Little Witch Academia

Confirmed things about future episodes from outside sources:
-Episode 22 is about Chariot and Ursula, duh. (episode title)
-Episode 23 is called Yesterday (Netflix)
-Akko will experience yay loss (Febri interview)
-There is still plenty of AkkoDiana highlights (Shiori Miyazaki Twitter)

Things that are likely to happen due to the show itself:
-Andrew and Frank appearing once more.

Double C is cute! CUTE!
And canon!

>Diana will be relevant, stick around and appear a lot more now
Dianafags BTFO AGAIN

>Why are you doing this?
>Because that stupid girl over there is your hope I want you to watch your hope die before your very eyes

Why is Croix so edgy? Holy shit.

What are you talking about?

Since the thread is new, I want to set some ground rules. Don't ship me with Akko, mkay?

>-There is still plenty of AkkoDiana highlights (Shiori Miyazaki Twitter)
Akko's girlfriend is here to stay.

>taking a crazy dianafag seriously

>Inb4 Croix apologists

But an animator said that there are many Diakko scenes coming.

Will they revisit Chekov's Fountain of Polaris?

Yo, can I get some Diana facts?

When has Shiori Miyazaki lied?

Croix will destroy it.

Good question, but will there be time?

That's what I am wondering.
>Croix will destroy it.
Possible, I guess.

So did Chariot lose her magic?

Stop being silly. You know you can't resist the dork.

>When has Shiori Miyazaki lied?
Not really lying, but she does glow shit out of proportion like every deluded dianafag out there.

So this is a PERFECTION looks like...

Is Polaris even going to be relevant again?

The only episode she hyped was 20.

It probably will be a the last resort Akko will have to take in one of the next episodes when she has to face Croix's Dark Rod.
Or Diana goes to the fountain for whatever reason and it appears infront of her, confirming that she also has yay potential, and maybe shows her scenes from Akko's past.

>Will they revisit Chekov's Fountain of Polaris?
Episode 24 I bet. She'll need the powerup before endgame.

Croix will destroy the fountain.


There is no Polaris power-up. The real power-up is the training endured to become worthy of the power-up.

Screencaping to laugh at you when you get BTFO.

LWA Character endgame:

Akko: become like shiny chariot
lotte: own a 2x3 section of a finland 7-11
sucy: legaly own/distribute mushroom(illegal kind)
diana: become like shiny chariot, save the caverdish name
hannah/barb: no idea
amanda: some kind of stripper/dancer
constanza: techno mech magic machinese
jasmik: eat?

Introducing it and then not really using it would be kind of silly, so it really should be relevant.
Whether it will be or not is a different question.

In this moment, Chariot realized her friendship with Croix was ruined

What if Croix destroys it and we get no answer either way?

Polaris powers up someone who is worthy like how Chariot got the power up in the flashback.

Reminder that this is from someone who worked on the next episode

Nah, Chariot was clearly given some sort of upgrade from the stars when she came the second time. Maybe it only overcharges the Rod, but Akko will need lots of energy to face Croix's Anger Rod.

But you can't live without me~

Yet she still tried to salvage it.

Diana also wants to save magic.

What if the fountain just works as a battery for all of the Little Witch team after Croix shuts down her machines deliberately and they're just left msgic-less?

I doubt we'll get a timeskip after the series. It will probably end with the ancient evil finally destroyed after everyone teams up and they'll leave it open ended for another possible season.

I bet Akko's hugs are really warm and comfy.


>Sucy: seclude herself in a mountain and kill anyone that bothers her while she's picking up mushrooms.

I thougth Amanda's episode could be about Akko helping her obtain a dream to strive for, in all of her previous appeareances they mentioned her lack of goals, I thougth they were building up to that, but in the end it was just "I'll keep having fun in school for a while longer".


>What's with that smile on your face, Akko?
>Oh, you're going to hang out with Diana?
>Alright well I'll see you later.
>It's okay, I guess. As long as you're happy, Akko.... then I'm happy....

Stuff that has to come back for the last episodes:
>The Fountain of Polaris
>Shooting Star
>Diana's card
>Akko's hat
>Andrew's dad plot?

Take a drink every time Akko says "Chario"

Sorry man, got work tomorrow. Don't want to come in hungover.

So the spoiler about ep title is true? 24 is Akko and Diana, and 25 is A believing heart is your magic?

God, this art is like my top 1 favorite LWA pic. Like, it's melancholic as fuck but in a very subtle yet still sharp way. It hurts every time I look at it yet it's so damn good. I'd honestly write something based off it if I could, but I cant'.

Only 23 is confirmed.

I think it was nice of Lotte and Sucy to ask Akko to listen to Ursula's advice and commented on how Diana's been kinder toward Akko.

But all the titles were spoiled at the same time though, and 22 and 23 turn out to be correct.

I'm still kind of confused. Did the shiny rod only heal Ursula's superficial wounds and she still can't use magic or fly? Or did the shiny rod also remove the effects of the pollen?

it wouldn't be the first time some retarded user posted one or two legit titles along with some fake ones

I love angsty ships like this, so this episode was perfect for me.


Before or after cuming inside her?

Looks like she cast some sort of shield around them.

It's like you want me you get killed.

Looks like she used Quen

They're probably moving so fast that they're burning up the pollen around them. That said, I think it's safe to assume that Ursula can't fly anymore.

I hope we get to see more of them next episode and have them actually be active again. I like to joke about them being all background witches and all, but I'm starting to feel for the Sucyfags and Lottefags.

I want to pat Diana's head!

