
He's working on it.

Also that date is fake. No official release date yet

Godzilla was eva4


I can't believe it has been 5 years since Q was released.

What could the plot be?

Redemption? Shit keeps tumbling down? Sappy happy end? EoE yet again? Or Loop back into the first movie?

It will have been, in November. Years are divided into twelve months, sweetie.

Nerv starts flying this around. Shinji returns to them again in his despair. Misato rams Wunder into it to board and confront Fuyutsuki, who reveals Gendo as a robot under his control and has mind-controlled Shinji shoot her. Mari gets through to Shinji, is killed, Shinji spends every soul in Instrumentality on one resurrection. Sabisu, sabisu.

Where there angels in 3.0?

Civilization reconstruction has begun, Shinji is now 24 and works hard for the ONU and is regarded as a hero although deep down he does it because he feels responsible for it. He takes care of Kensuke's daughter since he died in the aftermath of Wunder vs Nerv.

Comfy SoL in post apocalyptic world.

Then a last new angel awakens, his father who was thought dead reappears and he has to get back on the fucking robot.

There's Lilith, the Angel concealed inside Lilith that Asuka calls the twelfth, and Kaoru claims he's been demoted from the first to the the thirteenth.

I went through 4 years of college and 1 year into my masters and still no 4.0 since 3.0's release

1.11 is episode 1 through 6.
2.22 is 7 to 23, ending in Rei II death
3.33 is a very weird rendition of 24 where shinji inadvertently set up the prerequisites for instrumentality and get kaworu beheaded.
Its only logical 4.44 will be EoE. However how things will play out is a riddle. Is it really a time loop? Will shinji break it? Will he remember the occurrences of NGE?

My bets are Wille will get destroyed, asuka will die again, shinji will trigger instrumentality, the real soul of rei will get freed from wherever she is, hopefully remember all this shit has happened already, and put an end to this madness.

So it all goes tumbling down, tang end with congratulations?

Impossible, that movie was actually really good

Please no more furryeva shit.

Asuka is an angel now

Probably. Not sure about the congratulations. Maybe anno will do something stupid as "shinji is causing the loops and it wont stop till he kills himself". I dont know, i think he wants his fans to kill themselves.

>enough time has passed since 3.0 was released that Khara could have made an Eva TV series bridging 2.22 and 3.33
That was the first thing they should have done.
That way the story would have been far less of a clusterfuck, making whatever happens in 4.0 likely far more understandable.

DUDE, Khara was super busy making those mini videos about the otaku guy.

And Dragon Dentist. And Patlabor.

>making whatever happens in 4.0 likely far more understandable
Really don't think they're concerned.

Rebuild sucks, fight me.

Congrats on postgrad user

That's because it was toku, but it still has all of Anno's standard reused scenes.

Same tank scenes, same boat scenes, same purple beaaaams, same scary super wide mouth gape for dramatic tension, same arrangement of political and police people in the same kind of room as always.

Even the music.
Those drums during the action scenes were exactly the same as in Eva, just without the music afterwards.

I swear, at some point I was expecting Godzilla to be declared an Angel, so that EVA-01 would show up and defeat it.

That being said, as much as I liked that movie, that Godzilla looked like shit, that even Fatzilla from 2014 made it looked terrible (not that Fatzilla looked bad, to be honest).

Oh yeah, I forgot about the bad cgi part. Wouldn't be Anno without bad cgi.

>TFW you actually liked Fatzilla.

That was Anno's autism. See his other live action's movies

I liked Fatzilla to, but for some reason Toku purists seem to think Godzilla's design cannot move on from the 1950s.

The aim for designers in Shin Godzilla should have been to improve on Fatzilla, but then they went out of their way to do that horrid CGI rendition.

>characters have zero development and only exist to further the plot with explanations on what's happening

>retarded climax where they literally force-feed """""""""godzilla""""""""""" reactor coolant shit

>that stupid as fuck final scene

that movies is garbage and no one wants to admit it. not only that, it's fundamentally not a godzilla movie in the same way that godzilla 1999 is not a godzilla movie, the monster in the film is not fucking godzilla. It's some fucking Eva garbage monster with godzilla's name pasted on to attract attention.

even godzilla 2014 was a godzilla movie, and a fairly decent one despite it's many flaws.

Kill yourself.

I was okay with fatzilla, but my favorite zilla has always been 89.

