Can someone here explain to me why Yen Press butchered/altered some of the names of Index characters in the LN?

Can someone here explain to me why Yen Press butchered/altered some of the names of Index characters in the LN?
She is supposed to be Kongou, not Konkou.

Because Index is fucking shit

To make it clear that they are not talking about the country.


She has a "u" at the end of her name plus they can just call her Mitsuko if they wanted like how they always call Touma "Kamijou".

OP here

>Yen Press
There's your answer.

OP here
Well shit, I heard bad stuff about Yen Press but never saw what it was desu.

So it was just a typo?

No, it wasn't, they repeated it again if you look at my image, Konkou is her "translated" name.

Or whatever new name shit Yen Press did, like how Christianity is Crossism and Agnese went to Agnes (though her name alteration is a very small one, no problems there.)

Railgun and Index aren't published by the same people in America. It's annoying but they have no obligation to follow what the others are dong.

That's true but the fact remains that Kongou name should stay true to the original source material.

They've fucked up names from the beginning.
>Laura Stuart
It's Lola yen press dumbasses

This is what happens when you read translations.

This. Read them in Japanese or don't read them at all.

I wouldn't go that far. I mean, I only know a little Japanese myself (not enough to read an LN), but I have some experience with other languages, and translators doing things of this sort is unfortunately common. Changing names, adding in sentences or even entire paragraphs that aren't there in the original, removing content they don't like, etc. If you want to read translations of anything from any language that's something you have to deal with the possibility of.

They have an obligation to not turn it into headcanon. Do you fucking think it's okay to turn Chairman Mao into Chairman Meow even in official documents just because of your shitty memes?

Are you serious? That's almost too stupid to believe.

They can do whatever they want. The only say you get is with your wallet. It sucks but that's how it is.

>miss Shirai

I thought you fags liked your Index with honorifics.

They are obviously hiring people who aren't fans of the work to translate it. No one's out to get you. It doesn't matter at all since she never appears again in the novels anyway.

You guys are retarded. It's crossism in the original Japanese text too. Learn Japanese and maybe you won't look so stupid.

This is what happens when they hire people who know jackshit about the series.

What's the japanese term for crossism then?

Kurosu Izumu