Yaoi hands thread

Why are all yaoi degenerate artists such untalented hacks?

They're drawing manga in impressionism and surrealism style. You're just too much of a pleb to understand art.

Or they're unable to draw hands(the hardest part of a body to draw) in smaller scale like the untalented degenerates that they are, so they resort to supersizing it instead.

It has more to do with large hands being an attractive trait to women.

I once heard that it's because a plenty of women have a hand fetish and are like the fujo versions of footfags.

Anything that can be used to ravage a hole, they like it big. Understandable.

Sounds like a lame excuse a fujoshitter would make when their disappointed families ask why their hands are so fucking big.

It would make sense to have big hands if they were hard working blue collar hetro males btw

Why are women often drawn with disproportionate or exaggerated features? Like it or not, lots of people like to draw or look at things they want to fuck.

I dont see artist drawing women with big fat duck feet, do you?

Check mate yaoi fags

No, but they are often drawn with really tiny hands and feet because small hands and feet are considered attractive. It's all about perspective.

Also huge, unnatural breasts and spines that bend in places where they shouldn't.

>women find this attractive


That kind of thing spreads across several genres, not just BL. Besides it's just a meme at this point, that kind of shitty art doesn't get a pass anymore unless you're a hack veteran.
It's was probably just a trope most women in general used to follow, like the huge eyes in shoujo manga.

what if it is satirical?

isnt there one girl in the school whose quirk is basically growing yaoi hands?


It's become a tradition now just like shoujo with it's stuff.

Nah, you can find them everywhere unlike these aberrations.



Are the heads small or are thr bodies huge?

If this was horror I could buy it.

ITT handlets jealous of chad thunderhands master race

If your hand is bigger than your face, you have cancer.

Have you seen hentai anatomy?Big tits large as a bull head would kill a woman back in real life.

the fact that someone is so butthurt about yaoi manga that spends literally whole days screenshoting when large hands means they probably will die alone.

Yaoi chin > Yaoi hand

forget about them user,they use this as a scapegoat to talk shit.

>someone is so butthurt about yaoi manga that spends literally whole days screenshoting when large hands
>literally whole days screenshoting when large hands
user, there are only like ten images ITT, and assuming the tripfag didn't turn it off to samefag, there's at least three of us who posted them. I have tons of pictures of other bad art and QUALITY, anyway, so I don't know what your point it.
> they probably will die alone
Where the fuck do you think you are?

are u making fun of my typo or ?

Isn't the growth of extremities tied to estrogen/testosterone levels? I wouldn't be surprised if it's just the female equivalent of a foot fetish. It's probably subconscious. And the tall, broad look of these characters pretty much coincides with women preferring men of such stature in real life over manlets.

They don't look like that anymore. Are you stuck that far into the past?

if people draw porn of sonic and can ''actually'' enjoy it,why are you surprised about such a minimal thing? I have seen western gay comics much more cringy,some disney gay comics shit with aladdin fucking the genie shit.

I haven't seen shitty art like that in shoujo manga since the 00s. I wonder what caused them to raise their standards.

Are you that same shoujofag from the thread earlier with a hateboner for BL?

I have a hand fetish and can't see why the fuck somebody would want to see huge hands, it's just bad art. I like seeing well drawn hands that make you want to gently hold or caress them.

>hand fetish

I have a hand fetish too. I like large hands with long, slender fingers, and prominent veins. They should look pleasurable to play with the pussy of my self-insert. But they shouldn't be so large as to look unnatural.

Unless he's been playing two very different roles for a long time, he's a different shitposter from that one (who shows up in basically every shoujo thread nowadays to ruin it with her shit taste and rants).

I like to think I had actual sides before I wandered into this thread...


I like this series. Also, the hands aren't nearly as bad as some other examples in this thread.


Damn, Tanya's duck lips have nothing on those


>clearly hasn't laid eyes on a BL series since the 90s
>still bitter enough to whinge about it in 2017
You realize yaoi hasn't looked like that in decades, right? And that art styles change over time?


this is getting out of hand

They're drawn by womanchildren for other womanchildren

Similar to how moe is drawn by manchildren for manchildren

Wtf is this shit?

Increased recruitment from porn circles, and older assistants with more skill.


he has cancer

jojo reference?

those however are just shrink heads

Someone post the Keion version. Nice trips, by the way.


80% of the japanese manga industry are hacks who can't draw to save their lives.

>those fucking names

It's not exclusive to yaoi.

Holy shit, the butthurt.


Degenerate men can draw really well.
It just means that women can't draw. Find me more than 10 shoujo or shounen drawn by women with acceptable art.


Fullmetal alchemist.

Why just shoujo or shounen?

Do you think the hands are the most fucked up thing in that image?