>characters have zero development and only exist to further the plot with explanations on what's happening
Uhhh... what development did you want? The movie wasn't about personal human drama, but about a bunch of government agents trying to stop a monster from destroying Japan.

>retarded climax where they literally force-feed """""""""godzilla""""""""""" reactor coolant shit
What else did you want them to do? Nuke Tokyo? In fact, that was one option had Yashiori failed.

>the monster in the film is not fucking godzilla
How? I can understand bitching about how it looked like at the beginning, but once it was done evolving, Godzilla did all Godzilla is supposed to do.

The only retarded thing in the movie was Kayoko. Her character simply had no place in the film, I wonder what the fuck Anno was thinking when he decided having a character like that in the movie.

> The movie wasn't about personal human drama, but about a bunch of government agents trying to stop a monster from destroying Japan.

the plot isn't an excuse for having flat characters that might as well not exist

>What else did you want them to do? Nuke Tokyo? In fact, that was one option had Yashiori failed.

anything that would be less boring than what they did. just because it;s the most logical and sane approach doesn't mean it will be theatrically interesting

> Godzilla did all Godzilla is supposed to do.



>that Godzilla looked like shit
Delete this
Fatzilla wasn't a particularly bad Godzilla design but it's definitely my least favorite, not counting some of the iffy-er Showa costumes. His movie was fucking garbage though so this is all pointless conjecture.

>it's fundamentally not a godzilla movie in the same way that godzilla 1999 is not a godzilla movie
>2014 godzilla
This is bait, ignore it

it is decent.far from good but not terrible like 1999 and resurgence

that atomic breath reveal was perfect.

This is really bad bait but I'll bite. The movie from 1998 was better in most facets as a movie (even if it wasn't a Godzilla movie) and Shin blows both American movies out of the water. Atomic breath was good in 2014, too bad it was the only thing that happened in the entire movie.

Don't worry it'll be out soon

>the plot isn't an excuse for having flat characters that might as well not exist
It's not about flat characters, it's about this movie not being character-driven.
If you want a character-driven Godzilla movie, then Godzilla 2014 is your thing.

>anything that would be less boring than what they did
As opposed to asphyxiating it, like in the first film?

It's the same old atomic ray just shot from other part of Godzilla's body.
It's not that odd especially if we consider other Godzilla's abilities like the nuclear pulse, or turning into a magnet (like it did against Mechagodzilla).

Is it supposed to mean anything that Katsuragi-kancho accepts the exact title Nemo wouldn't let anybody call him?

So any chance we'll get another Godzilla movie explaining what the fuck where those tail people all about

No, because it's Anno and Anno only does stuff he thinks is neat while pretending it's deep because people automatically think something is better if they believe it to be deep.

Frankly I want all to die, they deserve it, except for Shinji but he'd be better dead at this point.

Dude, what fucking movies have you been watching? The characters are ALWAYS flat. That's basically the point, even when Godzilla turned into schlocky costumed wrestling nonsense the human characters weren't there to offer dramatic intrigue but to develop the plot and advance events as the monsters of the week punched each other.

Shin is closest among every other film to have the name attached to maintain the series' allegorical root, and updates it to reflect a more modern incident. That's why it's been acclaimed almost universally by enthusiasts and critics alike.

It's a modern japanese movie about how the modern japanese respond to crisis, specifically Fukushima. That's why Shin evolves, and why his design is both similar to but different than the original Godzilla; because it's still nuclear fear but instead of the atomic bomb it's environmentally-derived plant meltdown.

>the plot isn't an excuse for having flat characters that might as well not exist
Yes it is
>anything that would be less boring than what they did. just because it;s the most logical and sane approach doesn't mean it will be theatrically interesting
But it was, it was great seeing Japan just fall apart due to its bureaucratic nonsense in the wake of Godzilla. That's literally the point of the character
Yeah he destroys everything in his way. The only thing I'd say is "not Godzilla" is the fact that he was stopped at the end
I liked the 2014 Godzilla a fair bit, though it's nothing near Shin Godzilla. I wish the home release wasn't literally pitch blackness though, I can't even rewatch it because of that
It's also leaps and bounds above 1998 in every single aspect. The MUTOs alone are far more interesting than the '98 Godzilla, and I'll take boring characters over outright infuriating ones any day

And they really should after all this shit if they keep being his fans.

The only person who needs to die is Ritsuko's character designer.

That haircut is ugly as fuck.

