Shingeki no Bahamut

Best girls

Cerb is a bitch. I wish they can switch her place with Belphegor instead.

Because that dumb bitch is dead.

Rip giant flying snail

Never forgetti

>Puts Cerberus on poster
>Still hasn't appeared

They put Cerberus in Jessica Rabbit outfit. Those madmen want to blow up my dick.

Dog still as ugly as ever.

>>Puts Cerberus on poster
>>Still hasn't appeared

Seriously, what the fuck is that for?

She's in prison with Favaro


W-what? So the era of the semen demon is not over.

To tease.

Semen Saint first.

2nd season porn mangas when

On their way if you're into Charioce/Azazel.

Why is Bacchus so based?
>living among the humans
>being boss to the bounty hunters
>drinking every day
>if you need to you can crash at his place, he doesn't care
>when shit's get real he's capable to fight against a former saint buffed by demonic magic
>used to bang Sophiel
>cares more about booze than about his ex

Cerb is going to tease the shit out of Azazel regarding Nina I can already see it

Cerb will tell azazel exactly how much of a loser and failure he is.

Being doing that since S1, nothing new

I need more.

>Being doing that since S1, nothing new
Yeah? When? Is this the Mandela effect in action or just Alzheimers? Cerb has never said anything rude to Azazel, only her dogs did. And that wasn't even as rude as just a "we'll tell on you!" kind of thing.

Cerb will make demons great again.

>we'll finally get more FAVAROOO this week


and cerberus. maybe not next episode tho

Nice. I like that Virgin Soul is getting all these posters. Genesis had none.

My waifu is back


This poster would be better without her breastplate and belt

Maybe the arm bands too

What goes around comes around

Oh look, she's finally flying.

Studio Wanpack work listing just confirmed Manaria Friends is in production.

Post your face when you find out Cerberus is a leader of another resistance movement and is incomparably more competent than Azazel.

This. It's almost like the demon apologists haven't even watched the first season.

Manaria friends is irrelevant.

Did you? The cause of everything was a human who literally fooled everyone.

Purease rook forward to it



It's going to be shit anyways

I wish they would use that money to make more OVAs or a movie after the anime finishes

Demon apologists will look at this and smile with content at the Azazel/Amira parallel as well as anticipate excitedly the unfolding redemption arc and character growth.

>Holy shit, I'm so awesome. Nobody should have the right to be so cool, I should emprison myself to protect my subjects from such perfection, otherwise humanity would risk genocide again. God why do I have to be so fucking handsome, seriously.

I want to know what do Azazel's armpits smell like

Muy dick

>tfw ywn be as cool as SHARIOSU

It's only going to be downhill from there for Cherry pop.



The student has learned well. Now she needs someone screaming her name.

>dem dick sucking lips

8 episodes in and they still haven't told us how he got the so called "forbidden god's magic". And how are gods losing to their own magic.


It's episode 1


I thought I'd hate her, but she's actually alright.

Won't Rita get waterlogged and mushy?