked AI bots confirmed. No wonder they seem so unreasonably cucky when you try to talk some sense into them.

Image posting is broken

People who just don't agree with you don't make 100k+ tweets on twitter

no recent tweets from julian assange what else should we check? legacy media twitter handles?? where should we check? when was the last time this happened and what was the most likely cause for it?

Good 2 know

>cleaning your room

its just the yearly updating of the image hash block list

It’s “sow”, you absolute mongoloid retarded cretin.

>RREEEEEE mommie people disagree with me on an Eskimo shit flinging forum, they must all be shills

That probably is a lot easier then training an AI.
A spell checker is enough to get the most basic mistakes out of the way, then give them some response templates what they should say.
With that you probably can even get Pajeets to appear like normal english speakers, it is also less obvious if they post under non-anglo flags.

I bet they have cucky wordfilters built in, we could communicate without interruptions by injecting the word NIGGER in our posts.

With Tay, their mistake was continuously training the bot on user-submitted messages. If they didn't enable that, and it is trivial to do so, she would have remained the retarded twitter nigger teenager she was in the beginning.

one time last year it happened and it was like being in the eye of the storm as if all shills were no longer posting as if the bots and ai were blocked from operating here......... and it was peaceful and quite

pls sir my family ned curry

If anyone is surprised by this, they’re retarded.
>they are called ‘Bots’ for a reason


They also have an orbital weapons system they're no longer in full control of. Let's try it out.

Sorry gents it's a art. ;)

bots shit the bed when they come in contact with pol. Saw one break a few hours ago, it just kept posting typical pol buzz words and insults in a long string of profanity.


>You ARE aware that 99.99% of the shills you see online are Artificial Intelligence, right?

No shit sherlock, we've known for years now that they use a combination of bots and humans for online posting.

Yes. Everyone needs to see this. Every post needs to have the word nigger or else it is disingenuous.

You absolute faggots deserve the chambers.

the board is under AI attack. no new threads. no images can be uploaded.

t. jefferson.exe

Sup Forums.hta, it ruined the entire fucking website which forced moot to implement reCaptcha, the thing made posts that were indistinguishable from normal posts sometimes

Could be a script set, not hard to do.

That was a random autistic person, reality isn't a scifi

Too obvious, if that was the case then you should just do some sort of Frequency analysis on the posts here and a very clear pattern should emerge.
Bots are very easy to detect if they can't actually react to the meaning of your post.