Reminder that Misato is 5'3"
Also why is Gendo going for the Adam Jensen look

Yoshiyuki Sadamoto does all of the character designs and he does not deserve to die. His style has been a little too moe for eva since the early 2000s though

>The only thing I'd say is "not Godzilla" is the fact that he was stopped at the end
Godzilla was also stopped in the first film, though.

>It's also leaps and bounds above 1998 in every single aspect
Except it's not

I'm aware, but that took the oxygen destroyer- the one weapon worse than the nuclear bomb- and Serizawa killed himself for it
Shin had a more triumphant, "victorious" ending instead. Though I do like what they did with the US having a knife to Japan's throat. It's a stretch to call it not Godzilla though, which is why I put it in quotes
It really is

No, it's really not

I can see this conversation is going places so I'll just concede to your judgement but it's worse still hahah

Does Shinji disguise himself as a cute brown girl at any point?

The only characters I have any sympathy left for at this point are Shinji, Rei, Rei Q and Kaworu if he comes back. Everyone at WILLE is a stupid asshole for expecting Shinji to just sit there and let them treat him like shit without explaining anything, and the new characters had even less worth than Mari. Gendo's somehow gotten worse, and even Fuyutsuki's become a piece of shit.

Kaworu did everything Fuyutsuki did for longer and without Fuyutsuki's lines lamenting it.

So how legit is this?

EoE but with glorious CGI, it will also include an extension of the beach scene where Shinji cums inside Asuka, finally they will end with some shit explanation about the time and space being cyclic and that at some point be it in 1 million years or 1 billion or 1000 billions years, the story will repeat itself.

Obligatory reminder that Rebuild Shinji dindu nuffin. N3I was stopped, Shinji and 01 went to sleep, then Kaworu and NERV fucked up the world and everyone blamed Shinji.

just looking at nu-misato pisses me off

and then anno will make another one, until every penny that can be milked from the franchise can be milked no more

I wish the rebuilds never got made. A stain in the series name. At least the rest of the cash grabs are recognized as spin offs. This shit might actually end up as canon.

They said the same thing about star wars 40 years ago

As long he makes ANIMA I'm happy with that.

What even is anima


what happened to tomo-chan manga?

A terrible, terrible fanfiction tier official spin off LN that never got translated

tomboy is synonymous with hiatus

It comes out when he feels like it.

Unless there's more than one Shinji. Kyuu didn't collect that nameplate and the school uniforms, she doesn't know anything about her original, and the rest of Nerv could do so much more to educate her if they cared. But bringing things to a clone to remind them of memories they don't have is exactly Shinji.

Hopefully never. Remakes were a mistake.

Bruh, what was 3.0 even about

I agree

It is now 2017. 3.33 was so shitty that Anno is running away from making it's sequel.

It was about Anno being butthurt that Rei was more popular than Asuka and Kaworu so he retconned the original.

We could go further, Khara should never have been made.

its labeled as 1.0+3.0
so its going to be about two stories running side by side. one is a high budget adaption of the anime and the other is going to be a completely original scenario
and they will meet in the middle and hopefully make my brain explode


You mean the same guy that didn't tell Shinji shit, manipulated him, didn't help out Rei Q or attempt to better the situation in any way at all?

you can't solve all your mistakes with some big convenient 'undo' button, and trying to do so will just make things worse because anyone who tells you they have a big magic undo button is either lying or has been lied to..

its even in the title. You Can (Not) Redo

on a broader level its critical of the way people waste time searching for a magic solution that will solve everything at once instead of accepting that they have multiple problems and are going to need multiple solutions and fixing shit may very well take a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice

>The movie wasn't about personal human drama,
Godzilla movies, the good ones, are about the personal human drama. Godzilla is what brings about the changes and conflict in people. Being faced with an unstoppable force of nature possibly brought on about their (humanity's) own actions, forces the characters to reconsider their world view in a new natural order. Godzilla is cool yes, but the monsters are always cool to some degree, the plot, story and characters are what will actually carry the movie.

Then again., beyond the first one Godzilla is largely otaku-core flickery. I think this latest one is simply being pampered by otaku because "the big mean west" also made a Godzilla movie (which is a stinker in my opinion), which "glorious japan" now has to beat.

that...is a very distinct possibility. especially since Misato and the others were extremely uncertain if Shinji was actually Shinji and not something Zeruel had created from within EVA01 to escape and infiltrate them, or a wholly new gestalt entity like Rei

Don't waste your time pretending 3.33 has meaning like that. The movie doesn't touch on those themes directly or indirectly, the only reading that makes sense is that it's an otaku flick made by Anno to please himself.