Likability tiers this episode:

Chariot > Croix > everyone else >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Akko
inb4 she still hasn't learned anything and impulsively yells about Chariot again

I hope she does lose her magic, that way Croix can feel some small sense of satisfaction before Diana gives her the cure and Croix gets to see her mortal enemy get their magic restored while she herself still relies on machines.

Only fools like Akko so you're safe user. There's no excuse for her behavior this episode beyond bad ass writing.

I love angst like this but it still hurts.
In an ideal world Chariot and Croix would be like Honey & Mustard.

You're delusional to think Croix isn't bottom of the barrel likability this episode. At least Akko's admitted that she fucked up and the last time she did that, she's made actual improvements. The point is, cour 1 made Akko realize that she has to work hard to become competent in magic. Cour 2 is her realizing that she really needs to internalize the words and actually practice what they teach her.

I want to kiss Hannah

Go to bed, Barbara.

Akko's slow but legit, Croix is fast but mean as fuck. Still, I really hate Croix after this, how pathetic do you have to be to drag a 16 year old naive idiot into your petty revenge scheme? The woman even admitted she had no reason to do this other than to hurt Chariot emotionally.

>tfw finally happy to see Akko and Diana become friends
>now it's Croix and Chariot's friendship

It hurts. I really want to see them become friends again too.


Hyper level rare pair

>tfw I have a thing for sundresses

Thank you for blessing me, user.

Have they ever even interacted?

>Hannah walks in

Shit, that was a bit heavy.

>Honey & Mustard.

I want an ova where all the girls go with Chariot in a stargazing roadtrip.

This... This is strange. user, is everything okay?

No, but the aesthetics are too good.

one of the GOAT OL yuri mangas


>H-Hannah? This isn't what it looks like!
>I perfectly know what this is, Barbara.
>No, y-you don't understand!
>You're practicing kisses without me?
>N-Nobu, wait, what?!

This is cute and all, but Lotte is only for Frank and maybe Barbara.

>that fucking episode

Watch, even with the healing from Lyonne, Chariot/Ursula will still be unable to use magic anymore and will be forced to resign from Luna Nova.
Croix will have free reign to use her LITERAL EMOTION MANIPULATING TECHNOMAGIC to fuck shit up.

And we're probably not even at peak despair yet.
We need that moment in every Trigger series where the MC (Akko) loses all their hope and someone they inspired needs to bring them back to their senses (most likely Diana using the Chariot card).

Also, fuck Chariot too for letting history repeat itself.
>She and Croix adventured despite the rod choosing chariot
>They both tried to climb Wagandea
>Pollen happened
>Croix protected Chariot, in turn losing her ability to use real magic/fly
>Taught that bitch gratitude the hard way
>Then Chariot FUCKING FAILED HER and couldn't get the last word, making her sacrifice pointless
This is all Chariot's fault, even Croix insane bullshit.

Oh, no you bitch. You're not NTRing another couple this time. Especially if it's someone pure like Frank and Lotte.

do you think we'll get a gainax ending

it's been so long

>and someone they inspired needs to bring them back to their senses

How lucky of Luluco that she got Inferno Cop to fulfill that role.

In Chariot's defense, she's probably still emotionally scarred from her falling out with Croix. I wouldn't really blame Chariot as much as I would blame Croix for the whole thing.

The losing magic thingy is not confirmed yet. How about you chill out and wait for the explanation next ep?

Diana only of course

But Croix was shown to ease out, even going so far as go to Wangadea for Chariot. There must be another cause for their fallout.

Of call the crack ships how has nobody shipped Andrew and Diana (without Akko) yet? I haven't seen a single pic or even greentext.

So let me get this straight, Croix is gay for Chariot, right? Like not memeing, actually a dyke and her whole plot is basically begging for Chariot to notice her. Like her whole life revolves around one-upping Chariot.

Ursula is the one that's been hiding secrets and constantly telling her to gather the Words despite knowing she isn't in it for it. Akko is only following it for Chariot's sake. Akko wants to meet Chariot, and the more Ursula tried to tiptoe around it, the more it just causes Akko to feel resentment.

Akko is wrong but Ursula is not entirely blameless. Both Criox and Ursula has been using the reward of Chariot to get Akko to do whatever they want her to do. So stop trying to say it's all Akko's fault when it's quite clear everyone share some of it.

I never noticed the Big Dipper Arc was made out of two witch trees like the ones Diana's aunt and cousin almost did transform into.
If Woodward and the other witches created that place it really points to them being evil.

>implying you've ever seen croix use magic

That's bullshit though.
The scene we got at the end where Croix hugged chariot and said it was up to her and whatnot was clearly meant to be after they both fell from Wagandea and Croix lost her magic ability.
Croix was still being nice and trying to motivate Chariot even after that shit.
Her evil insane bullshit most likely didn't start happening until sometime after that point.
Chariot had the Rod into her adulthood. Bitch had plenty of time to get that last word but she fucking gave up and made her best friend's sacrifice pointless.

I really can't blame Croix for going insane with developing the technomagic that lets her use magic via other people's emotions and do all this shit to get the Triskelion herself at this point cause of how much Chariot fucked up.

It's clearly happening. Chariot surely did the same shit Akko did back when she and Croix fell, but as far as I know we've NEVER seen Croix use a broom to fly or do any magic beyond commanding her machines to do shit.
She can't use magic herself, that's why she's doing all this shit now.
And also likely why she sent Akko up the tree. She wanted Akko to suffer the same way she did while also punishing Chariot for failing her.
It's an absolutely horrid thing but again, I'm putting some of the blame on Chariot here.