Reminder that you're missing the point of 3.33 which was to criminalize Shinji for his actions, that of trying to save Rei, a character which the director hates. In an objective sense, Shinji really dindu nuffin wrong and he a good boy, but not from Anno's perspective or the Asuka fan's perspective, to a lesser degree the Kaworu fan's perspective. Shinji's sin was not destroying the world, it was picking a girl Anno did not like or want him to pick.

This is why the audience thinks the movie is ridiculous, but hardcore otaku who do prefer Asuka for instance, find it perfectly palatable. They think Shinji SHOULD be punished for saving Rei, and they think Rei's rescue should be nullified and Rei castrated and beheaded as revenge.

This plays out as a reaction to the original series from Anno and Asuka fan's perspective, where the audience "picked" Rei in the same way. Consider the reaction to a guest-writer's pitch from Anno and the crew:

>— So, in this play, you performed actions like [Shinji] pulling [Rei] up and out [of the Angel]?
>Enokido: Right. Rei gets completely absorbed by the Angel. It’s just as though she has died and entered the netherworld. The audience is thinking that Rei is dead. Despite this, Shinji pilots Unit-01 again in order to save Rei. He cries out Ayanami! and reaches forward, with an awful noise, through the front of the entry plug. He must establish some means of descending to the underworld. Finally, having grabbed (the unclothed) Rei’s hand, he pulls her out with a sudden movement. I feel I demonstrated this method of rescue with all my might. I completely transformed into Shinji. I think everyone was staring at me very coldly (laugh).

Of course, the pro-Asuka writers like Tsurumaki hated the idea and wanted Rei dead (Also from the 2.0 CRC). This "desire" in Enokido and the audience that sympathizes with Rei, makes Anno angry because he wants them to like Asuka. 3.33 is Anno's temper tantrum.

Asuka's fixation on a boy she knew for a month 14 years ago makes more sense if she spent more time with another instance of him, too.

And here's a question: demoted BY WHO?

since we're bringing up descent into the underworld, then its worth mentioning Izanagi and Izanami
specifically how after failing to retrieve Izanagi, Ianami was covered in the 'filth' of the underworld and needed to cleanse himself.
In 3.0 that filth is twofold, the sin of ending the world for a selfish wish, manifested in basically all his friends hating him. and the change of his nature such that his attempting to pilot Eva again can and will end what's left of the world. As a pilot and as a human being, he is tainted goods.

>the Angel concealed inside Lilith
I...do not remember that part.

That black mass of hairworms exploding out of Mk.6 when the Ayanami cuts its head off after it stops being Lilith's head then turns into a core around Eva-13 that turns into Lilith's head.

this has already been discussed to death...

the basic idea is that people are the root cause of the disaster. the movie is largely an analogy for fukushima. godzilla was caused by people and is made of people to push forth that analogy. I don't feel like explaining it any more elegantly.

Not really, Shinji dindu nuffin. 3.33 is a smear-piece that fails to prove it's own point but is preaching to a choir of Shinji and Rei-hating otaku.

Drop your insanity. Anno doesnt hate rei, he hates people who blindly waifu her as a glorified blank spot instead of understanding her role in the series. It is his fucking character after all.
Shinji gripping at the last chance of saving the last friend he has left after asuka got squished isnt a sin, its consistent in-character, at least considering what shinji knows so far in the story.
Anno is above this kind of bickiring. This meta-hate you are talking about dont justify why shinji is hated by characters who were always strongly grounded on the series, without 4th wall influence.

>he hates people who waifu Rei as a glorified blank spot
>he makes Rei into a glorified blank spot in 3.33

Pick one.

Anno is not above this kind of bickering. Drop your insanity.

I thought Honda did the 3.0 character designs?

Sadamoto is only credited as the "original designer".

Anno hates Rei, why else do you think he allows full-on Asuka pandering, but is critical of anything Rei, pandering or not? He's a hypocrite and a huge otaku. You're being played like a fiddle by Anno you idiot, Anno WANTS Rei to be a weak and pathetic nothing, the fans dont.

Wake up already.

Name 5 Eva characters you genuinely like that aren't Rei.

I can't name one I genuinely dislike from the original story. Care less about? Yeah, but not dislike.